Blue is the true answer to everything, including pansy color.
And blue roses too please and thank you
Blue is the only answer to pansies, we all know black roses are the best.
Blue is the true answer to everything, including pansy color.
And blue roses too please and thank you
I would sell my soul to get a blue pansy.okay but consider: they cost 300 tbt.
Why does everyone hate orange?
I doubt my friends will buy me a hybrid this time around, so I'll have to shell out 300 TBT to buy that pansy. Even though it's expensive, I can't resist the urge to buy a new collectible in the Shop.
I would sell my soul for a purple pansy if I had a soulI would sell my soul to get a blue pansy.
Same lolThis is what I feel about the new hybrids.
Finally made up my mind and voted purple. But I'll be perfectly fine when blue eventually wins.