As much as you guys don't like Trump, I can explain what's really to blame for what's going on. It is the United Nations that started it all. Yes, I know the US created the UN over 70 years ago, but they did not live up to their intentions. Instead, they done more harm than help.
1. Thanks to the UN involvement, it has created a new enemy to the United States that can be a threat to the world.
2. We wasted a war on a country that wants independence, but only to help a country that colonized that area that wanted their colony back.
3. It got America poking their noses into others' countries businesses when they could do it themselves. I don't care if it's for world peace.
4. Thanks to the veto power, we couldn't get along with the UN, thus failing to take care of major issues.
5. We allowed other nations to have influence over us, caring about what we do.
For that third reason, I understand we don't want a world war 3, but we shouldn't get involved in others' businesses. Let them do their stuff, even if the issue gets worse than the Spanish Inquisition of the 15th century. When they start attacking us, that's when we should really care.