Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki winced and let out a small squeal as Teela pulled the trigger. She gave a weak smile when she realized what had happened, looking up at the maid and trying to hide the fact that she was shaking with adrenaline and fear. She could only think of how much she wanted to leave this awful place and the strange, scary people that were here. Even the other guests were losing it, after all. It was only a matter of time before her own sanity began to slip away.

Yuki wasn't sure what to say now and she felt rather silly at this point, but she was still fearful of what would happen now. Who could really be trusted?

The female stared intently at the maid, watching as the her recent loss began to strip her of her sanity. She was falling apart, and only someone stable could see that. The maid would prove interesting to the game, perhaps Z would even help her.. even if just for a little while. Z was here to ensure Charles would win the game, even if her own life was lost. Which it wouldn't be. The pay was too good for her to die. A little smile formed on her pink lips as she considered in what ways to help the maid. She could assist her with weaponry, or aid her in avoiding the newest traps, then slowly disappear to leave Teela alone. She could fend for herself anyway, Z just needed some fun. Her most recent assignment was boring and proved to be all too easy for her, so she was curious as to what would happen if she spiced things up.
Most of the cattle were leaving at this point, which meant Z would have her word with Charles about what to do with her new toy.​

.: Suzuya :.

"Ah..uhm?-" Suzuya could only stutter as he was escorted out rather roughly by Komaeda, not quite sure why the other had gotten so hasty all of a sudden, The albino wasn't even done with his apology, in fact this probably left Koizumi quite confused.

"This happened ah.. How come?" Suzuya managed to ask rather incoherently, not really sure if the sentence came out right as the stitched boy tried to ask what exactly Komaeda was doing, the albino put on a very puzzled expression as he tried to ponder why they had to leave so fast, wondering if he had possibly done something wrong.

.: Charles :.

Charles waited for Jasper to listen to his command, and for everyone except Z and perhaps if he chose to stay around, Jasper, would leave.

Presumably some believed that Teela was about to blow the place up, but Charles knew the girl might be na?ve with some matters, yet she wasn't stupid enough to actually take them all with her.. and if she was, perhaps Charles would applaud her right here and now for being so ridiculously out of her mind, more so than he himself, who was a senile old man in some aspects.

"I would like to remind you all.. when I said that everything takes place tonight, and you will notice changes in the morning.. well, because some are fools to believe otherwise, let me enlighten that also means the weaponry will be moved, the explosives and materials for such will also be moved to different locations. the whole game will be changing up tonight, and if you like to play games let me put this in a term a gamer might understand.."

Charles gesturing for his hand, making a motion as he exclaimed
"Welcome to hard mode! the difficulty has been increased and the boss has leveled up." the man spoke rather foreign to his tongue, in truth he didn't know much about video games, but he could recall that some of the younger generation did as a girl named Chihiro fujisaki was a participant in his last games, and she would rant on and on about this and that video game system and hacking tools, though Charles didn't really bring her habits up for any particular reason, rather than to see how the cattle would respond.​
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Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi laughed a little at Sendo's comment. "Wasn't it? Heh.. Charles never fails to scare me," she smiled, which was soon reduced to a frown. After a brief silence, she looked at the killer again, then asking,"Um, how long do you plan to follow me around? It would look weird if a killer were following a.." Koizumi paused, clearing her throat, "..cattle."

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda thought for a moment, staring at the boy when he stopped. "That's not important, is it?..Heh, that man next to her looked shady.." he lied, wondering if Suzuya would notice. He actually had no idea why he came when he did - Suzuya was just hugging her after all - it's not like they were fighting. It's not like there was any grave danger in the situation. He didn't regret taking him away, so why did he take him away? He sighed, staring at the ground for a bit. "Things got awkward quickly, didn't they? Do you want to go get something to eat? Just to get away from all this killing?" Komaeda asked, trying to escape the situation.
I moved over to Yuki, the blunderbuss still in my hand. I gently placed a hand on her head. "Don't worry. The only one who will be dying at my feet will be those who try to use a guillotine on my love..." I murmur to her, a serious, yet gentle look in my eyes. Walking past her, I stopped at the door, about to turn to Charles but resisted. "If the boss levels up, then I'll only do more so." I smiled to myself. "Japer, do you not believe me? Are you asking me to strip down to my undergarments?" I questioned, my voice rising in anger. I spun around, shoving the gun into the hidden holster on my thigh before it could be seen.

[There ya go]
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(Back. Going to post now. Um... @KittyKittyBoo, mind editing? Don't leave yet. >w< )

- - - Post Merge - - -

Jasper had spaced out for a bit and when he saw everyone leaving, he realized Charles had given him a task to do. "Of course, sir." Jasper set to work grabbing all the weapons laid out on the table that belonged to Teela. Once he grabbed them all, he looked over at Teela and asked, "Is this all? This pile is a bit light for someone like you. Where are you hiding the rest?"

