Weird Dreams

i had a dream in like 2012 that i was in the hunger games and killed a bunch of ppl w/ my only weapon - a pillow. not by suffocating them, i just had a one sided pillow fight w/ tjem and they died
Before every single sports day I have the same dream (or you could say... vision? idk) where I have to swim in the air. I wake up and I am literally convinced I have to swim in the air.I had it this year as well.
I frequently have dreams about my teeth falling out nowadays and I hate it. It's a really weird sensation. Like in one dream, I remember rushing into the school toilets and spitting out LOADS of teeth, like it felt as though I could feel the teeth actually brushing against my lips and my mouth, it was really cringey but when I looked up into the mirror and opened my mouth, they were all still there? And then the other day, I had a dream I was pushing against one of my teeth and it was aching and hurting so much, then all of a sudden it pushed straight out. I've heard that having dreams about teeth falling out is usually related to when you are experiencing a time of change/maturity or something, not sure how true that is.
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I had a dream last night about a field. A green field. And in it, I felt really calm. There were a lot of things that happened that brought me to the field. Those things were awful, and hard, and I couldn't remember them. I just /knew/ that they happened. Part of me was really sad when I thought about the sad times. But part of me was also really happy. I felt like I needed to decide something. I woke up without deciding.
I had a dream last night about a field. A green field. And in it, I felt really calm. There were a lot of things that happened that brought me to the field. Those things were awful, and hard, and I couldn't remember them. I just /knew/ that they happened. Part of me was really sad when I thought about the sad times. But part of me was also really happy. I felt like I needed to decide something. I woke up without deciding.

That sounds like a peaceful dream. Never really had one like that
OMG, just had another of those like levitating dreams, and this time im getting really good at it. Im getting off the ground and ascending faster, and i can even stay in place, unlike in older dreams where i kept going down if i didnt think about it. I have to make these like flying motions with my hand like if i had wings to take off and go really high. Ive also been having lots of terrorism dreams, so in the same dream, there was soo much crime going on and all of the streets were unsafe. Like at night we heard 2 woman got held hostage in a restaurant when they were trying to leave. Thats why i didnt feel safe walking around and wanted to levitate. I also had a dream before that where a guy in the same street was trying to molest me, but I ****ing beat him up, and moved on. Back to the first dream, so i was flying around town and went tl some restaurant stand thingy outside and tried getting some food while at like head level above everyone else. Then my dad came and i showed him i was levitating as he never seen it before. Then he was like, because of all the terrorism he said you needa call me and tell me youre safe. He jusy got back from work. So then we went into this like tiny walkway of a shop or something like we went into the door and its just a long hallway, me and my dad sat there and then started chatting, while i was sitting like 3 feet above air, still. I didn't even think about floating and I was still on air.

I also had a weird dream, like two days ago we were outside and it was like the end of the world or something because of hella terrorist attacks. And then im outside with my dad aswell. And theres also a crowd of a bunch of random people aswell.So then, this airplane or bomb explodes in like the city right next to us, and we all see it as we're gathered up ontop of the mountains. So then we freak out and start panicking. Then we're all like so glad it didn't hit out city, welll guess what happens right after that. I think it happens again in our city, i dont remember too much at this point, but some evil guy came and started to get rid of some peoples memories. My memory didnt get touched, but my dads did. So me and a bunch of other people started freaking out snd everyone was running around, while i stayed with my dad, who was unconscious, and guess what, i see a board full of empty spaces appear on him, and all of those spaces were his memories, and then the pieces to them appeared as well. SO in order to restore his memory i had to restore the pieces of the puzzle. There was about 10 or 15 pieces, and i was able to restore all but 1. That 1 i wasn't able to restore was the memory of me being my dads child. He woke up and then he didn't really remember me. Then the dream ended shortly after that.
about a year ago i had a lucid dream and i just started levitating with the world turning red, i felt very pressured on my back and ticklish. then i just woke up
i still lucid dream a lot, and i'm still not very good at controlling them. but it's never been as bad as that.