Unpopular Opinions

From the creators of TT'ing is cheating comes

Selling sea bass is cheating

If you don't keep every single sea bass you catch you're not even worth talking to and should re-evaluate your life choices

Someone had to say it.
Generally I am against the idea of paid DLC in this game, but I would be okay with paid Expansion Packs (read: Not microtransactions!) of Pocket Camp items. I think all features and items that come back from old mainline AC games should be free updates, but Pocket Camp is in a different place as a mobile title.

I want the Pocket Camp items in this game so bad because they would increase decorating variety so much.

I haven’t played pocket camp in a while, but last time I did they introduced earrings! I was so surprised they weren’t in NH. I do think NH will eventually have the fortune cookies, and hopefully some of the super cute pocket camp items.
Yeah, I liked the shanties, it was the "banter" where he's hitting on a pre-pubescent girl that really bugged me. I'm alone in a boat with a married man with a child, and he's telling me how cute I am? No thanks.

I only played NL for a short while so I don't really remember this... but it sounds creepy indeed, even more so when your villager is supposed to be a child (or at least someone young) :(

I wouldn't like things like this even now, and I have been an adult for several years now. The only one who gets to tell me I am cute, is my boyfriend and some friends ;)
I only played NL for a short while so I don't really remember this... but it sounds creepy indeed, even more so when your villager is supposed to be a child (or at least someone young) :(

I wouldn't like things like this even now, and I have been an adult for several years now. The only one who gets to tell me I am cute, is my boyfriend and some friends ;)

What really gets me about this is that Animal Crossing is aimed towards children and that the player character is supposed to be an avatar of the player. Yet Nintendo somehow thought it was a good idea to have the creepy old kappa hit on every little girl who played the game and possibly even normalize abuse for them. (A kappa is already a questionable choice for an AC character. Kappas are mythological Japanese river monsters and are not friendly, their origins are twisted and they’re very lecherous creatures.)
this has all probably been said hundreds of times and i'm not so sure if it's an unpopular opinion at this point. but i find this game pretty annoying and irritating to play through.

first of all, it's filled with filler dialogue that's a slog to have to mash A to get through to do what you actually intend to do. For example, when you're going to visit someone's island, you have to go through 4 prompts just to visit someone, and saying yes/no to connecting to the internet is one of them, which is ridiculous. For opening your gates, it's about 6 prompts, and two of them "do you want to connect to the internet" and "are you sure you want to open your gates to anyone" if you choose to let anyone in by dodo code. Yeah, I just checked. You might think, it's only 4 or 6 which isn't a large number, but the thing is, you have to do this EVERY SINGLE time you want to visit someone or let them into your town. And that's not even including the massive waste of time of cutscenes you have to painfully endure when people fly to your island because Nintendo just can't get the memo that they need to improve their multiplayer. There's a lot of "are you sure"s in this game or straight up unnecessary dialogues (like Mable interrupting you to tell you to 'go ahead' and use the dressing room. Yeah, I was already TRYING to do that before you stopped me and wasted my time) that just make everything so tedious.

As another point, the crafting system is straight up atrocious, and the whole system with tools breaking has absolutely no place in animal crossing and I strongly dislike whoever thought that was a good idea to put in the game. It's nothing but a huge waste of time to artificially add gameplay and a resource sink. You can't even craft multiples of an item at once, which makes it double the waste of time if you need a large quantity of an item. You can't access items from your storage, so you have to run all the way back to your house if you're missing something trivial like 1 hardwood or something. It's like they added all these little nuisances into the game to artificially extend the amount of time you spend on it, and it's more irritating than engaging. Yes. I understand that Animal Crossing games are supposed to be slow, and I have played more than 2 of them so it's not like I didn't know what I was getting into or was new to this style of game.

I haven't even mentioned all the content that they cut from the game that was in previous games at launch, and instead are painfully drip feeding that content to us and we're supposed to be hyped about that or something, I guess. The game's straight up not worth 60$ at all. I would have waited all the delays in the world if it meant the game wouldnt be so monotonous, and boring, and EMPTY. As another small note, there's absolutely nothing to do in multiplayer. There's no island tours like in New Leaf, there's no Club Tortimer where at least if you didn't meet some nice folks and make new friends, you could see the crazies and the trolls and be somewhat entertained.

Also, I'm very tired of people saying the community was better in New Leaf days, because there were a lot of the same problems you see people griping about now in those time, just in a smaller community.

It's a real damn shame for me because I played City Folk, Wild World, and New Leaf all when I was younger and I really loved and enjoyed those games. I played New Leaf for YEARS after release and yet I can't be bothered to play New Horizons, a game I had been anticipating for over a year now, for more than 3 months after it's release. I turn on the game, do something, am annoyed by the game for reasons above, and turn it off because I just can't be bothered. At all. I can't even be bothered to get 3 stars so I can unlock terraforming, which I also heard is tedious so yikes. Also I didn't edit this at all, so my grammar's probably doodoo but I dont really care and it doesn't change/invalidate my point.
I don't like having tons of flowers on my island because it's such a pain in the butt to remove them if you want to change things and the way they multiply is just annoying.
What really gets me about this is that Animal Crossing is aimed towards children and that the player character is supposed to be an avatar of the player. Yet Nintendo somehow thought it was a good idea to have the creepy old kappa hit on every little girl who played the game and possibly even normalize abuse for them. (A kappa is already a questionable choice for an AC character. Kappas are mythological Japanese river monsters and are not friendly, their origins are twisted and they’re very lecherous creatures.)

Thanks for the information! I am going to look into kappas more, but definitely agree with you that it's not okay.
I think Kapp’n should’ve been a toucan instead. But then what would his name be? Toucaptain? Lol

Him being a toucan would be awesome! Though now I really like the pun on his name.. unfortunately.

I wonder if he was this creepy in WW or earlier. I can't remember at all (I only played WW besides NH and NL, but when I started the game 15 years ago I did not understand English so I have no clue what he said :'))
Him being a toucan would be awesome! Though now I really like the pun on his name.. unfortunately.

I wonder if he was this creepy in WW or earlier. I can't remember at all (I only played WW besides NH and NL, but when I started the game 15 years ago I did not understand English so I have no clue what he said :'))

Every game with Kapp’n in it had him being creepy and hitting on the player character (provided they were female), unfortunately. I remember him doing it in the GameCube and Wild World games.

If your character was male, he didn’t flirt, which lead to many shocking revelations to male players when they grew up and read on the internet that Kapp’n is a huge flirt, but only if you’re female. :/
Tom Nook isn't that bad of a guy. I used to hate him too, but he's actually not that bad when you think about it. He does collect your debt, but he doesn't charge interest and allows you to take as much time as you need. The same goes for certain construction projects in the town such as bridges. I don't know, I think this game had me see him in a different light where I realize he's actually really nice and generous compared to other debt collectors. He is also actually really helpful in this game. I actually like Tom Nook now, and I don't think he deserves the hate he gets lol. If anything, Redd is really the bad guy.