Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


The female stood up from her spot on the wall, stepping towards Charles now that Jasper was headed out. He was the last to remain, and once he was gone, Charles would tell her what her next move was. After all, if the cattle were just pawns in this game, Z could be nothing more than a knight, so she could easily be removed from the game, though she had an advantage the others didn't have.
Her bear fell to the ground, though she kept it held tightly in her right fist.
"Okay, boss. What's the plan?"​

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya stared at Komaeda for about a minute with that same puzzled expression, not quite sure why the other was feeling like that over him hugging some random girl, the albino only did the action as it was something his dad told him to do when Suzuya was supposed to apologize.

Although soon without thinking much into it, Suzuya slowly wrapped his arms around Komaeda and placed his head atop the other's messy hair, resting his chin there as he closed his eyes, when the other was sitting like this, it made hugging him a lot easier after all.

"Oh no, oh no.." He mumbled, sounding somewhat concerned yet quiet.
"It happened again.. my body moved on it's own like this." The albino pouted a little, even more puzzled at his own actions than the way Komaeda was acting, he just seemed so excited and spontaneous around the other as of late, but perhaps Suzuya didn't mind.

.: Charles :.

Charles snorted, he couldn't help but do so at the little tease. "My life might be short, but at least it will be worth while till the very end." The man spoke with promise, as he really did hope to be entertained until the moment he breathed no more.

"I'm going to discuss the various traps I have in mind, and also I will have you remove all of the weapons and place them elsewhere, as for Z here.. she has successfully kidnapped our very first hostage." Charles gestured towards Z.

The old man took a minute to stand up, heading over to where Z was stationed then continued on with "I believe you'll find my methods to be a little more ..on edge, after today, I want things to be more extreme and much more life threatening to the players, now then.. Z, where might Koko be? I believe it's time for our fun to begin, after all.. it wouldn't be any fun if the master of the mansion and his killers didn't rustle up trouble every now and then."

Jasper smiled. "I sure hope it is." He walked back inside the room at nodded at Z in acknowledgement. Jasper continued, "Sounds like a plan. Oh? Has she now? Well, that's it then. This game is just about to get more interesting. I'm excited. I wonder how many different methods of murder there are total~" Jasper's voice took on a joyful tone as it usually did when he discussed his favorite things.
Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda smiled a little, relief washing over him, resting his head in his hands. He felt strangely relaxed in this position for a moment, then got up. "Let's try those sandwiches, shall we? Sorry that you had to listen to that," Komaeda grinned, walking over to behind the counter again. He looked at Suzuya. "Oh, these look great. You know what would make it better? You could spread a little bit of regular butter on it and it'll taste delicious.. my mother taught me that when I was really young," the boy smiled.

Z let out a little giggle, waving a hello towards Jasper.
"It would be a good idea for us killers to kind of stick together. I mean.. the loyal ones. There seem to be a few sticking closely to the cattle that I'm starting to dislike. We saw what happened to Daniel."
She frowned, before turning to Charles.
"The master bedroom, boss... I have her tied down to the bed. Luckily the room is laced with traps already. It's near impossible to get in there to save the girl without risking one's own life."​

.: Suzuya :.

Feeling rather comforted that Komaeda accepted the hug, The Albino relaxed into the embrace and sighed in content. not realizing just how nice it felt to hug someone, it was something Suzuya seldom did, and for some strange reason it felt better when he was embracing Komaeda opposed to Koizumi

As the Albino snuggled against the other, Suzuya took notice of how the taller male was more lean than himself, and so felt much more firm to the touch hold.
And this was something Suzuya preferred to cuddle against seeing as the Albino was rather slender and small.

He felt his cheeks begin to heat up and his heart pick up pace as he wondered exactly why it felt so good to be around Komaeda, why it felt so safe and nice to hold him in his arms like this, yet the only answer the stitched boy could come up with was of no use and only confused him more.

As they separated, and Suzuya trotted along to follow the other in rather a blissful like daze, the energetic boy took a little detour to the fridge to obtain the butter Komaeda was speaking of, simply shaking his head when Komaeda said this and that about apologizing about speaking, Suzuya liked Komaeda's voice, so it didn't matter If he was talking about his worries or whatever, it was fine if he wanted to talk.

