Valentine's Week Creative Favorites and Raffle Results

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I'm so excited to win a staff favorite! This is my first time getting selected for something that wasn't just a random raffle! I'm not the best artist, but I do enjoy baking, so I'm so glad to have had this aspect of the event! My housemates are also very glad to eat the creations too
Congratulations all the other staff favorites and the raffle winners! I'm so honored to be part of this group with so many other talented folks!
Thanks so much to all the staff for hosting these fun events as always!
Huge congratulations to all the winners and huge shoutout to my good friend Nika for getting a staff favorite awww!!! im so very happy for you and i wish i could eat those chocolates haha but this is so awesome to see ahhh 🩷 everyone's entry was so good and i loved seeing all the different collages, what valentines means to you all etc just so very sweet 🩷

Had lots of fun doing what I could for the activities!! and it was very fun trying out among us for the first time!! for the longest time, i've been too nervous to play it but it turned out to be very fun and everyone was so nice! thank you all for the great games and once more, thank you to everyone that has helped me with sweetheart spellings <3

overall, this was a great event and i had lots of fun!! thank you so much staff :D very much looking forward to the flower breeding event when that comes. I've been on the hunt for blue roses and it would be nice to grow my own....
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you have no idea what it means to have my project chosen 😭 it truly was a labor of love and I have SO much more respect for anyone who works with clay. I started working on the 9th, but severely misjudged how much time it would take to shape it into my idea 😅 Ended up having to speedrun the rest of the events on the day of, which shows in the cooking and the 2D project lmao.

But!! I LOVED the collage event so much. Thank you so much staff for offering it!! Cloud and Aerith mean a lot to me as a couple, and their devotion to one another helped me through rough times. Experiencing their bond made me want something just as strong with someone else, whether it was platonic or romantic. I wanted to gush more about what they meant to me when I posted it, but I didn't have the time LOL. I love that no matter the timeline or universe they are in, they want to be together in it. I'm really happy this event gave me the opportunity to make that collage!

I loved seeing everyone's works and that multiple kinds of love were expressed 🥰 For me, love is the greatest thing about being alive.

A hearty congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated. Thank you also for the well wishes!! And thank you infinitely again staff for choosing my piece :D I'm really really excited to display it next to my Enchanted Bloom!!
Thank you so much for the staff fav! This was such a lovely event, I really loved seeing everyone's creations as usual, and omg those cakes look so tasty! 🤤
As others have said the collage making event was fun and refreshing! I appreciate that I didn't get fomo for not being able to participate in everything, it was nice to have a low-stakes event after the year of craziness we just had.
Really looking forward to the upcoming flower breeding event. Happy Valentine's TBT community and staff, luv you guys! 💜

i didn't expect my aesthetic to win since it's pretty simple/stylized compared to most of the other entries, but i'm really touched that it was liked that much !! it probably sounds a little silly but those characters really mean a lot to me, they've gotten me through some tough times and given me something to focus on when i feel especially lonely. they're the reason i've steadily kept up with my hobby of writing over the last 2-3 years and inspired me in some of my other creative endeavors like gif editing, and i've made two really good friends through talking about them. i had a lot of fun with making my aesthetic, especially because i was writing a valentine's piece with them at the time, so i tried to incorporate some elements from that, too, like the cake -- despite its simplicity, it took a lot of time to find images that fit the vibe i was going for and making the colors flow nicely, like getting some blue throughout it all !! i really like photo/graphic editing, so i'd definitely love to see more collage events or similar in the future.

congrats to all the other winners, your entries all look really pretty !!
Congrats to all the winners! You all did amazing! I know that sounds weak, but I mean it. Every piece is unique and done so well in its own way. All of the nominated collages are great. Even ones not picked were amazing. There was a lot of crazy talent in that. The sweets, 3D crafts, 2D all deserve their spot. So good job! 🎉
Huge congrats to all the winners!! And thank you for love potion~
There were so many lovely food, drawings and collages! There was as much love put into the creations that we express through this fourm and it shows ten folds.
If we ever get the chance to meet up, we won't be going hungry for sure!!

