Unpopular Opinions

this has all probably been said hundreds of times and i'm not so sure if it's an unpopular opinion at this point. but i find this game pretty annoying and irritating to play through.

first of all, it's filled with filler dialogue that's a slog to have to mash A to get through to do what you actually intend to do. For example, when you're going to visit someone's island, you have to go through 4 prompts just to visit someone, and saying yes/no to connecting to the internet is one of them, which is ridiculous. For opening your gates, it's about 6 prompts, and two of them "do you want to connect to the internet" and "are you sure you want to open your gates to anyone" if you choose to let anyone in by dodo code. Yeah, I just checked. You might think, it's only 4 or 6 which isn't a large number, but the thing is, you have to do this EVERY SINGLE time you want to visit someone or let them into your town. And that's not even including the massive waste of time of cutscenes you have to painfully endure when people fly to your island because Nintendo just can't get the memo that they need to improve their multiplayer. There's a lot of "are you sure"s in this game or straight up unnecessary dialogues (like Mable interrupting you to tell you to 'go ahead' and use the dressing room. Yeah, I was already TRYING to do that before you stopped me and wasted my time) that just make everything so tedious.

As another point, the crafting system is straight up atrocious, and the whole system with tools breaking has absolutely no place in animal crossing and I strongly dislike whoever thought that was a good idea to put in the game. It's nothing but a huge waste of time to artificially add gameplay and a resource sink. You can't even craft multiples of an item at once, which makes it double the waste of time if you need a large quantity of an item. You can't access items from your storage, so you have to run all the way back to your house if you're missing something trivial like 1 hardwood or something. It's like they added all these little nuisances into the game to artificially extend the amount of time you spend on it, and it's more irritating than engaging. Yes. I understand that Animal Crossing games are supposed to be slow, and I have played more than 2 of them so it's not like I didn't know what I was getting into or was new to this style of game.

I haven't even mentioned all the content that they cut from the game that was in previous games at launch, and instead are painfully drip feeding that content to us and we're supposed to be hyped about that or something, I guess. The game's straight up not worth 60$ at all. I would have waited all the delays in the world if it meant the game wouldnt be so monotonous, and boring, and EMPTY. As another small note, there's absolutely nothing to do in multiplayer. There's no island tours like in New Leaf, there's no Club Tortimer where at least if you didn't meet some nice folks and make new friends, you could see the crazies and the trolls and be somewhat entertained.

Also, I'm very tired of people saying the community was better in New Leaf days, because there were a lot of the same problems you see people griping about now in those time, just in a smaller community.

It's a real damn shame for me because I played City Folk, Wild World, and New Leaf all when I was younger and I really loved and enjoyed those games. I played New Leaf for YEARS after release and yet I can't be bothered to play New Horizons, a game I had been anticipating for over a year now, for more than 3 months after it's release. I turn on the game, do something, am annoyed by the game for reasons above, and turn it off because I just can't be bothered. At all. I can't even be bothered to get 3 stars so I can unlock terraforming, which I also heard is tedious so yikes. Also I didn't edit this at all, so my grammar's probably doodoo but I dont really care and it doesn't change/invalidate my point.

You're completely right. I like NH but it definitely has its problems that bug me every single time I play which is a shame. The older AC games had problems of course too but not as many as this one I feel. I don't like being under their control for new content in the game. It should have been there from the get go.

I feel like Nintendo is really making the majority of its games for little kids. Yep. I said that. They're making their games either for little kids or making them idiot proof. And you know it's because people complained. Imagine the amount of idiots out there who complain to Nintendo because their son/daughter forgot their tools on a NMT island. Now they put an annoying reminder in there every single time you wanna leave an island. I blame these people for the extra pointless dialogue.
I don’t know if it‘s some kind of weird Japanese humor that I don’t get, but I have found in many Japanese anime some characters like that, In Dragon Ball there was Master Roshi , in Ranma Hapossai, and can’t remember more examples, but there are some more...

