Unwanted Neighbors

god I have Diva, Bree, and Chrissy that all need to go. Diva put her house right in front of one of the ramps to the beach, Bree put her house right fu*ki*g next to mine, and Chrissy was already there but shes too close to my house too. When I noticed Brees spot reserved I dug holes all around it. I still have yet to talk to her, maybe thats why my approval rating is still at 45%
I'm really not digging how Gaston's got his house so close to Re-Tail and I'm wishing he'd leave.
I got Boone, and I really wish I could easily make him leave. I don't really know why, but I just had a natural aversion for him. Well, time to smack him with a net and push him around.
I don't really hate anyone in my town yet. I have Clyde, Lobo, Maple, Kitty, Sly, and Bangle. Sly and Clyde really aren't my favorites, but I don't mind them. I put my house in the corner away from everyone else on purpose, so I wouldn't have any close neighbors, and then Maple moved in right next to me, so I'm a little annoyed at her for that, but she's one of the best animals, so it's okay. lol

I really wish they had to get zoning permits from the mayor to build a house or something... that way you could choose where they live at the very least, and maybe also reject certain animals.
ELISE. I had her in CF and ignored her hxc until she left. I just don't like monkeys at ALL and she is especially unpleasant: makeup, bright glasses, lipstick, SNOOTY uck GO AWAY
A victory! The clown sheep said the 17th is his last day. Now my only question is can more than one neighbor ask to go?
I have Peaches who I hate because she looks like Stitches (who is also in my town) and there can only be one.
Lucha is moving in too and he's not a looker.
Any tips on how to ward these unwanted monsters away?
I have Peaches who I hate because she looks like Stitches (who is also in my town) and there can only be one.
Lucha is moving in too and he's not a looker.
Any tips on how to ward these unwanted monsters away?

Peaches and Stitches are both adorable. D: BE HAPPY! -shakes- xP

I have Bree, Gala and Chow. <_<; and I'm not too fussed about the others either. Was considering resetting my town just for villagers even though everything else was exactly how I wanted it.
I've actually decided that I kinda like Gabi. After giving her a chance, I've realized she's on all the wierdest kinds of drugs. I'll keep her. She's crazy. So now I don't really have anyone who's unwanted, but I wouldn't be really upset if anybody wanted to leave honestly. I think I'd like to keep Bones around though. :D
I have several hippos and rhinos. Ugh. I want some cute ones. I do however have two kitties.
The hippo really pissed me off cause I planted a perfect apple tree and he plunked his new house on top of it.
I would trade in every single one of my villagers, Keaton, Walker and Chester included.
Tank was there when I first moved in :/ he's the power bar stuffing, muscle milk guzzling, weight lifting guy who's trying to show me his biceps all the time.
I'm dreading the day that I get someone like Tiffany or Croque. So far I absolutely love everyone in my town but I know that I have to get at least one sucky person because the laws of Animal Crossing Physics demand it for some reason XD
I dislike a bunch of my villagers. But I have three nice ones.

I have Benjamin, who's very nice and cute but I wouldn't mind a whole lot if he moved out?
Carmen, she had a gap between her front teeth and her house is adorable!
Tia!!! I was really hoping to get her. I wish she kept the shirt she arrives with though >: Does anyone knows the name? I might start sending it to her until she uses it haha.

Phoebe moved RIGHT NEXT to my house. Like, two spaces away. I can't plant my perfect apple trees on both sides now! Also, I don't really like her. I reaaally don't like her.
Pierce. Sigh, why not Apollo? Why not my sweet cutie Apollo????? ):
Purrl. u g h
Quillson. I HATE HIM THE MOST. I hate smug types, and HE'S UGLY. What's with that hair????? WHY NOT MOLLY? Or at least Pate or Derwin? UghhhHHHhhHhHHhHHhHHhhhhh

And it's not like I'm very picky with villagers, I really like TONS of them. Somehow I managed to get a bunch of awful ones.
It's really bothering me. I'm trying to befriend everyone though, so they leave faster. }: