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Villagers You Hated, Then Liked? Liked, Then Hated?


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
Special Snowflake
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
I was wondering if you people have ever had villagers that you originally hated but then grew to like, or vise versa. For me, this is gonna be a pretty shocking story: Whenever my friend's sister had Octavian in her NL town, I hated him. I was very young at the time, and I thought he looked like "a whiny baby". I hoped and prayed that every day I wouldn't get Octavian in my town.

Then, jump to June 2018. This is when my "omg splatoon is my life" phase came back, and I wanted some of the octopus villagers to celebrate my love for the game. I quickly decided that Marina, Octavian, and Zucker were must-haves in my town. I shuddered thinking about Octavian since I had despised him back when I saw him. However, I still decided to get him.

That cranky li'l guy changed my opinion of him entirely. After having him in my town, I fell in love with him. His facial expressions, his design in general, his house, the way he constantly asked me the "spaghetti or macaroni" question... I just fell for him. He quickly went from being a villager I despised to my absolute favorite. Ever since I reset, I've had Octavian in nearly all of my towns and I really want his original e-Reader card from the GameCube era. Life works in mysterious ways :)

Another villager that I originally didn't like but grew fond of was Broffina. She moved in randomly and I didn't care for her, but over time whenever she started being nicer to me, I really started enjoying her.

As of now I don't have any villagers that I originally liked but don't anymore, but that could easily change.
Lucky was one I didn't like before, but the more I looked at his design, the more I realized he wasn't so bad. I had him in one of my old towns for a little bit and at first I still thought he was creepy. Then later on after he was gone I was on another forum website and decided to have him as my avatar because he fit the Halloween theme perfectly and then boom! After that he was a favorite. Sometimes a lot of people don't like the unpopular villagers, but really, they aren't so bad, but I'm not sure if Lucky is popular or not.
I originally didn't like Kabuki that much but I absolutely love him now! What funny faces he makes! His decor for his house is cool too and his catch phrase is amazing, mee-OOH.
I didn't care much about Peggy and she wanted to move into my City Folk towns 2-3 times (Both mine and my brother's). A year or two later, I got a second copy of New Leaf and she was a starting villager. After talking to her for a while, I somehow ended up liking her and I'm unsure if I still want her to move.
In my original new leaf town, i had Sterling. Absolutely hated him but after months of trying to get him to move out he wouldnt. Then i just realized he's actually really supportive for a jock bird.

I used to love Margie. a lot but i bought her off someone and she turned out to be plain jane. I wanted her because of nostalgia but it didnt work out.
I had Rolf in my town for a little while and I didn't like him very much. After a while, he moved out and I don't mind him that much now. He's not one of my very favorites so I probably wouldn't have him back in that same town again, but I think he's cute!
I was annoyed when Cousteau moved into my town but now he's a dreamie of mine after I got to know him
I had Rolf in my town for a little while and I didn't like him very much. After a while, he moved out and I don't mind him that much now. He's not one of my very favorites so I probably wouldn't have him back in that same town again, but I think he's cute!

Oh, that's another one! Rolf was in my old town and I didn't care for him at all... And then I decided to replace all of my villagers. I remember that he was wearing the polo shirt and I grew incredibly close to him because of how cute I thought je looked. I cried pretty darn hard after he moved out.
Back in my original town I had Astrid. Wasn't a fan of her at all to start, but as time went on she really grew on me. Sweet villager and honestly if I have the chance to get her again on my current town I would. As for my current town, I thought I'd absolutely hate Samson, but honestly that goofy mouse has 100% won me over. He asked to move earlier today and I said no because he may have earned himself a permanent spot in my town.
I used to really dislike Ed.. I thought he looked really sleazy... (I’m sorry Ed;;; ) and it always creeped me out a little.. But as soon as he moved into my campsite and I finally got to see him in person, I immediately grew attached to him. He was super sweet, and I thought that his scruff of mane covering one eye was kind of cute! (My bangs always manage to fall over one of my eyes too, no matter how short it is, so it was a little relatable too! xD) I really wanted to move him in, but my town was full;;..
I absolutely despised Diva when she first moved into my town, I didn't want to talk to her, whenever she pinged me I would run away or ignore her and I rejected every villager request involved with her. I really wanted her to move away,

but eventually I gave up and then tried to talk to her. I did grow to like her, and she's my favorite Uchi villager so far :)
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strangely enough i didnt like Chrissy when i saw her for the first time in HHD, but after i got NL and saw her in someone's town, i was like " omg that is the cutest digital bunny ever saw "
Zucker. Food related villagers don't really do much for me. I didn't hate him, but I wasn't intending to keep him and was gonna let him move out.
Then he did the little "worry dance" and his eyes got all wobbly and cute and I broke. I couldn't get rid of him, he'd won me over hardcore and now is one of my favs.
Lolly was similar, the eyes were "meh" to me but as I kept interacting with her the lil eyes won my heart. =_= Sneaky lil punks, stealing my heart like that....
When I saw Marcel for the first time, I didn't like his design at all. He looked weird and creepy to me but I've grown to like his design nowadays.
i absolutey LOATHE gladys. for personal reasons. i was trying to get a specific villager into my town (shep) and at the time i wasnt aware of the 10 villagers in a town trick so i tried for HOURS in real time (i dont mind time traveling) to get gladys to move out of my town in order to move in shep. eventually i learned abt the 10 villager trick and added shep in but bc of my bitterness of her NOT. LEAVING. i made shep?s backstory someone who like messing with gladys as the ?nightmare neighbor? trope.
Fang, he painted my house black in Population Growing.
I couldn't stay mad at him though and he slowly became one of my favorite villagers.
i used to hate jambette, gigi, and diva for the reason that they looked different and i thought they were ugly, but ive come to realize they're such nice villagers to have and i really like them for who they are. i especially grew on gigi and diva because purple is my favorite color and they look unique yet elegant!
I didn't really know anything about Diva till she was in the Halloween Pocket Camp update.
She certainly has a very interesting look to her! I might even have her in one of my future towns.
I do agree with Becca617. Jambette kinda looks like my math/science teacher (i go to a very small school so she teaches both), and that's what made me grow on her.
I liked Melba at first because she matched with the cute and pastel aesthetic. Then, I disliked her because her house was ugly. Now, I'm trying really hard to like her again. She's really sweet and I think her aesthetic is kind of pastel...?