• And we're back! Mushroom Season continues on The Bell Tree with an all-new mysterious set of Foraged Mushrooms. Good luck foraging and identifying!

Turnips in Progress @ 616 bells!—SEE MY FINAL POST!

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Holy crap that was fast. Sorry for the delay. I'm OMW! I had to load 18 Bush starts into my locker.
@ 07:15 p.m. ET:

kwark has left.

mwgii is in town.

- - - Post Merge - - -

What I was trying to say Candy was end the session and add 2 others and I will come back with them. Since I was late it is not fair to you to wait on me since I have a ton to sell.
They said they were having storms in their area, so they may have lost power for a few minutes.
UPDATE 07.07.2014 @ 07:24 p.m. ET:

We had an error.

I will re-open in about 15 minutes.

(In the meantime, I will have some Friend Codes to enter onto my 3DS game console.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I would like to come please. I only need one trip since I only have a few bushels.

I entered your Friend Code. Your Mii came in.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can I come over? :)

I entered your Friend Code. Your Mii did not come in.


[My Progress] Friend Code: 2809–9322–1107
My apologies, but will I be added to your 3DS soon? My FC is listed. :)

Yes. I welcome you to come to Progress to sell turnips.

I thought I may have already entered your Friend Code onto my 3DS game console.

I'll make sure on my part.

Please stand by. (Thanks!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Currently in town:

@ 07:45 p.m. ET:

Currently in town:


- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, I just double checked, I added the right FC.

Once my town is clear, I'll check.

I'll close gate so no one else comes. (Right now.)

- - - Post Merge - - -


Town is now empty.

I will welcome you. Before doing that, I'll make sure you come in on my 3DS game console.

If there is anyone else wanting to come (or someone who hasn't but did ask), please say so. I don't want to miss anyone.

Last call is a posting time @ 08:30 p.m. ET. That's the cutoff time for a new request. (Those who came before can return but should let me know they're wanting to.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, I just double checked, I added the right FC.

@ 08:03 p.m. ET:

You just came in. (Mii.)

I will now open the gate for you.


- - - Post Merge - - -

UPDATE 07.07.2014 @ 08:10 p.m. ET:

No one is visiting. (Kelz just left.)

Please let me know if you're wanting to come sell turnips.
UPDATE 07.07.2014 @ 08:32 p.m ET:

I intend to resume hosting turnips tomorrow [07.08.2014].

Time is not yet determined.

Thread is now closed.
UPDATE 07.08.2014 @ 06:25 p.m. ET: I will be hosting turnips, again, beginning at an estimate time of 07:00 p.m. ET.
I would love to come again I just bought turnips again today and have found no prices over 400!

No problem.

You're already registered on my 3DS game console.

[EDIT: Estimated time is 07:30 p.m. ET.]

(I may get delayed a few minutes.)
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ooooh i would love to come again also if that is ok! i think i have quite a few turnips to sell, i hope that's not a problem :p
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