Jasper tuned out Charles rambling about how the game was changing. Jasper knew this step would have come at any moment. He was just so focused on Teela and what she would do next.
Jasper countered coldly, "Yes, please, if you don't mind. Relax. I'm not going to attack you or anything. I don't see people in that way. I'd rather kill than... other options." Jasper awkwardly laughed. "Now, go ahead. Strip."
"Y-you pervert!" I shouted, my cheeks quickly turning red. "I most certainly am not going to strip down for you! Especially with him around!" I added, pointing at Charles. "And I know that the security cameras record everything that shows on those screens!"
Jasper rolled his eyes. "I'm not a pervert. Why are you so paranoid anyways? It's not like you have anything I haven't seen before. It's just human biology." Jasper was confused on why Teela seemed to care so much about this. It certainly wasn't something that bothered him. He jokingly added, "If it makes you feel any better, I'll strip down to my undergarments as well."

.: Suzuya :.

As komaeda's responses came, the albino only seemed to get more and more puzzled at why he was being taken away like this, The other male was acting weird, and Suzuya was a little too dense to figure out why, so he simply cocked his head to the side as he was pulled along with the other.

"Ah, ah..? I suppose so, but food sounds good too." Suzuya mumbled, trying to see for himself if he could solve the mystery of the way Komaeda was currently acting, though the chances were not in his favour, and this made Suzuya pout visibly.

Though his tummy answered the other's question before he got the chance to, a small grumble emitting from his tummy which made Suzuya nearly jump since he was so lost in thought.

.: Charles :.

Charles had been watching the scene before him unfolding, frowning as he simply shook his head.

"Jasper.. can you at least take the lady to a dressing room of sorts? It's not polite to ask a woman to take off her clothes in front of many people, even if she is cattle.. I think my mansion has set rules for respect, and no offence to you.. but It would disgust me to see you or Teela in undergarments." as he said this, the old man scrunched his nose up, unsure if he wanted to take the chance and trust Teela, or if he should let Jasper continue on with his search, however the one thing for certain was that Charles wanted no part in this.

"My apologies, sir." Jasper turned towards Teela. "Now then, do you mind going with me to the bathroom then or somewhere else private? I do hate to do this but I really need to ensure that you have no weapons left on your person still."
Nagito Komaeda

"I hope that going to that meeting wasn't too hard on you. It's not like Charles is really gonna set those traps or take people hostage.. so don't worry about it."
Komaeda tried to distract Suzuya from what happened, going into the kitchen. "Oh, uh, Suzuya. Do you want to try making something? I'm feeling a little tired from that.." he said warily, sitting down at the table, cupping his head with one hand.

.: Suzuya :.

The albino shook his head and gave a rather excited smile. "Nuh uh! It was amazing... Charles is going to set more traps! isn't that exciting??" Suzuya mused,
though the excitement slowly began to deflate as he actually processed what Komaeda had told him, the pout coming back to his features as he disappointedly muttered "Ah.. So Charles is just lying and being a total lame arse?"

This caused Suzuya to bite his lip, his mood swinging from glee to something of depression.

"Hmm? me? Ah... I can try, but I won't guarantee it will be yummy~" The boy offered with a childish tease, giving the other a playful salute as he made his way over to the fridge, digging out some bread and some jam, then he began to search the counters for some peanut butter, knives and a fork, so he could prepare the most simple of lunches.

The ever so easy to make Peanut butter and jam sandwiches, something his adoptive father did teach him how to make due to the fact Shinohara often worried that Suzuya wouldn't be able to feed himself if the man were away, and truth be told, the theory was somewhat right, The albino wasn't sure how to cook most things, and struggled in the kitchen most of the time, which mostly resulted in many injures and things falling on him as he failed dishes.

Swaying and spinning on his heel, the boy continued to quietly giggle as he prepared the easy to make sandwiches.

.: Charles :.

"Oh no.. really it's fine, my boy.. Just remember even if Teela doesn't act it, she is still a lady, and in this mansion ladies are to be treated with care until it's time for their bitter end." Charles reminded the other, though in reality even as sick and twisted as the elder man was, he did have respect for boundaries and as such, would never tolerate someone abusing the other gender.

Not that this situation was abusing, it was just alarming how Jasper could forget such things, manners were a given to be working at this mansion and Charles expected nothing less than proper etiquette from the butler.

Charles glanced towards Z, deciding as soon as the others would leave the room, he could discuss the important matter with the girl, and also perhaps the changes that would take place tonight. some were already in place, but some needed some adjustments, but if the cattle could handle to play professionals, it would be essential to up their mansion's killing game quite a bit to add to the thrill and difficulty for the cattle, these traps and motives wouldn't be any laughing matter, and would have to be dealt with tonight.

