Unwanted Neighbors

I don't really like Pascal, idk he's kinda creepy but he'll probably grow on me. I used to think Kabuki was hideous but now I love him and got excited when I first saw Kid Cat because I thought it was him (from the back). > ///>
Vesta. :/ Had her as my neighbour in both WW and CF too - didn't like her in either of those games and I still don't like her now! Oh, and Tiffany & Chow can feel free to leave. But Vesta is the main one.
I'm in the process of trying to get Patty and Tipper to move out. I really despise them.
I'm in the process of trying to get Patty and Tipper to move out. I really despise them.

Oh - I would love to have your Tipper move in with me! :p

For some reason, every single villager that has moved in... decided to build their home right next to mine. Now I'm going to have 4 houses surrounding me :\ (I'm beginning to feel uber claustrophobic... to close for comfort).

Also, everyone that has moved in so far (beside my original 6) is unwanted: Phil, Pashmina, Limberg, Drake