Villagers stay close to their houses??

Yes they generally stay near their house, or at least a house, if not their own house. I have villagers spread out throughout my island in three groups of 2 and one group of 4 and they usually stay around these populated areas. Its nice because in order to get to these areas they sometimes cross "unpopulated" areas of my island which is pretty cool.
ive flattened my island and its also empty and ive noticed my villagers actually go a lot farther than normal now? like they can be fround across the island doing things
They often stay near their home, near Resident Services, or walk along paths. If you've made paths anywhere, they're less likely to walk to other areas. They will, of course, just not as often.
I have villager houses spread across the whole island, and my museum is away from the RS/shops up on a north cliff by my house. So I almost always see villagers wandering around the island, tho they do tend to stay close to home or the RS/shops. I think the in game paths do attract villagers like someone mentioned above. I have a path across the entire north side of the island and will see villagers on that path and sometimes out on the rock ledges and secret beach. I have also noticed that if I'm in an area, even a more remote area, for awhile (for example if I'm terraforming), that tends to attract villagers as well.
Honestly, they are RARELY anywhere near their houses on my island.

It takes me forever to find them because they are all over the place.
I see mine all over, but the ones who go farthest from home into the more wooded areas seem to be villagers with the nature hobby. The others spend more time around the shops and on the plaza.
I'll have to try putting down more pathing then, because I noticed that they never go across the one bridge and up the incline to get to the little park area I have. I'm guessing it's because there's no path to that bridge, let alone after, and there's no furniture in the area between the bridge and the incline to the park. But every once in a while I'll see somebody up by the cafe, and I do have a path that leads to that incline, so it's possible that that path triggers them to at least wander up there. I wonder if I'll ever see somebody up by my house now that I moved it and have paths leading all the way up to it. This kind of makes sense, I'm excited to see if I'll notice a difference!
I’ve heard it helps if you lay the in game paths around in different areas. They’re programmed to walk on those paths but not custom paths.
This is in no way backed up by science or data but I’ve had two islands and comparatively observed that in my first slightly suburban island where I built some sort of neighborhood (easier to check who’s crafting) they mostly stayed in that area and seldom used the decorated areas far from their houses so all my common areas remained unused. I’ve had libraries and diners and stuff that no one used at all. After some time I got this itch to reset and start a new island with a more fairy/cottagecore theme so I did. This time, they are all scattered around the island. No neighborhoods. I don’t have as much common areas as before because of the theme but my villagers in this island seem to be everywhere. Loitering around other villagers houses and such. I have no idea if this is coincidence or not. What’s weird is I barely even use in game paths with this island since I use the famous custom “the path” but they’re more mobile here. They even discover “secret” hideaways like the ones Ive deliberately hidden for my own photo ops. Lolllll.
My villager houses are arranged as a neighborhood so most of the time, if they are not in front of their house, they are at someone else's. I'm guessing the paths I laid out majorly affects this as well.
I think it's how I have areas placed on my map but they either interact with my stalls, the pumpkin patch or loiter around my house like a weirdo. (which looms over their houses)


Peewee running a ramen stall


Eugene leaving the crime scene


Norma trespassing private property

Norma's house is the farthest from my house and here she is to study my seaweed.
Hahaaa! I did have a pumpkin stool quite close to my front door at one stage and I’d come out to ankha just chilling there 😂
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This is in no way backed up by science or data but I’ve had two islands and comparatively observed that in my first slightly suburban island where I built some sort of neighborhood (easier to check who’s crafting) they mostly stayed in that area and seldom used the decorated areas far from their houses so all my common areas remained unused. I’ve had libraries and diners and stuff that no one used at all. After some time I got this itch to reset and start a new island with a more fairy/cottagecore theme so I did. This time, they are all scattered around the island. No neighborhoods. I don’t have as much common areas as before because of the theme but my villagers in this island seem to be everywhere. Loitering around other villagers houses and such. I have no idea if this is coincidence or not. What’s weird is I barely even use in game paths with this island since I use the famous custom “the path” but they’re more mobile here. They even discover “secret” hideaways like the ones Ive deliberately hidden for my own photo ops. Lolllll.
Interesting! Mine were scattered about before, maybe should have kept it that way!