Unsure if I've created art or a monstrosity... (Also, a question)

I like it! I think you should add more of the kiddie series coloured wood block stuff, it's an interesting combination!
I love this SO much and haven't seen anything like it on anyone's island. Amazing job!
Aw, thanks! I've been obsessed with the frozen series for months, so I knew I wanted to do something with it when winter finally came. I started out just testing two color combinations... Then decided to go to Harv's and see what the partitions looked like when using all the colors :p the rest followed from there!
This gives me Rainbow Road vibes and I'm here for it! Also if you're looking for floor ideas, maybe the galaxy floor would work? If only they had a rainbow disco dance flooring, that would've worked perfectly!
😳 hol’ up, thats gorgeous! as for the flooring, i personally like it the best with the flooring that you used in photo #5! ☺️
Oo! I like the water floor the best and lights off seems like the way to go with this room.

Your screenshots are really fun to look at! Thanks for sharing. :D