There's apparently cheese that has maggots in it. They make the cheese and let flies lay eggs in it. The maggots eat into the cheese (like swiss cheese) and it's a delicacy. Or so I've heard. They can keep that delicacy.
I'm a picky eater, so the foods I'd consider unpleasant are usually those that I haven't tried yet. I'm trying to get out of it, though.
If there's one kind of food I'd consider truly unpleasant, it's the spicy kind. I dislike the feeling of your tongue being burned and I don't get the appeal that comes with spicy food.
i'm not too particularly picky about my foods in general but there are a few things i'm not a huge fan of and would not want to eat:
1. carrots - they just taste really weird and bad to me i always pick out carrots in salads and stuff like that
2. cilantro/coriander/parsley - i'm not a fan of these herb-y leafy things that people sprinkle on top for garnish. absolutely tastes terrible
3. chocolate - i hate the taste and can't stand the bitterness
4. olives - not a fan it tastes really strange
5. artificial orange/grape - idk something about orange or grape candies just doesn't sit right for me for some reason. i always pick out orange and grape candies from the skittles pack
Tofu, bleu cheese, mushrooms, vanilla are unpleasant for me. The smell of mushrooms and vanilla are unpleasant for me too. There are probably more but those are all I can think of right now.
I absolutely despise oysters. They leave such an awful taste in my mouth, especially when they're in a soup. They just overpower everything, and I hate them.
As for new things, I'm pretty open-minded and would try almost anything. I'd probably never try Balut or guinea pig or anything super slimy. I'm one to be more turned off by the texture of the food in my mouth.
really really hate coriander. also dislike spicy stuff. i'm unsure about octopus, i don't remember if i've tried it or not but the holey bits look sort of rubbery and funky (not the good sort of funky)
I really don't like squash, mango, cottage cheese, fruit butter or orange-flavored sherbet. I'm also not a fan of anything spicy or foods that have too many artificial sweeteners or have been sweetened with stevia.
On the other hand, I like black plums, raw lemons and bean sprouts, which don't seem too popular.
There's a lot of foods I don't like and usually it comes down to a texture thing more so than a flavour thing. Really chewy foods I just don't like them. So things like pigs ear or chicken feet can't handle it, tripe is a no, squid/octopus too chewy for me, even just a fatty piece on the side of a steak or pork chop I really can't eat it.