Unpopular Opinions

putting pixelated male animals into dresses isn't a big deal, and most people don't even sexualize it, they do it because it's cute. stop acting like those who do are "dirty".
inch resting how if you put dresses on your female villagers everyone thinks it's cute but if you put dresses on your male villagers everyone automatically thinks you're fetishizing them 🤔🤔🤔
i hate blathers. is this unpopular? not sure. i make him tell me about all the bugs and i slowly read the diaglogue. if it's a fish/fossil i just tell him nty.

why the hate? because he doesn't wave to me when i leave the museum. nook waves. isabelle waves. why can't you wave, blathers? 🥺
This made me laugh. You torture him into tell you about the dreaded bugs 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t like him because he thinks I still don’t know he’s a night owl and asleep through the day. Like we’ve been over this blathers. Since 2005. I KNOW YOU SLEEP ON THE JOB.
Mine is:
Raymond is a piece of trash and should be towed on a string on the "Just married" cart.
He's basic, and everyone has him making him common
I feel like this is mean but Judy looks like a furry oc of a 2014 pastel goth who picked up a how to draw anime book...

Also, as nice as perfectly planned out (insert any aesthetic) towns look, very few of the ones you seen shown off have any sort of storytelling, visual or otherwise, in them and it bums me out because thats my FAVOURITE part of building my town. Like how do people build entire towns without putting in little stories, I’d get so bored...
honestly i really like the exterior glitch and hope it doesn’t get fixed c’: i care a lot about aesthetics and unfortunately some of my dreamies’ house exteriors don’t match the rest of my island, but this is really easily remedied through the exterior glitch <3
I don't know if these are unpopular, but anyway...
This game doesn't have enough character customization, so everyone's characters looks kinda samey.
There should be more skin shades, noses, and mouths. I thought of making a second character that was an alien. It would be cool if I could have given her green skin.
I think it's great that we get lots of cool things for our island, but it means nothing to me if the villagers can't use them. I want to go on the teacups ride with Moe and see my villagers browsing the different market stalls. I also think it would be cute if they could ride the tricycles and scooters, and we could ride the bikes.
They should have let us design pants and skirts too. My bro likes to make military uniforms and can never find pants that match them.
They should have let us rotate houses and other buildings.
I don't really care about the wedding event on photopia or the items. We should have gotten something cooler for the start of summer.
I don't understand how this game somehow became a competition on social media. Animal Crossing is a chill game and should be played your way and at your own pace.
Cats are the best species. Frogs are the worst. I'm actually afraid of frogs irl though, so that's why I don't like them.
I know this has been said before, but why does Isabelle have to do announcements every day? If there's really nothing going on today, just skip the whole thing.
Cyd is my favourite out of the new villagers and I actually really want him in my town.

I hate having KK Slider come every Saturday

I don't want Brewster back, maybe because I don't like coffee but I hated having the cafe in NL

I don't like islands that look like cities, some of the screenshots I've seen they just look to cluttered.

I actually don't mind Tom Nook and don't think he's quite the villian he is made out to be.
Everyone seems to hate Isabelle’s announcements (to the point that I really don’t think hating them is an unpopular opinion at all, and should be said on the rant thread rather than here) but... the only problems I have with them are that she doesn’t announce visitors and that she doesn’t have a bigger variety of things to say. Other than that I love her announcements and I’m glad they exist?? Because I mean... as much as I loved her before, it was only because she was cute and kinda helpful. She didn’t hardly have any character or personality in NL besides being a workaholic and I feel that she was only popular because of what I said: she’s cute and kinda helpful.
Maybe HHD gave her some personality but I didn’t hardly play that and all I know from it is that she can sing Bubblegum K.K. But now in NH she has Tom Nook helping her out so she actually has free time to do things like crossword puzzles and watching comedy shows (as opposed to work work work and then only sleeping an hour a day) and it finally gives her character and shows how dorky she is. So yeah, I love her announcements and I just wish there were more of them.
People also say they think Tom Nook should be the announcer again, but then we’d have the same situation: everyone would complain that his announcements are useless and nobody wants to hear about his crossword puzzle and he should shut up. Maybe it’d be cool if they rotated and both did the announcements on different days but I would never want to get rid of Isabelle, especially now that I can finally name specific things I love about her besides “she has cute floppy ears”.
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All this disappointment with the amount of dialogue that, at least, people get access to (because I believe a lot of it is just badly triggered) has overshadowed the AMAZING job the localization team has done to make the characters in this game sound so fresh and relevant. The perfect use of slang and buzzwords still amazes me!
I am perhaps the only one here but I am not fond of the wedding event. I find it really boring and useless. 1 month of that ...
and thats on NMT!

edit: ngl i do want raymond tho lol but tbh his "fan base" be doing the most like sis chill... and hes so overpriced :(
Yeah I saw, people on Ebay are Selling him for $60+, and although I don’t play NH (I want to, don’t get me wrong) it’s just crazy