Cycling Towns of Ceres and Gollum Cycling - Check thread for status

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Julian the unicorn is moving!

Link to the raffle :!&p=2049711#post2049711
I can't believe I let my Julian go to the void before I came on tbt...
Keep checking the thread, maybe Jeremiah will move in! I'll cycle more tomorrow and this weekend. Now I'm waiting for Julian's raffle to end.
Julian has been adopted.

Won in a raffle by archangeltyrael!
Elvis moved in!

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Skye the normal wolf is in boxes!
If I'm not here when you claim Skye, don't worry I'll be back, I'm just doing some real life chores I've been too lazy to do this week. If you're first to claim her, you'll get her.
I'm ready when you are. Just let me know.

OMG I'm sorry I was watching random things on Youtube and spaced out LOL Really sorry. I added you already, I'll open my gate and wait :)
OMG I'm sorry I was watching random things on Youtube and spaced out LOL
Really sorry. I added you already, I'll open my gate and wait :)

lol no worries. Just gimme a sec to finish up a trade.

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On my way
Would it be ok to ask to be notified when Stitches and Roscoe are ready for adoption? Not asking you to reserve them for me, just let me know I have a chance to try and get them
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