Trading Valerie's Trading Shop (Japaneses exclusive items available!)

Virtual Boy (Fortune Cookie #40)
Pikmin (Fortune Cookie #33)
Triple Red Shells (Fortune Cookie #31)
Yoshi's Egg (Fortune Cookie #29)
Triple Bananas (Fortune Cookie #48)
Bill Blaster (Fortune Cookie #28) This is the cannon.

I have these. I know you want the cannon. Would it be possible for me to trade the cannon for the Aurora Screen and the ability to catalog (NOT keep, but simply pick up and drop so it is registered in my catalog), the rest of the Japanese DLC?
Looks like I have just about all the items on my current wish list! I will edit the first thread to say "closed" Thank you everyone!
Valerie, if you're still looking for the fireplace or kitchen corner, I have those. If one of them could be traded for a girl's day doll, that'd be cool.