Unwanted Neighbors


Ao of Sorami
May 7, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Who's your unwanted neighbors? I jsut had the clown ram move in plus two other ones that are not in a great spot. They all have to go. I was really hoping now that I am a mayor I could remove residents easier but guess not. Back to burying pitfalls and attack with nets.
I'd trade Katt for Barold. >.< She plonked her house right where I wanted to put my campsite!!!
I'd gladly take her. XD Pretty sure Barold spit at me the first time I went in his house. lol.
I have Gabi, who I'm not very fond of. Not for any reason in particular, I just think she's bland, and I prefer the more quirky, colorful villagers. Also, Ed is moving in tomorrow, and I'm not sure how I feel about him. Don't like horses that much. :p
Wart Jr. Just...eww.

Rocket (#4 pink gorilla; new) needs to move away. I hate all gorillas except Boone
Alli is moving in tomorrow. I do NOT like her at all! Of all the snooty villagers I HAD to get her??? WHY ME? Plus her house will be right beside the Town Hall. UGH.

As Mayors, we should be able to evict unwanted villagers!
^ i think it will ruin the game to have the decision-making power to evict villagers. To have bad villagers is a part of the game and it would end up that everybody have like perfect villagers that are all fine and cute. :/ I dont know, but I'm realy glad that this isnt possible and i hope the series keep that
Is there anyway to encourage villagers to move besides not talking to them? Does net hitting actually increase the chance of it?
Net hitting does, at least it did in other games. Also, bury pitfall seeds for them to walk into, or push them into! ;) Pushing them around also was an effective way to make them angry and want to move in the other games!

I think it's fun to have villagers you don't like in a way. I always send them hate mail and shame them on the town message board. Maybe I'm a terrible person, but forming my own vendeta against a villager I'm not pleased with is just another part of the game for me. :p
I love all my neighbors so far. I got really lucky getting Jitters, Nana, Bob, and Pate. Then I got Monique... ._. I've never liked her. Hopefully she'll be out the door. Not sure how I feel about Cherry either, but she seems to be one of the better 'big sister' personalities.
The only one I want to leave is Cobb. He is like a super-jock, and only talks about sports. It bothers me!