I just closed the gate and am trying again. (I have mistakenly done "Nearby" instead of "Faraway"!)
I have 900 turnips. When you are ready for me open.
I'd like to come please~
I have 900 turnips. When you are ready for me open.
I don't see you're gate.Town now has no visitors.
Gate will be opening soon. Give me about 10 minutes. (Maybe a little less.)
Please make sure I come in on your 3DS game console.
Could I come too?
What starts do you need? O:
I don't see you're gate.
Alright, I will wait.Gate is closed.
You just came in on my 3DS game console.
I have one more forum member's name to add.
I'll re-open in another five to ten minutes.
UPDATE 07.05.2014 @ 09:09 p.m. ET: Chibi.Hoshi and BibiBurger are now appearing with their Miis in my 3DS game console. A moment ago, I checked and Rory&Easton has not yet appeared. I will try to add Plinkoid.
Do you mind if I hold off a bit to avoid traffic in your town, or would you rather I come over right now? :O