Hi. Is there has chance i could reserve Rodney please
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Has mira been voided?
goldie im ready for you to come to me
hi stin! how was your day?
she's stubborn! But should be moving sometime today!
Good good, I had the day off from work. Phew, got some Christmas wrapping done. Yours?
that sounds lovely, did you use tissue paper and glitter snow because i did ohohohoho
nah, i'm writing some essays bc that's tradition between me and my friends, you know massive essays about how much you love them in order to comfort them and all that, leaving it till the last minute though so i'll be up for a while, which is good since it gives me reason to stay up for goldie, have you got anything great that you know of yet?
also are you going to get bravely default :O?
i always do! Lol, I can't help it and ribbons and bows I love decorating!! Ugh, just have to do it. Awh i'm sure that would be lovely! I'll be up tonight! I hope she moves soon.
Not yet, well I did get a 3ds xl during black friday with early money from my boyfriend lol. so that's one.
omg yessss. i'm waiting till after xmas to get it though are you??
Peggy is my ULTIMATE dreamie! I'd love to give her a good home
sorry to butt in but bravely default?! ME TOO *O*
*goes back to lurking*
Please keep me posted! I've been desperately searching for her FOREVER.. thank you thank you~
sorry to butt in but bravely default?! ME TOO *O*
*goes back to lurking*
i should probably shouldn't i? it'll be cheaper too right
okay i'll wait it out!!
and aaah the XL, i got the ac edition one as soon as i could
i hope she moves soon too!! and yes decorating is wonderful! i need to make my nails christmassy since it's pre-christmas with friends tomorrow, and ah i really went for the bows and all of that too, it's just so fun.
what have you got for others then?
i gave some presents and cards to people today, its just so lovely to watch them open it waaah