Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Name: Adam
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Weapon: Katana
Favorite killing method?: Slicing his victim's limbs then Silts his victim's throat.
Things they hate: People (expect his old friend Blake), Funny stuff, everything else that a killer hates. ;)
Things they love: Blake, Killing, Laughter, etc..
Other: Here's what his like: Adam: Like I will listen to a damn child. Adam smirked, He pulled out his Katana and said: Prepare to die you little brat! -ends here- other note: im not used to using commas. Thanks for understanding.

.: Suzuya :.

The albino tried his best to keep his composure, spacing out as he listened to how angry Charles was getting, fed up and simply exclaiming it in ways that only a old guy would do, Suzuya absently wondered if they would be getting anything to eat, or if Charles just called them here to rant and rave over things that annoyed him, though considering his mansion was consisted of his game, Suzuya wouldn't put it past Charles to have brought them here to do just that, this was all due to his own wishes and will after all.

Idly, The albino let out a "oop~" and leaned across the table, plucking one of the makeshift flowers from a vase, as he began to examine the thing between his fingers, trying to keep himself occupied and all the while ignore Charles unless he announced something interesting.
although Suzuya gave a rather displeased expression as he caught Komaeda calling himself trash again.

.: Charles :.

The old man simply nodded, trying to ease up his pint up anger as he lent an ear and tried listening to each and every person's argument as he took them to heart, sure, Charles was a eccentric mad man bent on ending various people's lives just for entertainment purposes.

Yet he also considered himself a fair man, and as a fair man would, he would try to find a solution to the issue that would please him as well as his hired killers, as well as try to motivate the cattle to actually make an attempt on his life, the game was no fun if the master of the mansion didn't get any excitement, after all.

"Teela.. I learned from my past mistakes, as I hope you have also, love only holds us back from our true potential." he stated rather firmly, not wanting to get into it with the maid at this very moment, surely she was heartbroken, but in his own mind he had freed the girl from a mistake she would of regretted, not only that, it would only serve to prolong the game if such a romance were to break out.

"As for killing any of you, I have no intentions to.. yet, I can easily convert any of you killers into cattle if I sense rebellion, do not forget that you are all in my game, and in my game you must live by my rules, Jasper and Komaeda have brought to my attention that Daniel perhaps was to be eliminated due to how rebellious he got.. so I will now agree with that mindset and no punishments will be cast for his eternal banishment." Charles ever so calmly stated.

The man made sure to speak slow enough where everyone could hear him, he wanted to make a point of sorts, soon following up with "Sendo, I have no problem with your methods.. they are always splendid, and elegant, my only problem really is that my killers are getting out of hand as of late, you've been quite busy so I'm sure you might not be aware, but some have been idling living the good life within my mansion, frolicking and befriending the cattle, romancing the cattle, and even slacking off as they read my books or eat my food while neglecting their job as butchers." Charles meant every word, the killers had been slacking off and not even trying as of late, and it quite disgusted him in how they did.

Though there was another matter at hand Charles had to address, and so he started to speak of it as well to bring the subject into the conversation.
"Now... there is also a reason I brought you, the cattle here, " Gesturing towards whom he deemed cattle, he began to explain.
"Due to the fact no one has even attempted on my life, I will be upgrading the risks of the game..
There will be new traps, motives, and perhaps even hostages taken." pausing for a minute to click his tongue, Charles inhaled and finished with "If that doesn't scare you enough, I would like you to know with each passing day, more risks will be added, and soon survival will be slim to none as the days go by." he finished, waiting a few seconds to let his words sink in before he added onto his lecture.

"Now, I understand you might have questions about how bad these risks might be.. or why I am so cruel to place even more difficulties upon you? it's to make sure you try, because for I, the master of the mansion.. this game is my only form of entertainment, and so far, no one has brought me excitement that I long for, I long to feel like I am in danger, and I want to see my life flash before my very eyes... if you cannot do that much, you have no hope of leaving this place alive, do I make myself clear?" Charles now questioned, raising one of his eyebrows ash e waited for the responses of the killers and cattle alike.

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Hearing Charles drone on about this and that, one thing stuck out to Jasper. It seemed as if Charles had lost his belief in love. Jasper never really had one but he knew the old man was quite sweet for Monica which was strange considering he had asked the trusted butler to kill his dear wife just a few days ago. Jasper decided to voice his opinion. "Is this why you had me kill Monica the other day, sir? Did you not love her anymore?" Jasper asked the second question as if he were a child. He simply didn't understand such matters as love and brushed them off as trivial and unwanted but now, Jasper really was curious what the old man would say next.
Nagito Komaeda

"Ah, what motives are you talking about? And what hostages?"
Komaeda asked thoughtfully, now back in his seat with his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the table. New? Komaeda didn't notice any traps or hostages in the short period of time he's been here. Was the goal to kill Charles? And he himself wished that upon himself? Of course, Komaeda desired that ending as well but he wasn't sure if that was what he truly wanted yet, looking at the old man in anticipation.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya's eyes widened, the Albino sprung up and smacked his hands against the table in an excited motion as he quickly added a question of his own to the conversation.

