"Sarah is a uchi monkey who has a sporty style and the School furniture set."
I can definitely see the uchi because I'm an older sister, don't know about the monkey part (unless I'm a cute monkey like Nana!). I don't have a sporty style but the school furniture set sounds cute
Amy is a normal anteater who has a historical style and the Rococo furniture set.
The Rococo part is pretty accurate, as that's one of my favourite furniture sets, but I never imagined myself as an anteater. XD Oh, well. At least it's an alliteration: Amy the anteater.
make up a whole character bio for your mayor villager thing
[NAME] "[catchphrase]"
Gender: [male/female/other]
Personality: [lazy/normal/whatever]
Species: [frog/squirrel/whatever]
Birthday: [mm.dd]
Initial phrase: [like whitney's 'snappy' or marshal's 'sulky']
Initial clothes: [like gelato tee, beaded tank, denim vest, etc]
[OPTIONAL] Coffee: [blend], [1/2/3] milk, [1/2/3] sugar
Favourite song: [what KK song would be playing in their house]
[OPTIONAL] [design what their room would look like, complete with exterior and wallpaper/flooring.]
[OPTIONAL] [draw/design the villager mayor]
if you were to post it here, PUT IT UNDER A SPOILER as to not make the pages longer