Giveaway Villager Cyling - Giving you your favorites! ● Currently Moving: none

Everyone up to this point has been added to the main page of reserves! Seems theres a lot of dreamies out there :)!
I got Whitney you can take me off the list!
In that case, I'd love to be put down for Whitney myself as well Apollo please. xD
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Hugh and Daisy please? I'm trying to find the time to cycle villagers but if I come across one of yours I'll let you know. :D
May I reserve Fushcia (Not sure if spelled correctly.), and Beau? Thanks! :)
Great,As soon as I gotta get off TBT for the night Graham is being offered. Stupid logic... >:[
Graham? 0: I'd really really like him. D:

Im sorry dear he was adopted right after you posted :(

EDIT: Im off to bed for the night! Ill resume the cycling tomorrow night!

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Great,As soon as I gotta get off TBT for the night Graham is being offered. Stupid logic... >:[

Aww im sorry :'( maybe hell make his way around to me again, or to you!