"H-hell no!" I shouted, my nails digging into my palms. "You getting undressed too would b-be worse!" I growled, my cheeks bright red as my nails cut my skin, a few drops of blood seeping through my fingers. "I-if you weren't a pervert, then you wouldn't even be asking me in the first place!" I swung the door open, my bloody hand tinting the doorknob red. "Dammit, if you expect to get me undressed, either I'll have to be drunk, unconscious, or dead!" At this, I stormed out of the room, my cheeks bright red as I moved to the music room. Shutting the door, I sat down at the piano, my fingers flying over the keys as I played my favorite song, the Death Waltz.
Jasper tried to reason with Teela. "How would that be worse? I'm not a pervert. Teela? Are you okay?" He watched her curiously as her hand started to bleed. She suddenly ran out of the room and quickly left. Jasper looked over to Charles with a confused expression on his face. "Should I go after her, sir?"
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo stopped walking, "Don't do that," he said very seriously, "don't refer to yourself in that way." He approached Koizumi and placed his left hand on her shoulder, his other hand grasping the tip of his hat. "Now, I don't care what Charles says or how much he pays me--I will never refer to another person by such a horrid title. Please, just don't even joke about it." Sendo appeared much more bothered by the word coming from her mouth about herself than he had when Charles had said it earlier.

"As for your question," he said, returning to his grinning self, "I wouldn't worry about that. I'm simply spectating until I come to a decision." It was a strange answer, but strange answers seemed to be a thing of his.

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki felt a little better after Teela's comment to her, and strangely by the pat on the head as well. But when the situation go awkward, she decided to slip out of the dining room to find somewhere safe to go. After all, she hadn't forgotten that there would be traps by morning and she needed to get ready. Perhaps she could get her hands on a weapon of sorts to defend herself.
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Nagito Komaeda

"Suzuya, you could have just said sorry and be done with apologizing, you know.."
Komaeda mumbled at his place at the table, tapping his fingers against it. He had no idea why he was so bothered. Why was he even still thinking about what'd happened? It was such a small thing too.. He looked at the boy from the table, beginning to drum his fingers in a rhythm. He didn't know it yet, but there was a small hope in Komaeda's heart that blossomed when he was near the boy. Something he didn't particularly dislike.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Yeah, that Charles guy really needs to get his priorities straight. Calling us cattle.."
Koizumi sighed, looking at the man. It worried her a little though when he said he's just spectating til' he came to a decision. What was that supposed to mean? Was there a chance that he could still kill her? Then why was she even letting him follow her still? This Sendo guy.. he's really shady, but Mahiru felt like she should keep him around for some reason.

.: Suzuya :.

The albino slowly stopped in his actions as he was fiddling with the jar of peanut butter, trying to get it to pop open to no avail.
"Ah..? Why are you still going on about that?" Suzuya curiously asked, quite oblivious to why Komaeda had gotten back onto the topic.

Cocking his head once more to the left, then the right, and soon that same pout came to his features as he further questioned. "Ah.. Did I do something that bothered you in some way?" as the albino asked this, he slowly walked towards the other male and held the peanut butter jar to his chest, before suddenly leaning forward and staring at the other with his puzzled expression.

.: Charles :.

"She's acting suspicious, so I would go ahead and try to commence the search my boy.. however, I feel you should search later, she isn't planning to kill anyone soon, my life is more than likely all she is interested in ending." Charles assured Jasper, flashing the butler a little grin to show off his confidence, the old man didn't have a death wish and was smart enough to know how to avoid one.

On the other hand, he also had a meeting with Z that he really must attend. the girl knew of a very devious plan that he was preparing for tonight, and if the preparations weren't finished accordingly, the plan would be all for naught.

"I trust you can take care of this with no issues later on?" He raised his eyebrow as he questioned his prized butler, though he knew Jasper was more than fit to deal with a rebellious maid, so it wasn't very concerning right now, the matter at hand was much more important, and Jasper should be there for the discussion.

Jasper nodded. "Understood. I will continue the search later on." Jasper smiled. He teased, "Yes, your short, little life is quite important compared to everyone else's here."

Jasper stood near his chair still. "And yes, of course, I'll be handle it all later." He glanced towards the door. "Was there anything else you needed me to do?"
Nagito Komaeda

"I'm not so sure myself, actually.. why am I so worried? It just gave me an unusual feeking when you hugged that girl."
Komaeda forced himself to smile to assure the boy that he didn't need to get so close to him. "It was nothing. I don't think you need to burden yourself with it.." he said, trailing off.