Weird food combinations that are actually really nice?

meatballs and french fries. idk if it's a thing around the world but hella delish man
it's not really weird but one of my favorite food combos are rice cakes with melted dark chocolate, cashew butter and yogurt.. another would be lamb curries with hazelnut on top..
i a abit creeped out by all these food combinatioms no offense
not sure if this is still weird but i dip pepperoni pizza/ the crust in ranch sometimes
not sure if this is still weird but i dip pepperoni pizza/ the crust in ranch sometimes


Also, not a food per se, but condiments: ketchup and jelly melted down together. It's REALLY friggin' good! Don't knock it 'til you try it!
Ok, everyone I tell this gets grossed out, but this is the sandwich I order at Subway: Italian Herb and Cheese bread, tuna, provolone cheese (toasted), onions, lettuce, black olives and chipotle sauce. Smells like butt, tastes delicious to me.