Cycling Towns of Ceres and Gollum Cycling - Check thread for status

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Ok! He said he will be there in just a minute! Thank you so much :)

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Sorry for the wait. He just started and didn't know how to take a pic for the tpc lol :p
Ok! He said he will be there in just a minute! Thank you so much :)

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Sorry for the wait. He just started and didn't know how to take a pic for the tpc lol :p

Lol, that's okay! That's the hassle when you first start. :)

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Lucky has been adopted~!
I just helped him tt him in. :) he said to tell you thanks again and that you are super nice. :D

Yay~! I'm glad that he got the plot! No problem! I'm always willing to help! I think it's awesome how he decided to play with you! I tried to get my bf to do that too. Didn't work ; A ;
Haha it took me forever. And he still plays Dota waaaay more.. Bleh. But at least he's willing to try it I suppose. That's all I can ask for xD he probably did it so I'd stop whining but oh well. Maybe your bf will change his mind too someday :D hehe
ARGH!! I totally missed Roscoe! :( Was sleeping, sigh. Ohh well ;_;

Awh! He'll show up again!!

and Curt has moved in~

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Haha it took me forever. And he still plays Dota waaaay more.. Bleh. But at least he's willing to try it I suppose. That's all I can ask for xD he probably did it so I'd stop whining but oh well. Maybe your bf will change his mind too someday :D hehe

I hope so! I keep bugging him about it and showing him my favorite villagers! He likes COD and FIFA more though. :/ One day one day. Hahah
They see me cycling, rolling, uh-huh.

Forgot the rest. Lol

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Curt and Barold has moved in~

The SUPERHERO Uchi Mira is in boxes~!

She's a sweetie! Add my cycle FC below!

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Last call~
I have and love Sally, she is great, so I hope she finds a good home once she moves out :)
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