Twenty Years on The Bell Tree

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happy 20th birthday bell tree! 20 years is an amazing achievement!

congrats to the first lot of bell winners and good luck everyone on the next one! looking forward to the quiz and looking through everything.

@Rosch @JemAC I think you two are the only ones that weren't notified when I posted this originally. I think since I @'d so many it muted all of the mentions. If you actually did see this, you can ignore this. I just wanted to do draw something for you all since you made art for me. And I was honored and touched that you did. Thank you!

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this is great, thank you blue! such a lovely gesture to do this for everyone!
Happy 20th Birthday TBT! 🎉💗

This is a really cute low-stress mini-event. I've enjoyed looking through some of the 2019 time capsule, and I'm enjoying seeing the Canvas Crossing entries on the front page!

I love the
collectible, and the name too! 🎉 I spent my last 10 TBT Bells buying it from the shop, so thank you so much for 500 Bell win! 🎉🎉🎉 Good luck to everyone in the next raffle! 🎉💗✨
Oh! I missed the 6x2 lineups at April Fools, there were so many shenanigans happening that day, haha. I'm glad I can try it out this time!
Also sad I missed the Friday raffle, but I'm more of a lurker anyway, so today's raffle will hopefully be more fruitful =)
Happy Birthday TBT! Hope we can enjoy 20 more wonderful years of this wonderful little safe and supportive corner of the internet!
thank you so much for the bells and for hosting these generous raffles in the first place! this week has been awful, so this was a really nice surprise to log on to, thank you. 🩷

congrats to the other winners and good luck to everyone for the next 2 raffles! 🤞🏻 looking forward to trivia tonight!
I didn’t post here before but Happy 20th Birthday! I kind of wish I was around to write a time capsule so I could see whatever cringy message I put on it. 😂 I’m definitely going to do this one though. I wonder if I’ll win any of the raffles… probably not lol.
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