SUPER excited for the flower event~
fearing the egg
I was really shocked to get a staff favourite, I didn't think anything I made was good enough to win anything (especially with so many lovely entries submitted!) but I am very grateful to get chosen 😭 My entry is now tucked away in my scrapbook and is now my first officially completed page, after years of telling myself that I want to make a scrapbook but never actually doing anything 😅

Luna aka Lunala aka Little Luna aka Luna Lu was a tiny stray cat that literally walked through our front door and made herself at home 😆
We were never able to find out where she came from, or how long she'd been out on the streets. She had no chip and no one came forward to claim her. All we knew was that the vet estimated her to be approximately 2 years old and she had had kittens at one point.

She was sickly when we found her, including having a cancerous mammary tumor she had to have surgery on 😢 Her first month with us was a whirlwind, having to adjust to a new environment while recovering, and to top it all off, we already had a vacation to Disney World scheduled, so my aunt had to step in to take care of her! 😵‍💫 But Luna handled everything like a trooper ❤️

The vet didn't know how much time she had left, but miraculously, she lived for another 6 1/2 years! And I was grateful for every second of that time 🥲 (even the middle of the night yowling and constant attempts to steal our food lol)

I don't know why I had randomly decided to make her "birthday" Valentine's Day, but it ended up being fitting: she was such a total sweetheart ☺️

PS. The cute space cat washi tape is by Sparkle Collective! My entry was accepted without me having to go back and edit that in, but I still wanted to shout it out because I'm so happy I finally got to use that tape XD

Also want to congratulate all the other winners, everyone did such an amazing job! 🥰 And congrats to all the raffle winners too!! 🥳
Thank you staff for putting this together! I would love to see a similar style mini-event in the future :D
now to go look in the forum archive because I don't recognize some of the winners, so I'm pretty sure I missed a few pages of the Valentine's Party thread .__.
Congrats to all the staff favourites and raffle winners! 🎉

I wasn't able to participate in absolutely everything, but I'm glad I did a majority of the events! The love letters really grew on me so I'm happy I was able to get a few. 💕 I also really liked the collage event, it reminded me of the tattoo event we had back in Halloween in the sense that it felt like a fresh and new concept. I'd definitely like if that was brought back for future events. ^^

Looking forward to the flower breeding event and Easter when the time comes! 👀
Congratulations to the winners!!! 🎉🎉🎉

After completing the Sweetheart I decided to take a break so it was the only activity I participated in, but I still looked through all the entries. So many amazing creations! And this whole Event was so sweet 🥰
Look at all those beautiful creative entries!!! Congrats to all the winners + raffle winners as well 💕
This event was super cute and fun, and echoing what other people have said I also really enjoyed making a valentines collage!!! 🥹 I hope we get more events like this soon!!!! Thank you staff!!!
Congrats on the winners out there.

Those creations you guys did were impressive! Makes me wish I had the courage to be artistic like that. But alas, the only one I'm comfortable with is the New Horizons designing stuff. Oh well, not to cry over spilled milk or anything. Well, I may have acted that way before, but I'm over that and grown out of it now, and just do things that I know I'm confident on doing.

Here's to the next event!
Congratulations to all of the Staff Favourite and raffle winners! 💗🎉💌

There were so many fantastic entries, and it's nice to see so many of my own favourites up there! I especially liked looking through Aetherial Aesthetics entries, and I picked out so many I loved. Thank you for my own Staff Favourite too! I'm thrilled that the Heart of the Forest returned for this event, since it's a collectible I really adore.

It was big for a Valentine's event, and I skipped out on the Valentine's Party 3D category because I've been busy, but all of the tasks were really fun! Thank you staff! I loved the introduction of the collages/aesthetic boards, as well as a TBT-based task (Sweetheart Spellings). Those heart letters were really cute and fun. Thank you as well to everyone who helped me with the Sweetheart Spellings task, or sent me a Love Letter or a Valentine's Rose. I enjoyed celebrating with all of you! 🌹💗

p.s. Valentine's murder was also fun 🔪🌹
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