Unsure if I've created art or a monstrosity... (Also, a question)

Love it!
I think of the floors you've posted I like the snow one the best. If you have any colorful carpets you could try to put one on the snow floor for a controlled pop of color. Shouldn't be too overwhelming that way.

edit: Forgot to say, if you need more rainbow-y items the humidifiers come in all sorts of rainbow tones and are a bit glowy.​
Seeing your room with all the ice colors makes me want to create a room mimicking a Tetris game now. I don't know how well that would work with the ice furniture shapes. I'm going to try though.
Seeing your room with all the ice colors makes me want to create a room mimicking a Tetris game now. I don't know how well that would work with the ice furniture shapes. I'm going to try though.
I think you could definitely make something work! I wasn't thinking tetris at all when I made it, and now it's all I can see!
I really like it with the snow flooring! Maybe add a colorful rug like the bunny day rug? It’s basically just a rainbow gradient, so I don’t think it would be too busy.
You could instead add some floor lights in various colors to match the glowy rainbow appearance of the ice furniture.
I really like it with the snow flooring! Maybe add a colorful rug like the bunny day rug? It’s basically just a rainbow gradient, so I don’t think it would be too busy.
You could instead add some floor lights in various colors to match the glowy rainbow appearance of the ice furniture.
I like the idea of floor lights. I'm just not sure where to put them! There's not a lot of room left. Maybe next to the bed and stereo?
Looks amazing, I love it. The suggestion of the water flooring was perfect.

If you want to add a rug, a Moon Rug could tie the wallpaper and the garlands space theme together very well, and its colors also match the Frozen set.
I vote the snowflake floor! This is so fun and creative! It reminds me of the racing stages in Mario Kart with the "lego block" borders!
I've swapped floors like a dozen times now. I can't settle on one!

I did add a bunny day rug and some floor lights. I also realized I never posted a picture with the lights off, which is a big deal for this room!