Ugly Villagers?

So much hate! Love thy villager!

I remember when me and my boyfriend shared a village on gamecube and Coco moved in... we never wanted to play again lol

Haha the gamecube version good old times, I had admiral really loved him when he left I was out..
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Wart Jr is just straight up repulsive, I don't understand why anyone would want him. There is absolutely nothing admirable about him xD
When he first moved into my town, I had initially though Hans was a pretty ugly villager...but to be honest, he's kinda growing on me a little :confused:
Moose, he was stuck in my main town for months and then moved into my second town, and he's still there today, ugh. .-.
Gruff is pretty ugly. But I liked his personality, he did move out though and I am not happy or sad, I'm happy hes out since he's ugly but sad that a good personality is gone. So kinda in the middle
there are just SO many ugly villagers but ugliest by far are Barold and Jambette! what were they thinking? XD
When he first moved into my town, I had initially though Hans was a pretty ugly villager...but to be honest, he's kinda growing on me a little :confused:

Eugene, Melba, and Alice, hello?
Tough to decide. Probably Wart Jr. though. Every single time I'd restart City Folk, there he was, or he'd move in later. I can't stand him honestly.... I wanted someone new, but he never moved back out.