
Nan- amiibo
Lucky- amiibo
Cole- amiibo

I’m missing someone I can’t remember who right now. Edit: it was Raddle. He was amiibo as well. I got all of mine from amiibos.
Sterling - Starter
Diva - Starter
Patty - Mystery island
Stitches - Mystery island where my sister did it instead of me
Carrie - Mystery island
Raymond - First camper, had to take him in
Rocco - Random move-in
Bea - Mystery island
Gruff - Mystery island hopping
Queenie - Mystery island hopping after someone in my campsite refused to live on my island. Thanks, Whitney!
Current villagers:

Phoebe - starter uchi
Megan - first normal; NMT island
Alfonso - first lazy; NMT island
Felicity - first peppy; NMT island
Camofrog - came from the void
Fang - NMT island
Marina - NMT island
Whitney - campsite
Bill - traded here on TBT
Marshal - traded here on TBT

Moved out:

Antonio - starter jock
Tex - first smug; first camper
Soleil - first snooty; NMT island
Marcie - NMT island
Bianca- NMT island hopping- I needed a new peppy, and I realized how cute a snow leopard would look on my island in winter

Carrie- bought from someone's shop on here- wanted a baby on my island for Toy Day (FYI, she's available for adoption right now!)

Deirdre- bought off someone on here when I needed a sisterly- she's one of my top favorite sisterlies!

Julia- bought off someone on here months ago- she's one of my all-time favorite villagers and I've been having trouble letting her go lol

Shep- NMT island hopping- I needed a new smug villager and he was one of my top choices, I squealed when I found him!

Stella- Amiibo card. I just thought she'd look cute on my island in the snow... and she does! I'm helping her build a sweater collection RN

Stitches- NMT island hopping- randomly found him just before Toy Day season and COULD NOT resist

Teddy- adopted from the free villager holiday shop on here- I needed a new jock and he's just such an awesome villager

Tucker- NMT island hopping- he was one of my biggest wishes that day and I was delighted to find him

Vic- bought off someone on here awhile ago- I just love having a viking on my island
Buck - starter
Diana - random move in very early on in game (I love that I got her)
Bluebear - campsite and instantly fell in love
Shari - island hopping
Raymond - got him here, someone offered and I had an open plot so I figured why not
Roald - got him here as well, adopted
Dobie - amiibo, best cranky ever
Bones - island hopping and instantly fell in love
Olive - island hopping
Megan - recent random move in after I got tired of island hopping, she might be leaving soon and give room for a certain normal duck
Sterling - mystery island
Rolf - adopted
Punchy - adopted
Rudy - mystery island
Tasha - amiibo
Maple - amiibo
Hans - amiibo
Raymond - mystery island (grind, 243rd ticket)
Tiffany - TBT fair prize
Peewee - amiibo

The rest of them are mystery islands. Only 4 out of the list are permanent.
currently, i’ve got;

margie - island hopping
skye- island hopping
marina - island hopping
audie - campsite visitor
sprinkle - island hopping
whitney - island hopping
zucker - island hopping
beau - island hopping
kid cat - starter
bam - island hopping

as you can probably tell, island hopping is my preferred method for finding new villagers ;p. i don’t own any amiibos and only want to obtain villagers on my own so, island hopping and the campsite are really all i have to work with aha. this isn’t my permanent set of villagers, either, as i plan on letting kid cat and marina move out eventually but any future villagers will probably be found through island hopping, too. :’)
currently i have:

lolly: nmt
marshal: trade
beau: nmt
erik: nmt
judy: nmt
raymond: campsite (trick)
stitches: nmt
mallary: nmt
coco: nmt
genji: amiibo

island hopping is fun ᵔᴗᵔ
Zell - first forced campsite visitor
Static - second ever campsite visitor
Bluebear - searching with NMTs
Marina - searching with NMTs
Whitney - searching with NMTs
Reneigh - campsite visitor via campsite method for sisterly villagers, she was the first sisterly to show up using the campsite method
Roscoe - searching with NMTs
Fauna - searching with NMTs
Raymond - campsite visitor
Lucky - searching with NMTs

I've found all of my villagers myself. I've been really lucky.