"Ah! More traps? such... such as arrows that shoot at you in a long corridor?" His voice was laced with glee, one of the many quirks of Suzuya was that he quite loved adrenaline, and dangerous situations in general where one could lose their life easily, so this sounded like a playground for the boy to explore, and he was itching to get started.

.: Charles :.

"Ah, now keep them coming.." Charles inhaled as he took in the questions, almost as if he were absorbing the questions themselves into his mind, although in reality the old man was simply just preparing himself to answer each and every question with certainty, he wanted to be fair and just with each one that he would address.

"I really do love the curious minds that surround me this evening, and as such I will start with you, Jasper.." The old man gave a irritated expression, leaning forward as he pondered over the question at hand, Charles could remember days when he and Monica were truly happy, however..
He could also recall when things started to go sour, and how love had consumed him to the point where he would do anything for Monica, he recalled when the emotion truly began to control him and how much he despised each moment with the woman, when she touched him with her aging skin how the friction felt more like sandpaper scratching the surface of his skin.

"Love is useless, if you allow it... the emotion will consume you, and if it you allow it, the emotion will progress until you are reduced to nothing but cattle in front of the one you have given your heart, they will control you.. and then crush you to smithereens." Charles narrowed his eyes as he gave his opinion, firmly remembering how much love had ruined his life.

Recently, the petty feeling had brought him to not go through with some of his more gruesome plans due to Monica being afraid of too much gore, and thus he stopped in his tracks many times for the woman, suppressing his own happiness just to make her feel like she was loved. how foolish he had been, to give himself away like that, and let someone else choose all of his decisions with Charles being blind to who really held the power, the emotion had gotten too strong.. and began to scare the man, and that was why he truly ended Monica's life, before love could get even more out of hand.

"I cannot answer your question to it's fullest, Komaeda.. I can only provide you with the information to know if you killers, and cattle alike did not raise to my expectations.. so now, I will be forced to place motives, and even take hostages in this later game, no.. you will not get to know whom is taken, and you will not realize the motives until they are presented to you personally, but please do expect these changes within the fall of night." Charles explained this the best he could without giving too much away, he wanted to make sure everyone was satisfied, yet knew better than to ruin the surprises that the old man had in store for later.

"On the other hand, I will also address your issue... Suzuya, was it?" Charles faked ignorance, it was true that the old man already knew all of the guests and killers names, in fact, he had memorized them quite awhile ago.

nevertheless, he answered the last question he was presented with.
"I won't spoil the fun that easily.. you know, you'll simply have to trigger them yourself, and see if you become a pindoll stuck to my manor walls.." as he offered such a nice proposal, Charles began to form a plan in his head as he stared towards the stitched boy, a rather eerie grin started forming on his lips, however. before anyone could notice he divided his attention back to the rest of his guests and killers, waiting for their responses once more.

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"God damn, devil worshipper, son of a b*itch, ****ty b*stard..." I uttered under my breath, my eyes shooting daggers at Charles. "I was planning to use that fool..." I lied, biting the inside of my lip. "Suzuya, not only will you be skewered by darts and such, you will look like a voodoo doll with all your stitches." I grumbled, tracing a pentagram with my finger on the table. "It would be quite funny to see, but I don't think your friend would like seeing you lie that." I noted, nodding at Komaeda. "Dispite how pretty of a color blood is..." Saying this, a small grin shone on my face.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda smiled, getting up. "That was all I needed to know, thank you." He had to admit he was a little excited for these new traps and "motives," because he was finally getting some thrill out of this game. He would enjoy killing the other killers in hostage when their only hope was to be released from this world. He grinned mischievously again, keeping his position so he could leave early.

While he stood up though, he looked over to hear Teela's voice. Ah, it never failed to aggravate him. "Look here, don't consider yourself untouchable since you're Charles' maid - you're fair game for the rest of us here.." he smiled. "I must agree though. It'd be soothing to see that lovely color oozing out of your body when I'm done with you."
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Jasper nodded. "Understood. Thank you." Jasper watched Komaeda stand up and he asked curiously, "Where do you think you're going? The meeting is not over yet."

.: Suzuya :.

"Ah.. if it's just triggering them, then count on me!" Suzuya volunteered out loud, raising one of his hands from the table as a school kid might.

