Ugly Villagers?

I find the big-eyed villagers like Chrissy and Cookie to be really unsettling. I don't care how kawaii uguu they're supposed to be, those are the eyes of the mentally unstable.

Also, every hamster not named Soleil is terribad. Apple looks like Satan.

Pretty much all of the monkey and mice villagers are ugly to me.

I personally think all monkey villagers are ugly! Especially Shari

[insert 2huge pic here]

Just look at her! She is soo ugly!
fite me irl Shari is the cutest monkey tho
I'm sorry! I just don't like the bears, no need to get annoyed :3 Actually, no one was that annoyed. Never mind lol

I never said "all of the big bears are ugly". I said they were "yucky yuck yuck" :D

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"Apple looks like Satan"

The truth has been spoken.
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"Apple looks like Satan"
Yeah, her design looks weird in the game.
How come the fanart for the villagers look better than their appearances in-game?
Pietro looks like a Serial Killer. Julian looks... well nevermind this isn't an adult chatroom after all...

Please elaborate on how he looks like a serial killer. Also it's a kids game, Nintendo had no intention of making Julian seem that way.
Poor Pietro just has the bad luck of being modeled after something many people have a (usually irrational) fear of. I don't have any clown issues and I love rainbows so he's okay by me!

Back in the original GC version it was a running joke I'd write Coco letters about how much she scared me. It was of course just exaggeration for fun.
Please elaborate on how he looks like a serial killer.
Just think of the movie "It", but even stupider.
I do like Pietro though, he's kewl.
But Curlos is better.

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Poor Pietro just has the bad luck of being modeled after something many people have a (usually irrational) fear of. I don't have any clown issues and I love rainbows so he's okay by me!

Back in the original GC version it was a running joke I'd write Coco letters about how much she scared me. It was of course just exaggeration for fun.
Some of you should calm down, opinions people :u

Also I'd think the fact that Julian has his eyes closed in a weird way would be a turn off. It's just unnatural and weird. If he had open eyes I'd just accept him as the generic unicorn but noope.
I had Elise in my cycling town and seriously felt like gagging. I was sure no one would want her and that she'd go to the void. When I logged in the next morning, someone was practically begging me for her. They adopted her and then sent a message telling me how much they love her. Beauty certainly is in the eye of the beholder. While I would never want a villager like Elise in my town, I gained appreciation for "ugly" villagers. :)
I think it's funny when people say Peaches is ugly, and they hate her eyes, when her and Stitches are basically the effing same.
They both have the same damn eyes.

I'm always open to loving any villager I get, I get attached easily, but even if I don't like how a villager looks, I'm glad that there are others out there who love them.
I think it's funny when people say Peaches is ugly, and they hate her eyes, when her and Stitches are basically the effing same.
They both have the same damn eyes.

I'm always open to loving any villager I get, I get attached easily, but even if I don't like how a villager looks, I'm glad that there are others out there who love them.

OMG, I totally never noticed this. I've been living a lie.

Maybe it's because Stitches is a teddy bear so it's okay, but Peaches is supposed to look like a living animal rather than a cuddly toy.
The fact that people call Biskit "ugly" upsets me.
You guys have no taste in this adorable dog.