ngl this made me think.... men have been creating extraordinarily creepy fanart of Isabelle for years, but nobody really talks about it (or if people talk about it, they treat it as a joke). but women doing the same exact thing with raymond has created all this outrage in a matter of weeks. nobody really dislikes Isabelle (some people have complained about her being pretty useless in NH, but that has nothing to do with the way her fans have been acting for years), yet Raymond's popularity has caused major backlash to the point where disliking Raymond is about as popular as liking him.
now, I'm not trying to justify people fetishizing a cartoon cat-- creepy art is creepy art and it frankly makes me uncomfortable, no matter the subject or who makes it. but I can't help but feel like there's a double standard at work here.
Oh she really is like Lolly! She's so cute!frog villagers are underrated and deserve more love, my fav is lily, but why aren't ones like puddles more popular? and bring back sunny! yk she would be up there with lily!! like seriously there's nothing wrong with the model of the frogs.. there are just some with questionable design but don't diss them ALL over it
If I see Teddy in a dress he will be voted off the island.
what if they’re all in dresses and they vote you off the islandhow the turns have tabled
Thank you for saying the dress bit! Men in dresses is every bit as fine as women in masculine clothing, lol.putting pixelated male animals into dresses isn't a big deal, and most people don't even sexualize it, they do it because it's cute. stop acting like those who do are "dirty".
also, i miss the town square; i liked seeing the tree's growth as the game progresses and how all the history is detailed when you sit on it. i hope they bring a feature that shows the history and growth of a town.
i don't really ... like golden roses. i understand why people might like them, but to me, they just look a little weird? i dunno, lol. i'm not even sure this is an unpopular opinion tbh
I think I would describe the roses as tacky, just as anything that looks pure gold. They also just look so unnatural. I don't think there are flowers that are the exact same colour as their stem. I think a silver stem would have made them feel more reali don't really ... like golden roses. i understand why people might like them, but to me, they just look a little weird? i dunno, lol. i'm not even sure this is an unpopular opinion tbh
ALSO, THANK YOU FOR THISputting pixelated male animals into dresses isn't a big deal, and most people don't even sexualize it, they do it because it's cute. stop acting like those who do are "dirty".