"Though.. please don't be disappointed in me when I make it out alive." with a giggle Suzuya retorted, the albino had no intentions of becoming some skewered voodoo doll pinned to Charles wall, he simply wanted the adrenaline that the traps would give him as he set them off, and perhaps the opportunity to push someone into one of those many traps.

Frowning towards Teela's comment, Suzuya couldn't help yet be impressed with how Komaeda handled it before the albino could. then again, the boy was also surprised to hear how sinister Komaeda's comment was. and for some reason, this brought an amusement smile to the stitched boy's lips.

.: Charles :.

"Teela, do you really have to act so inappropriately during this meeting?" Charles uttered with disappointment, the maid was acting distasteful and Charles near having enough of it, the old man was about ready to shape her up and ship her out with the cattle instead of the flock of killers whence this meeting ended if she continued to hold this unsightly behavior.

"On the other hand, you are welcome Komaeda.. but just as Jasper says, we aren't finished here yet." The master of the mansion said sharply, and narrowed his eyes towards the newbie.

"However, the meeting is nearly finished so don't get your boxers in a bunch.. now then, does anyone have any questions or concerns?" Charles questioned the killers and cattle alike, his eyes scanning the room as he waited to make sure everyone was fine and understood the rules.
"Also to be noted, you will be noticing changes in the early morning, so don't freak out.." Charles scoffed.

Jasper raised his hand jokingly. "Charles? I have a question left still." He put down his hand and went on to ask his question, "How will you be able to tell which of the killers are loyal and which are not? It's starting to seem like we have more killers than cattle in our little game and I'd like for you to change that. It'll make things a bit more interesting if the cattle outnumbered the killers. Things are too boring if it seems like your victory is too guaranteed." Jasper leaned back in his chair, a wide smirk on his face as he awaited Charles's response. He was sure that Charles would commend him for his loyalty and thank him generously for giving him such an idea. After all, it was such a Charles thing to do.

The female crept into the room, hoping to avoid all eyes that would proceed to fall upon her. She was late, and this was the first time the cattle would have seen her. Dragging a large, torn teddy bear along beside her, she approached Charles, leaning down to whisper into his ear.
"I've captured the sheep. What did you want me to do with her now?"
She looked up, scanning the faces of those in the room. There was an obvious difference between the commoners and the other hired killers, and she could pick them apart without even thinking twice.
Her gaze focused on the one who had most recently spoken. This was Jasper. Then there was the maid, Teela, who seemed quite emotional. Too emotional for the job.
Z snorted, returning her focus to Charles.​
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda rolled his eyes slightly when he caught Charles narrowing his eyes at him. He tuned out Jasper's question, hiding a yawn behind his sleeve. He looked over at Suzuya, patting his shoulder to signal to him that they should take their leave while they still can. He pondered over his thoughts again when he decided he'll just wait for him outside the door. Charles seemed pretty desperate about deriving fear from them.. adding motives, traps, hostages and the like. However, these still won't lead him to murder anyone other than Jasper, Teela, or Charles. That other killer, Sendo, was it? He seemed pretty harmless so far but he'll do what he had to in a situation that might require him to injure him.

He'd probably have to plan his next kill more thoroughly in order to get away with it though. Surely, if he killed one of the three it would send the other two after him. He stared at the other wall when he was thinking and tried his best to not listen to whatever it was that Charles was talking about.

.: Suzuya :.

Flinching a little at the touch, The albino was pleasantly surprised to see Komaeda remember him, and so stood up as well.

However, as the Albino began to follow Komaeda towards the door, Suzuya caught sight of Koizumi staring at her lap and trying to stay relatively quiet it seemed, and having a short flashback of how angry Komaeda got at him, the Albino let out a sigh and stubbornly made his way over to the chair Koizumi sat at, ignoring Sendo as Suzuya suddenly leaned down, and stared rather vacantly at the girl.

"I was... wrong, and I'm sorry for what I did." He slowly mumbled, though the words came out rather reluctantly as he was more or less forcing himself to apologize so Komaeda wouldn't scold him later, after his sentence Suzuya started digging through his pockets until he let out an "Ah." and dropped a small wrapped lemon candy made by the funtom company on her lap.
and with that the Albino followed through with what his adoptive father always did to apologize, and went to give the girl a quick and un-volunteered hug.

.: Charles :.

"Hm.. you make quite the point, Jasper." Charles grinned as he knew whom exactly he would turn into Cattle, the one that had been making him rather disappointed as of late.

He gestured towards Teela as he spoke to Jasper.
"Take her weapons and strip her of any explosives, Teela.. from this day onwards you are now reduced to nothing more than cattle, to even the score a little bit.. you've been nothing but disrespectful since you have entered this dining room, and so forth I will take away your title as killer." He exclaimed rather proudly, leaning back in his chair as he waited for Jasper to carry out his commands.

