Thank you so much! Don't worry, I'll keep streamig in the future.Awww missed ithahaha
Looks brilliant though!
You have really stunning work posted here, vexnir!
And that's such a huge understatement. Love, love all the attention you put on details. Your art honestly seems so real and everything's so fleshed-out... it's incredible.
Haha omg, this pic is perfect. Where do you get that stuff?
Hey, no need to apologize at all. Join only when you want and when you're able to - really, I am fine with anything. And thank you so much! That means a lot.Hey vex! I'm sorry I couldn't join the last few sessions; got caught up in something else. the final piece is amazingly powerful (plus all those strokes man I can't stop staring)! I really regret not watching you do the final touches ;A;
and woa yeh it'd be interesting to see Xepher in anime style uwuwuwu senpai will definitely notice him!! <3
Haha omg, this pic is perfect. Where do you get that stuff?
Hey, no need to apologize at all. Join only when you want and when you're able to - really, I am fine with anything. And thank you so much! That means a lot.
And actually, your wish is my order - I doodled 4 characters when I did those anime style scribbles, so here is Xepher:
Ayee, thank you! It's just a lil doodle though. But, let me tell you a (not really) secret - I actually used to draw in anime style years ago, haha. So it's kinda his roots.god I had to cover my mouth from smiling so much wow omg damn oh wooooowww (can you tell I'm speechless?) ouh yeh oki wow, um, he Xeph looks sooooooooooo good in anime style!
Jesus christ I checked out ur art after you commented on my sketch dump and i'm actually blown away, holy **** youre amazing!!!
Haha yeah, it's almost like it's a phase for most artists, isn't it? I was a total weeb when I was 12-14, and actually didn't start drawing in a non-anime style until about 16-17, but even then my art had heavy anime influences and went through a SUPER AWKWARD transition phase where I tried to give it semirealistic features but it still had anime anatomy, it just... it was horrifying omg.well why am I not surprised? to tell you the truth, I also used to draw in anime style when I was in high school lol who doesn't actually?
it's great to know that he used to be an anime tho lmao >v<
Hey Vex ! Just wanted to say that your art is really amazing!! The amount of attention to shadow and highlights really pays off, I hope to become a better artist myself, but I know that takes tons of practice ;; Anyway!! Beautiful work !! ☆
holy crap I actually watch you on dA and never knew you were on this forum :0
ahh, it's xxLenah ;D !!Omg, small world! What's your dA username?