Trouble resetting for native flowers?

I’m not talking about any kind of secondary flowers or flowers you can buy from nook’s cranny. I’m talking about the flowers you get with your island, the ones you see on the cliff when you first land. I can’t tell if some people are talking about the ones in their shops or the ones on their starting island and I’m getting a little confused 😥😥
I'll try to add to this data!

My birthday is in October and my island has COSMOS naturally growing. My sister was born in June and had ROSES naturally growing on her island.

I don't know what my sister's secondary flower is to be honest, but when I go on Mystery Island Tours, if I don't get Cosmos, I instead get HYACINTHS. In fact, I found a Mystery Island filled with hybrid Hyacinths.

I can't remember off the top of my head what my Nook's Cranny sells, however. I'm not near my Switch right now to check.
April birthday with pansies as my native growing so who knows what's going on here.
My birthday month is May. I have windflowers naturally and I’ve only ever seen tulips on islands save for once when I had hyacinths. Every other time it’s been tulips or windflowers. Timmy and Tommy only sell windflowers, pansies, and tulips. No roses in sight. :(

Side note the 5am music is so pretty 💕
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Thank you for this, prior to my first game, I spent a lot of time resetting to run to see the flowers on the cliffs and I could only get Windflowers, Pansies and Mums (with a January birthday), this makes much more sense now why I couldn't get Lilies or Roses as I never thought to change the birthday.
Some more data: my birthday is this month and I got tulips, have hyacinths windflowers and pansies in shop. Boyfriend is november and got cosmos, It think he has 2 of the same flowers in shop but dont remember which.

We should be gathering up info on this to get a cohesive list, would be interesting!
Just to add in a bit of clarification here, as it seems some people are confusing shop flowers and Nook Miles flowers as "native"...

From what I can tell, the list on the previous page for the 3 possible native flowers per birth month is accurate. Possibly only for the northern hemisphere, but otherwise accurate. Your island has a chance of naturally growing one of 3 flowers depending on your birthday. Even if you discover a discrepancy to the list, it's possible that it's maybe tied to Zodiac sign instead but even in that case it likely just means you'll fall into either the next or previous month's list, and you will still be restricted to one of 3 flowers using that birthdate. If you want a specific flower, have restarted a ton, and seen 3 different kinds, I think it's futile to keep restarting using that same birth date.

The flowers available in your shop and quite likely on your Nook Miles variant flower island I believe are seasonal. Pretty much everyone in the northern hemisphere right now (as we're in April/Spring) will see whatever their native flower is (again, as determined by birthdate/month), as well as hyacinth, pansies, tulips, and windflowers depending on the day in the shop. Usually your native + 2 of the seasonals.

The thing I'm not as certain on, but seems likely, is it's quite possible that each system has a "seasonal sister" flower. Which is to say, your system will pick one of the seasonal flowers available and have that one consistently show up as your variant on Nook Miles islands. If you're an August birthday with cosmos as your native right now and you want roses, your only option is to wait for a change in seasons when it's likely they'll have a chance of being in your shop - or get them from someone born in a month who got roses as their possible native (in which case, despite them being out of season, they'll be in that person's shop).

That's my current understanding of the system, based on all my reading and testing my wife and I have done.
Just to add in a bit of clarification here, as it seems some people are confusing shop flowers and Nook Miles flowers as "native"...

From what I can tell, the list on the previous page for the 3 possible native flowers per birth month is accurate. Possibly only for the northern hemisphere, but otherwise accurate. Your island has a chance of naturally growing one of 3 flowers depending on your birthday. Even if you discover a discrepancy to the list, it's possible that it's maybe tied to Zodiac sign instead but even in that case it likely just means you'll fall into either the next or previous month's list, and you will still be restricted to one of 3 flowers using that birthdate. If you want a specific flower, have restarted a ton, and seen 3 different kinds, I think it's futile to keep restarting using that same birth date.

The flowers available in your shop and quite likely on your Nook Miles variant flower island I believe are seasonal. Pretty much everyone in the northern hemisphere right now (as we're in April/Spring) will see whatever their native flower is (again, as determined by birthdate/month), as well as hyacinth, pansies, tulips, and windflowers depending on the day in the shop. Usually your native + 2 of the seasonals.

The thing I'm not as certain on, but seems likely, is it's quite possible that each system has a "seasonal sister" flower. Which is to say, your system will pick one of the seasonal flowers available and have that one consistently show up as your variant on Nook Miles islands. If you're an August birthday with cosmos as your native right now and you want roses, your only option is to wait for a change in seasons when it's likely they'll have a chance of being in your shop - or get them from someone born in a month who got roses as their possible native (in which case, despite them being out of season, they'll be in that person's shop).

That's my current understanding of the system, based on all my reading and testing my wife and I have done.

The seasonal sister varient sounds interesting! It would be really nice to have different flowers on the islands. I did notice the change in shop flowers while season skipping, but I did not have enough points the check the islands well enough. I did always have tulips in my shop no matter the season however, and those are my current sister flower for islands. :(
pretty sure the list on the second page is accurate. i have a crew of september friends; i have mums, my friend has cosmos, and my other friend has lillies.

super weird that they'd do this.
I was starting a second island and decided I would reset in order to get roses at my native flower since my primary island had mum's and I wasn't too interested in them. I reset hundreds of times and only managed to get mums, windflowers, or pansies. I was choosing southern hemisphere instead of northern too to have something a little bit different and finally I tried northern hemisphere instead and then all of a sudden I was able to get lilies, which I eventually just opted for because I never found roses and got tired of resetting.
Interesting! I have my birthday set to my cats birthday which is in June 16. My first town had tulips, then I reset. Now I have roses on my current town with the same birthday.
Since I had nothing but time on my hands I reset got each month until I got the 3 flowers for that month and made a list!

January - Windflowers, Pansy, Mums
February - Pansy, Windflowers, Hyacinths
March - Tulips, Pansy, Hyacinths
April - Tulips, Windflowers, Hyacinth
May - Roses, Tulips, Windflowers
June - Lillies, Tulips, Cosmos
July - Roses, Lillies, Cosmos
August - Lillies, Cosmos, Mums
September - Cosmos, Lillies, Mums
October - Mums, Cosmos, Roses
November - Mums, Cosmos, Roses
December - Pansy, Mums, Roses

I doubled checked August and September since they had the same flowers but after double checking them, they do indeed have the same flowers. I’ve also found that while the months have 3 flowers that can be native, the 3 possible native flowers are not guaranteed to be available to be bought in the shop. I have 2 friends who have birthdays in October and neither of them had Roses in their shop but had flowers that weren’t native to October such as Hyacinths, Windflowers, and Pansies.

My birthday is at the end of June and I got roses 🤔
My birthday is at the end of June and I got roses 🤔
The day must have something to do with it too. I did June 16 and have roses. They did say July had roses so maybe they start to merge?
Mine is January and I have windflowers and pansies. Not sure what my third flower is? It definitely is not mum, as suspected for January.
My birthday is on February 3rd and I got windflowers (native), hyacinths and pansies from nooks and tulips from traveling via DAL with NMTs (and I don’t know if is any correlation, but my Town Hall has tulips in a vase dunno if these change with the seasons)
mine is early november and i have native cosmos and secondary tulips...a neat system to be sure, but v frustrating for me since roses and lillies are some of my favorite irl flowers 😭