The Japanese seem to have problems with treating females properly imo in general. That's why the majority of anime have underage girls in skimpy outfits. It's definitely a cultural thing given that the minimum age of consent is 13 (yikes!).
The Japanese seem to have problems with treating females properly imo in general. That's why the majority of anime have underage girls in skimpy outfits. It's definitely a cultural thing given that the minimum age of consent is 13 (yikes!).
This is something I hear often, but is actually not true. There are different laws around it and it is a bit complicated, but generally, the age of consent is higher
The money rock is literally so freaking annoying. Iron is a lot more valuable to me than some measly bells. Petition to change money rock to iron and or gold rock.
Willow is the only tolerable sheep. :/ I hate all the sheep in general.
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I don't get the appeal of crazy terraformed island. I mean I've seen amazing islands but..something about them..I think they loose that island charm. It's like..when you're in Tokyo Japan..so much stuff is packed in that space you forget you're on an island but when you step outside of Tokyo and visit other smaller towns it feels more..islandy (This was a bad analogy but do you get what i'm saying?)
That's funny cause my grandma hates the sheeps too!
i don't really ... like golden roses. i understand why people might like them, but to me, they just look a little weird? i dunno, lol. i'm not even sure this is an unpopular opinion tbh
Only reason why I want golden roses cause I just want all the flowers in the game. I get thrilled having different variety of flowers on my island.
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Labelle is one of the most useless npcs. I hate her designs and how she takes up a spot from better npcs coming! Where is gracie grace?!?!!?!
Oof, I agree. I like that Labelle made up with her sisters and being her true self but she feels meh...
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My unpopular opinions:
1. People who sexualize any AC character is weird. It's not just Raymond fans. Isabelle fans, Wilbur fans, ANYBODY that sexualize these characters are a no no! Ya'll need to have the same energy when you see Wilbur looking muscular or hot even though he's a dodo with a dads belly. Or isabelle with giant **** and butt.

2. As a Raymond fan. He should not cost 1000+ nook miles tickets. Like idk even know if this is unpopular since I heard it alot but it's not as unpopular since most people still sell him at extreme prices and it pisses me off but I bite my tongue cause there's just no point in arguing with ppl. I do consider this as a scam cause there's no reason a villager should cost that much. No reason at all. This goes for all villagers

3. I don't understand why Tom Nook is hated but Redd isn't? Like Redd is worst than Tom. I don't even think Tom did anything really bad for him to deserve the title "scammer".

4. Not a fan of CJ, he gives off those "hungry for views" type of vibe. I'm not feeling it..

5. I don't care about turnips but this makes me sad cause Daisy Mae is such a cute special npc. 😭

6. I don't mind cluttered city islands. I find them cool to look at.

7. I kinda hate jumping stones or having to jump constantly. Whenever I see islands that requires alot of jumping, I just be like "ugghh that's too much, I want to walk freely'" Good thing they're not my island right? Lol

8. There's nothing wrong with people judging villagers based off of looks. People say that it's shallow but that's really all the villagers have going for them since they say the same thing based off of personality.

9. I don't like Blathers.
3. I don't understand why Tom Nook is hated but Redd isn't? Like Redd is worst than Tom. I don't even think Tom did anything really bad for him to deserve the title "scammer".
Redd is just selling shady art, he's an independent small business owner, not a corporation, Tom Nook is a member of the 1% benefiting from an oppressive capitalist system in which the rich only get richer and the poor only get poorer.
I genuinely miss Amiibo support from other games. Especially the Zelda villagers because they were my fave! I actually hope that later in they would make an update that would allow support for them again. Gosh I miss wolf link and epona.

Hmmm I guess this was more of a rant rather than an unpopular opinion lol. I guess you could say I just miss the cross overs with other Nintendo titles through Amiibo support. I hope one day my wish comes true hahaha