Closed Tucker's Toasty Tavern Trivia - Silver Bells Distributed

im looking for a group if anyone is still looking as well c:
Looking for a group if anyone wants to let me join theirs owo
I know I'm a little late but I would love to join a team, I can't really trust myself to do this alone lol
looking for a group to work with! I am knowledgeable with flags and geography lmao if that helps.
also looking for a group! everyone else was posting at 4am so maybe you've teamed up by now lmao
im looking for a group if anyone is still looking as well c:

Are you all already In a team? I don't know who's already or not in a team so I just quoted some people ^^ lmk if you're interested
So me and two other users (Asarena, StarlitGlitch) are still looking for two teammates to make this a quintet. If anyone's interested don't hesitate to DM :]
Am I able to join your team making it 4? :)
As long as the other two don’t mind. I’m fine with an extra brain to help us out. What do you think @Croconaw and @Midoriya ?

Edit: @Rhea has also asked about being our 5th and final member. As long as everyone is cool with our group I’m good with it as well. Just let me know if you guys are ok with it. :)
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