Although Charles was a little awestruck as Z entered the room, he wasn't expecting this particular killer to arrive until later, as she had been busy and trusted with one of his more secretive plans for this game.
"Ah Z... welcome, I would prefer you stayed until everyone has left, and we will discuss the matters then?" He questioned in a quiet tone.

Before he turned to face the rest of the company at the table, finally announcing
"This meeting is done! please leave, and continue the game to your hearts content." with a clap of his hand, he ended the announcement.

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Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi listened to whatever Charles and Jasper and the others had to say in pure horror. Why? Why did they have to kill people.. She didn't hear Charles dismiss the meeting, just staring at the table. She flinched when someone spoke to her - but her entire body tensed up when she realized who the voice belonged to. "S-stay away! I.." Koizumi was surprised when she felt the small candy land in her lap, warily looking up at the boy. "H-huh? Why? Why're you.." Koizumi asked before the boy hugged her. Was this another trick? She wasn't sure what to do..

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda sighed, looking over to where Suzuya went and noticed he'd walked over to that girl, the one who he sucked out the eardrum of. What was he doing? Was he.. hugging her? Komaeda quickly rushed over, pulling them apart. "Oh, would you look at the time. Suzuya should really be going," Komaeda smiled, grabbing Suzuya's arm roughly and escorting him out of the room, not saying anything, which was almost eerie.

Z watched the little female that seemed to be covered in stitches. Okay.. by this point, she knew he was a male, but that didn't stop her from seeing him as a girl. He was very feminine regardless and shared a romance with another male, so Z didn't see what the problem was with referencing another gender.
Listening to Charles speak before he noticed her, she smirked. Teela was now but another pawn in the game. You couldn't be emotional and kill people, it didn't make sense. It was clear that Charles would choose her. She looked over at Jasper knowingly, giving him a little nod of greeting, listening as Charles returned the whisper.
"Understood, boss."
She stepped back, leaning against the wall and hugging the bear to her chest.​
"I was actually hoping you would say that, Charles." I said with a smirk, standing up as I took out my blunderbuss and finger claw. "I already know everything about this mansion. There's not much you can do to stop me from getting more explosives." I started to pull out a large amount of explosives, most of which were small grenades. "Being a cattle has advantages that your filthy killers don't. They actually get to kill you!" I giggled. I started to pull up the sleeve, revealing the many scars on my arm. "What a shame... I never got to use my favorite little toy..." I murmured, taking a small block of sodium that was strapped to my arm.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo didn't even have time to take in the fact that his new archenemy was hugging Koizumi before Teela was threatening to blow up Charles. This wasn't good--at this rate, the crazy woman was going to kill everyone in this room to exact her revenge. However, his employer almost certainly had something up his sleeve as well. There was no real need for Sendo to get involved. "Koizumi..." he said, standing up, "we should take our leave."

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki couldn't find her voice through the entire meeting, it was all so scary for her. As if this building wasn't already life-threatening enough, now there would be traps involved? She wasn't paying much attention anymore until the maid flew into a frenzy, pulling out explosives and everything. She quickly stood up, "Don't do it! Don't kill anybody!" Yuki found herself calling to the maid, tears filling her eyes. Yuki never did get used to the idea of death--even after all that these people had done to them, she couldn't bear to see anyone die, not even Charles.
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Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi didn't hesitate to get up and walk out before Sendo did. How was she supposed to react to that hug? He just sucked out her eardrum before and now he's hugging her? Why? She decided not to mention it since it would've put Sendo in a bad mood. She felt like that would be a bad idea since he's a killer after all - he could well kill everyone in this room if he put his mind to it. So instead she just puffed out her cheeks and put a hand on her ear as she walked, not really sure where she was going. However, Koizumi would sneak a few glances behind her as she walked to see how Sendo was doing.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo walked faster to catch up with Koimizu. He had nothing to say about the apology Suzuya had given her, but he didn't believe it was sincere. He followed the girl silently for a little while, pondering the whole new situation they were in. "That was a horrible meeting," he finally said, adjusting his hat out of habit, "I couldn't get a word in edgewise after they mentioned traps." Sendo made a strange face at the thought, he liked being able to state his opinion in a conversation.
I stared at the girl, my face blank as I pulled my sleeve over my scarred arm. A smile suddenly flew across my face, my eyes lighting up in amusement. "Why would I do that? I can smell the gunpowder in the walls. I'm smart enough to know that if I were to use even one grenade, the entire mansion would blow. Along with me. And if I were to shoot, and my bullet missed it's target, which is very unlikely, the bullet would cause enough heat from friction, it would make a spark, and the outcome is the same as if I were to use my bombs." I grinned at the girl. "I'm not stupid!" I laughed, pointing the blunderbuss at Yuki. "Bam!" I giggled, the gun going off, but no bullets came out. It was empty.