Unpopular Opinions

1: I want to see an island with all the villagers being unpopular. It would be different from all the others, since about 90% of islands have popular villagers.
2: 1 or 2 popular villagers on an island is fine by me, but 1 or 2 unpopular villagers on an island isn’t enough.
3: I like some popular villagers (Octavian, Raymond, Audie), but my all-time favourite villager and birthday buddy isn’t as popular: Derwin. He’s so cute and adorable, unlike most popular villagers. IMO, some top-tier villagers can be a lil plain and overrated.
4: All popular villagers except Octavian are overrated. This is because he’s by far the least popular octopus in the game, but he’s still a lil popular. IMO, he’s the only most popular villager that’s actually underrated.
5: I want the Shrunk Funk Shuffle and Shrunk back.
6: Most of my favourite villagers aren’t really that popular. 1st: Derwin. 2nd: Ike (Poko’s dad). 3rd: Static. 4th: Alfonso. 5th: Mira. 6th: Pompom. 7th: Jitters and Louie. 8th: Chrissy and Anicotti. 9th: Savannah. 10th: Henry, Soleil, Francine and Vladimir.
7: I want Poko to return. He’s one of my favourite villagers in the whole series and he’s my 2nd favourite villager’s son.
8: You shouldn’t judge villagers by their appearance. Some unpopular, underrated and “ugly” villagers can be really nice actually.

This is just my opinion. I know it doesn’t matter to any popular-villager-obsessed sheep (someone who follows the crowd), and it probably doesn’t matter to anyone else, but I don’t care. My opinion is unpopular, just like some of my favourite villagers.
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I cannot STAND bubblegum kk after tik tok made it popular. Its so overplayed im actually sick of it, which sucks because back when I played New Leaf it was my favorite song. It slaps so hard, so its sad that I got sick of it
I know! If I see a video of a villager singing, 90% of the time it’s Bubblegum K.K., the most overplayed, annoying , boring and overrated K.K. Slider song I know. It’s so boring, I wish it didn’t exist.
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the majority of islands are washed by having the same villagers from tier 1-2 and *maybe* a tier 3 gasp. Any town with Judy + Raymond, +2 or more pink villagers, Marshal, have 4 normals, etc. I'm just like *eye rollllllll*
I honestly judge a town and a person whether subconsciously or not first by the villagers. I think my favorite towns to visit are ones that have a lot of effort put into it and a set of ten villagers that really show they've played the game a long time, didn't just validate their choices by looking at tier lists. Even those who say "well I went by ones I like and it happened to be tier 1s" is still pretty hive-mind-ey and off-putting to me. You can have a really quirky island idea, but if I walk around and see Raymond + Marshal + Judy, then I'm like hahaha, ok bye

Aesthethics like full cottage-core, all pink, and clutter core are also eye roll for me. People are so impressed by like super laggy towns that are just crammed with stuff, even if its well styled and cohesive I just think its a mess. I think an editing eye and well planned scenery is much more beautiful and enjoyable to explore than an island I have to walk along one space the entire time and figure out which spot I can actually hop across a water path
Here's a rather unpopular opinion... I find Leif to be just about as useless as Label. There. I said it.
Right now I NEED Leif for my island (I need a metric ton of shrubs for my wilderness) but once that’s done yea I won’t need him anymore. I will say that it was COMPLETELY unnecessary to have him as an obligated shopkeeper for 3 months...
Leif is the best NPC in the game.
He actually sells something I'm always using.

I'm starting to dislike this stale empty game.

I'm not enjoying it much anymore.
I'd be so happy with the NL and RV items.
That would breathe much needed life into NH.
In fact, NH would be perfect, and I think Nintendo know this. :(

Fireworks and diving didn't do much for me.

I need items.
Bring back everything, especially the food.

It's so sad seeing cafe pics with the one tired old cake.
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  • Overly symmetrical island designs are ugly, there needs to be a balance between asymmetry and symmetry
  • Furniture >>> QoL updates
  • I like Leif as an NPC, and use him quite often
  • When people try to show off rare items just to show off, like spamming Robot Heros and Zodiac items, it looks really tacky and cheap
  • I dislike double waterfall entrances a lot. Bonus points if there’s platforms you have to jump on to get in or a super symmetrical line up of items on top.
  • I don’t get sick of “cottagecore” or forest themed islands. I think they’re really cute
  • I don’t think the AC community is ~ToXiC~, if anything it’s way less toxic than 95% of gaming communities. It’s really stupid when people say that the ACNH community is ToXiC because people sell Raymond for lots of NMTs or something. lol, In most other games I play, people tell me to delete my account and die on a regular basis
  • The ugliest / most ““overrated”” popular villager is Bob. At least Raymond and Marshal are cute.
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If your island is filled with graveyards, skeletons, bloodstains on the floor, and a general macabre air, it isn't cottagecore/natural. Please tag your DA appropriately.

(not addresses I got here, but I'm going to gripe here)
There's nothing wrong with graveyards.
Some of us are just trying to theme our islands with very little content to work with.
Islands should not be designed for social media,but rather for yourself. I feel like since New Leaf the series has gone in a direction where it puts pressure on people to create beautiful or aesthetic towns without giving much room for people to stray from their designated theme. If someone wants to to do a graveyard pirate ship fairycore carnival then that's cool. I'm guilty of this as well, but I'm reminding myself this is MY game and I want to put what I want in to it, not just what looks good to others.
poppy is no longer underrated, but she is still really adorable and i see why people love her!
I currently have Chops (pig) on my island and he seems to get in fights with everybody. And then when I’m delivering apology gifts from other villagers, he’s like, “ I wonder what’s in here? Not that it matters.”

Searching for villagers on NMT islands was never fun for me.