Dream Interpreter
Here's another bump! Getting closer to completing these wishlists! Thanks everyone! 
come to my shop, tell me what you like and we can trade http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?344586-SHOP!-TBT-IGB-BELLS-TRADE!
Town: Degrassi
Friend Code: sidebar
Time Zone: PST
Transaction: Trading
Items in Transaction: Roald's pic
Offer: Elise's pic
Preferred town: yours
Password:Chocolate cake
Name: YuYu
Town: TeaStory
Friend Code: 5473-0180-8550
Time Zone:EST
Transaction: Trading
Items in Transaction: Shoji screen, sphinx, bunny balloon p, leo sculpture
Offer: mega sproid, mega dinkoid, tall sputnoid, blue retro dress
Preferred town: yours
Password: Chocolate cake
- - - Post Merge - - -
I'll also throw in some IGB c:
Just checked everything and it's all set and good! Awww you don't have to. Trust me, the gyroids and the dress are a big help (especially the dress since I can never get those things in my Able's!). Gates are open if you want to drop on by!