I'm still looking for two of my dreamies, Kiki and/or Lolly. The two I've been searching for from the start.
And I'm still looking for Louie to be my only jock villager.
fuchsia - starter
lily - from a friend's island
axel - from nookazon
pinky - first random move-in (week 1)
felicity - nook mile island
kabuki - from a friend's island
kyle - first campsite visitor
fang - nook mile island
tiffany - from someone on twitter
opal - nook mile island

looking to replace felicity with punchy eventually, but I don't dislike her so I'm not in any real rush there

aside from that, I actually think I'm pretty much at my final villager configuration? axel was actually my starting jock but I let him move out and regretted it for MONTHS before finally getting him back lol
Plucky: starter
Audie: First NMT island ever
Savannah: NMT Island
Ellie: NMT Island
Norma: NMT Island
Portia: Camper
Lopez: Random move-in
Claude: Camper
Gloria: Random move-in
Tom: Camper

As you can see, at some point I started to become way too lazy to go villager hunting hahah
All of mine are either from the campsite (No time travel) or NMT islands (spending no more than 7 tickets, usually no more than 3).

My cast rotates a fair amount except for Nana, and recently Muffy, who are permanent.

I would really like Hans one day, but with the way I play it is unlikely.
Kyle: amiibo

Bones: gifted from a kind TBT user

Felicity: amiibo

Dobie: island hopping

Olivia: island hopping

Vivian: campsite

Cherry: island hopping

Wolfgang: picked up from someone’s void, either from trading on TBT or Nookazon

Dom: island hopping

Eugene: villager traded for Kabuki, later had to kick and buy back, both from TBT
raymond - bought from nookazon because i wanted him real bad lol, oldest
drift- campsite, newest
pietro- amiibo
apple- villager hunting
cashmere- campsite
molly- campsite
kabuki- bought off of nookazon because i found him before and didnt take him and i regretted it
merengue- villager hunting
murphy- nookazon because i was sick of villager hunting
megan- nookazon for the same reason as murphy
My villagers on my main island are

Flo- starter
Margie- island hopping
Aurora - campsite
Hopper - island hopping
Wade - island hopping
Apple -island hopping
Static - campsite
Mint- campsite
Marshal - amiibo
Dobie - island hopping

second island

Canberra - starter
Axel - starter
Sprinkle- island hopping
Rodeo- random move in
Skye- island hopping
Lucha- forced camper
Ketchup- moved from my main island Serenity
Dizzy - Island hopping

Edited since I now have more villagers on my second island.
Last edited:
This is fun!

Skye - Starter normal
Julian, Diana, Beau, Fang - Bought off TBT
Ruby, Sylvana, Lily - NMT hunts
Erik, Deirdre - Bought off Nookazon
I have lucky, who I found on a mystery island tour and was so excited lol. I have tia, she’s from an amiibo. So are Rudy, Chrissy, puddles, and Diana. My friend had the amiibos for tia and puddles so I borrows those, and I had Rudy, Chrissy, and Diana as amiibos. Raymond showed up in my campsite and I got him that way. I found Bruce on an island and Erik. And I found Deirdre in an island which was lucky because she’s my favorite uchi villager. I’m thinking of eventually switching out Erik for wade since I have both of those amiibos and right now I have a lot of deer lol (Bruce, Diana, Deirdre, and Erik).
Derwin - guaranteed lazy villager during NMT hunt to fill starter lazy house
Audie - same as Derwin only Peppy
Cyd - NMT hunt
Merengue - NMT hunt
Kiki - from an amiibo cycler
Blanche- freebie from kind stranger on Twitter, then later from an amiibo cycler*
Julian - from an amiibo cycler
Mira - traded star frags and hybrid flowers for her
Shep - from a kind stranger on Twitter
Frobert - final villager I wanted and he just happened to show up in my campsite by random chance

I have moved Derwin and Audie in and back out to get their proper house interiors.
*Blanche originally came gifted with a bunch of clothes I didn't like so I let her move and later got a "fresh" version of her from an amiibo cycler.