Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
Yep, you definitely can!
Fantastic. I wanted my island villagers line up in a row. XD
Yep, you definitely can!
they change daily! so if you're not happy with your current villager setup, TT to tomorrow (if you're a TTer) or call it a night on decorating if you want an all-new set.Anyone knows if we can cycle the villagers that are on the HHP beach waiting for us to decorate their houses?
I just saw this recently after I built the last facility. It was so good.The HHP is worth $100s of dollars in my opinion. Greatest thing out of the last 19 months
Major HHP spoiler. Do not click of you if you hate spoilers
Nope, you just need residential services upgraded to a building. My restarted Island is only a week old and I got a call from Tom to start the DLC after I got the main tent upgraded.Unless I am mistaken for those that reset island's after they have completed their design or to rediscover the game I am assuming you need your three star island before you can do the DLC as I have yet to get the call in order to play. It remains locked unless I am mistaken. I put my campsite up today tomorrow that will be built then will get the three star island or to work on it. The museum is also closed so should be able to get Kappin and Brewster tomorrow as I donated my art piece yesterday.
I got the upgraded resident service building today. And nothing. No call. I even checked and re-download the DLC and the game is up to date it opened and I have IsabelNope, you just need residential services upgraded to a building. My restarted Island is only a week old and I got a call from Tom to start the DLC after I got the main tent upgraded.
You need to wait until tomorrow. It doesn't start the day on the upgrade. Give it time or TT it.I got the upgraded resident service building today. And nothing. No call. I even checked and re-download the DLC and the game is up to date
NopeSorry if this has been asked before but is there a max amount of houses you can design in HHP for a day?