Unpopular Opinions

3 Gulliver should've been replaced with a new NPC if Chip and Nate are replaced. Come on. Also his rewards are now clothing. Lame.

Just to let you know if you don't already, but Gulliver does have statues as rewards too. I've gotten the leaning tower of Piza and the Statue of Liberty so far. I haven't gotten Gulliver very often since then.
Exactly. I especially don’t get when they act like NMT is somehow a reliable method of hunting dream villagers.

It may not turn up your dreamies all of that often, but it is fun to have the rush of seeing what you'll get and potentially getting them. In the past you didn't really have any quick way of playing the RNG in Animal Crossing for villagers IIRC.

It would feel so much better to run into my dreamie via a long NMT hunt instead of just using an Amiibo, TBH.

It's like gacha, except the game doesn't charge you real money for it, so it's innocent... At least in an in-game context. Obviously people are abusing it, and some are even charging real money for it. That's sad, but I avoid all of that.
1. The bushes looks better and more natural in New Leaf.
2. I don't see the appeal of Coco apart from putting her in horror-themed islands and she looks awkward as a normal.
3. I hate flowers that are randomly placed and looks like they're all over the place. This is probably the reason why I'm not fond of forest-themed town/island. Sure, they look natural and some of them look great (if you look at the overall design), but ahh.. It looks messy. Everything looks messy. I would want to shovel them away. The color hurts my eyes. I'd be like "My eyes, my eyes ahhh".
4. Also, whenever I see an area with big flower arrangement in vertical/horizontal rows, it makes me think like "Are they duping flowers or hosting a giveaway"?
5. Not fond of interior rooms that looks like they just dropped the whole set to display then call it a day (almost no displays on the table, not enough wall items, etc.). Well, at least, the color looks good.
6. I'm not the one who abuse simple panels but they probably look fine if they're used as walls or partitions, but when they are used as drinks/bar/coffee or plant shelf or anything that supposedly has items in it, they look fake (really fake).
7. I don't landscape an area based on what's new or what is "in". Redd's black market area that goes all the way to the secret beach, check. Castle that has several silos on it, check, Forced perspective, check. Wedding area, check. They all look great and original, but I'm not going to force myself to do something like that if they don't fit my theme just to say "Hey, look at my version of blah, blah". Sorry, but they look tacky and some imitation.
8. I like Audie because of wolf being my favorite out of all the species, not because of a reference to some grandma.. No offense though.

Every villager is bland, boring, and way too nice personality wise. Where are my mean boys? Why can't villagers insult me anymore?
tell this to croque lmao. he literally yelled GAHAHAHAHA in my face when he was packing up to move.
I always try to think the water is going underground, or coming from an underground source. Maybe that helps? :p
This is a legit thing water does, so that's always been my theory for stuff like this, too. Even a waterfall that ends in a pond, that new water has to be going somewhere or else it would overflow--the place it's going is usually back into the ground.
This is a legit thing water does, so that's always been my theory for stuff like this, too. Even a waterfall that ends in a pond, that new water has to be going somewhere or else it would overflow--the place it's going is usually back into the ground.

Indeed! Though I still understand why people could still think it looks unnatural - to each their own, I suppose :)
Mice are the most underrated species as a whole and I really don't understand how or why they're so unpopular :(

Raymond's popularity and hype is pretty deserved; objectively speaking he's got the following going for him:
-he's a cat, an extremely popular animal not just in AC but on the internet in general
-he has heterochromia, a unique/cool character design thing
-he has glasses
-he's a smug, one of the newer personalities and on top of that the only smug cat
-he's a new villager
-he doesn't have an amiibo

I'd say the hype around him is pretty understandable; fangirls definitely go way too far and crazy but I mean I think that's just a fangirl culture thing. That being said though, I wasn't super hyped about him when the new villagers were revealed. I thought he was cute and I was excited to try to get him, but I was a lot more excited for Reneigh. Despite not being hyped about him, I already knew he was gonna be insanely popular. I do have him on my island now and I actually do really enjoy him now because he reminds me of my boyfriend haha.
I'd say the hype around him is pretty understandable; fangirls definitely go way too far and crazy but I mean I think that's just a fangirl culture thing.
ngl this made me think.... men have been creating extraordinarily creepy fanart of Isabelle for years, but nobody really talks about it (or if people talk about it, they treat it as a joke). but women doing the same exact thing with raymond has created all this outrage in a matter of weeks. nobody really dislikes Isabelle (some people have complained about her being pretty useless in NH, but that has nothing to do with the way her fans have been acting for years), yet Raymond's popularity has caused major backlash to the point where disliking Raymond is about as popular as liking him.

now, I'm not trying to justify people fetishizing a cartoon cat-- creepy art is creepy art and it frankly makes me uncomfortable, no matter the subject or who makes it. but I can't help but feel like there's a double standard at work here.
ngl this made me think.... men have been creating extraordinarily creepy fanart of Isabelle for years, but nobody really talks about it (or if people talk about it, they treat it as a joke). but women doing the same exact thing with raymond has created all this outrage in a matter of weeks. nobody really dislikes Isabelle (some people have complained about her being pretty useless in NH, but that has nothing to do with the way her fans have been acting for years), yet Raymond's popularity has caused major backlash to the point where disliking Raymond is about as popular as liking him.

now, I'm not trying to justify people fetishizing a cartoon cat-- creepy art is creepy art and it frankly makes me uncomfortable, no matter the subject or who makes it. but I can't help but feel like there's a double standard at work here.
You're not wrong.

Creepy art of Isabelle: lololol rule 34 amirite?

Creepy art of Raymond: Ugh, fujoshis ruin everything! why do they have to go and sexualize an innocent game???

Obviously these are generalizations, but I am seeing them play out on so many different platforms.
You're not wrong.

Creepy art of Isabelle: lololol rule 34 amirite?

Creepy art of Raymond: Ugh, fujoshis ruin everything! why do they have to go and sexualize an innocent game???

Obviously these are generalizations, but I am seeing them play out on so many different platforms.
right!? and I've seen people using Harvey's island to recreate some frankly disgusting scenarios and those get tens of thousands of likes and retweets, but the moment Raymond gets put in a maid dress to sing Bubblegum K.K. suddenly it's the end of civilization
Raymond gets put in a maid dress to sing Bubblegum K.K.
honestly i just find that really ew (imo)

anybody ask his opinion first? tHiS mAy cOmE aS a sUrPRisE bUt
literally who thought this was okay i just find it very very EW
nobody literally nobody except for one weirdo thought that an office cat with two colored eyes should wear a maid dress
Mice are the most underrated species as a whole and I really don't understand how or why they're so unpopular :(

Are mice that unpopular? I personally really like Chadder and had Rod on my island for a while. I even thought about keeping Bettina when I saw her island hopping.
Are mice that unpopular? I personally really like Chadder and had Rod on my island for a while. I even thought about keeping Bettina when I saw her island hopping.

Rod and Chadder are two of the first villagers I had in new leaf and they were the best of friends! Yeah I believe all of the mice are bottom tier or second from the bottom :'-)

honestly i just find that really ew (imo)

anybody ask his opinion first? tHiS mAy cOmE aS a sUrPRisE bUt
literally who thought this was okay i just find it very very EW
nobody literally nobody except for one weirdo thought that an office cat with two colored eyes should wear a maid dress

I find it pretty ew too. I mean obviously the correct outfit to give Raymond is the flight attendant one. :^)
Mice are the most underrated species as a whole and I really don't understand how or why they're so unpopular :(
I have to admit I didn’t like them, but last week I picked up Chadder from my friend’s island and saw Bettina and Greta on my cousin’s island last night, and have since changed my opinion
The wolves are pretty, but most of them look way too similar for my liking. All of the cranky males and snooty females have the same basic look, switching out color palettes and small tweaks to the eye designs.
Skye, Dobie, and Audie are the superior wolves.
right!? and I've seen people using Harvey's island to recreate some frankly disgusting scenarios and those get tens of thousands of likes and retweets, but the moment Raymond gets put in a maid dress to sing Bubblegum K.K. suddenly it's the end of civilization
Yeah, I've also noticed most hate is direct targeted to young teen girls who usually are just.. enjoying animal crossing? Putting Raymond in a maid dress isn't the end of the world, aha, but people act like it's the most cursed thing when I've seen adult men do much worse. Not just either gender, of course, but it's always "fangirls".

Anyway, Raymond doesn't wear the maid dress... Bob does! And he wears it happily cause it's just a cute dress and he isn't afraid to pull it off!