Villager Exchange Thread

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Villagers for Trade!

Villagers I Want!




Filbert - Reserved for me

Puddles - Reserved for Me

Dream Villagers Achieved


(Will pay up to 30m for Any of my Dreamies Besides Chrissy as she is sold for 1-5m Will pay Any price for Marshal. Any.)

Okay I am willing to go up to 20M for Beau now. Someone please just sell him to meeee :)

Increasing your offer isn't going to get you him any faster! No one seems to have him available right now.
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Is Whitney a popular villager? I just got her in my campsite and already told her to move in, whoops, lol.
I just saw this. xD She's fairly popular. I had her, then TT'd her out by accident, but it's okay since she wasn't in the town I wanted her to be in. However now I have to find her again, which is a pain. x.x
I just saw this. xD She's fairly popular. I had her, then TT'd her out by accident, but it's okay since she wasn't in the town I wanted her to be in. However now I have to find her again, which is a pain. x.x

There a Whitney raffle going on right now if you're intreseted. end in 15 mins ^^^
I disagree entirely.

If you drop the money, and they attempt the "look like it's time to go", it almost starts saving immediately, while the "looks like someone is leaving" has to show them getting on the train, which takes forever. Added to the fact that once they have the villager, all you have to do is stand outside the train station while they run money back and forth from the AND in the post office to the outside of the train station. If they run in the train station, all you have to do is flip the switch then, or when the "looks like someone is leaving" message appears. Even if you wanna deposit at the same time, there is far more leeway time to flip the switch in "looks like someone is leaving" than the "looks like it's time to go".

There is not a good reason at all to drop the money before talking to the villager. The host has far more power if something is going wrong than the visitor, and far more power to screw someone over than the visitor.

That's all well and fine and reasonable, but due to paranoia in other forums, I still see the "you drop first" go down far more than the "you talk first" scenario, even on ACC where WiFi ratings are done regularly. :K I also don't have any issue seizing on the few seconds of "Looks like it's time to go home" to flip my WiFi switch personally, but if you aren't paying attention, I can see how people miss their chance.

Frankly, paying first does put the host in a position of more power, but that's how society runs currently; the store, not the customer, is often the one with the most power in transactions. It's all about trust in the end with trades, which is why I made the PSA, because not many people really get WHY a lot of people expect payment first.

Actually, the more standard procedure is letting the visitor talk to the villager and then dropping the money. It's how Reddit does it, and it's how most people on TBT do it.

From my experience on ACC and Reddit, I've seen it done in the way that I've proposed. I haven't done much shopping on these forums, but ACC is much larger than TBT, so I'd hazard to guess that the way I've seen it done is at least equally as common as the reverse, and my explanation for why it's done still serves it's informational purpose. If people want to let villagers be spoken to first, that's fine and dandy! But there are clear reasons why sellers prefer payment first in some scenarios.
Increasing your offer isn't going to get you him any faster! No one seems to have him available right now.

I know a couple that have him but are unsure of selling him yet. Just trying to give them a little push haha. Plus you never know. Someone could get him today and if I keep posting, mine will be the first they see :)
Julian the unicorn!
Merengue the hippo.

I am open to offers. I know they go for quite high, so please no 1-2mill offers :T These are the last two villagers I am selling in hopes of making some money for my few houses. Not seeking villager trades, so PM if interested.
Savannah is planing on moving, make a offer if you want her :)
PM please, going to bed now this way i can look in the morning
And you didn't give me a chance to respond before coming to conclusions that I "ignored" you.
Typically if people ask something of me, and I give a timely response, I assume that means that they're going to continue with the conversation or at least say they're leaving and that they'd be willing to talk later.
Not angry or anything, just pointing that out. I'm not really interested in arguing with people over a game, much less online trading. Lol.
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Villagers for Trade!

Villagers I Want!




Filbert - Reserved for me

Puddles - Reserved for Me

Dream Villagers Achieved


(Will pay up to 30m for Any of my Dreamies Besides Chrissy as she is sold for 1-5m Will pay Any price for Marshal. Any.)

Typically if people ask something of me, and I give a timely response, I assume that means that they're going to continue with the conversation or at least say they're leaving and that they'd be willing to talk later.

And is that assumption supposed to apply and be valid for every person you talk to? Because emergencies and sudden plans never occur, right?

I'm not really interested in arguing with people over a game, much less online trading. Lol.

Are you implying that what we're having now is an argument?
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