The Albino passed the butter to Komaeda, and hopped up onto the counter, using his legs as support as he sat down onto the surface, then spun around so he was facing the other, though perhaps neither of the boys expected what Suzuya was about to suddenly blurt out, a smile on his lips as the albino asked a rather serious question ever so naively.
"mm.. what is love, is it happiness, desu?"

.: Charles :.

Charles quite liked Z's plan already, she was always thoughtful and planned out her moves nicely, and it was something Charles had to praise, though in his mind no one compared to Jasper, but there was still the other servants that he trusted.

"I can't help but agree with Z's proposal.. I sensed quite the bit of rebellion in the air today, it was good to eliminate Teela from the possible traitors, but we can never be too careful, Sendo and Komaeda in particular disgust me.. I can't tell if Sendo is doing his job, or actually trying to protect that cattle, and on the other hand Komaeda is acting a little too friendly with that stitched thing.." He had emphasis on thing, as Charles still wasn't sure if that was a girl or a boy yet, He hadn't bothered to ask and the file with Suzuya's information didn't give him much details on the subject.

Turning towards Z so he could hear her better, Charles took in the new found information and reached up to scratch his chin in thought.
"Ah.. Good work, Z.. May I ask what kind of traps you have laid there and in what state the girl is? I'm a bit rusty on the layout, another reason I'm installing new ones tonight, so I can keep better track.. oh, speaking of which, what do you think of converting a cattle to a killer? Is it a good idea, or have I gone simply mad?" Charles suddenly asked, in truth, the old man was pondering an idea that he had thought up.

The idea in turn was to offer one of the cattle freedom if they killed one of their friends in front of his eyes, the despair they would feel from the task would consume them and eventually reduce them to end their own lives, and if they didn't, he would offer them freedom, and crush it before their very eyes as they tried to leave his mansion, there was no hope either way, Charles just wanted to shake things up a little, and play pretend with the cattle to cause a little scene as causing others to feel pain was one of Charles most favorite things to do after all.

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Z paused, putting a finger to her lips in thought. "Koko is bleeding. It shouldn't be fatal, but enough time might cause death by blood loss. She was easy to get a hold of, falling victim to my razor trip wire.. and of course, I played with her a bit."
The female pulled out her trusty scissors, snapping them as to chip off the dried blood.
"There's razor wire binding the entrance to the room and shacking her to the bed by her wrists and ankles, so any movement causes them to cut deeper into her skin. There also may or may not be a few blades hidden in the walls, ready to be released by spring when certain places beneath the carpeting are stepped on. Of course, these traps won't kill the cattle... just injure them so I can come around and offer them a little game.~

Though, I do wonder if anyone liked the Koko enough to attempt to rescue her."​
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Tell me, have you ever heard the phrase 'appearances can be deceiving?', Koizumi?" Sendo asked rather suddenly, starting down the hallway again, though he didn't wait for an answer. "You see, if a deceiver were to tell the truth even once, he is liable to shatter his entire identity. That being said, I hope you understand... that I cannot neglect my duties." Sendo seemed to be speaking in some sort of code.

"Things will always be too late. You can't change the past, so you may as well fix the future with what you have."
Nagito Komaeda

"Love? Don't ask me about that - I hardly know anything about the subject either. From what I've heard, it supplies great hope to those involved in it.. I always wondered what it was like."
The boy paused, thinking of what to say next. "It does sound like it would bring happiness, huh? It's still new to me. Why do you ask?"

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi didn't know what to say at that. You may as well fix the future with what you have? Is that his way of saying you kill what you get? She didn't understand why Sendo was treating her this way anyways.. Koizumi puffed out her cheeks again, looking at the man trailing her."I'll trust you then.. Are you hungry?"

(( Eek, no fancy colors since using a phone to use hexes is complicated.. ;m; Posting now since I'm stuck at an airport for the next two hours. ;m; ))
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Hungry? Hm, yes, now that you mention it, I am. Actually, I left something we can eat in a room nearby. Besides, I want to make sure whoever is changing the rooms around later doesn't take something else that I put there." Sendo answered thoughtfully. "Follow me." he added with a grin, walking quickly past Mahiru. Sendo only walked a little while before he reached his destination. "Here we are," he stopped at the door and opened it, looking back to check if Koizumi was still there.
Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi was a little hesitant to go into a room alone - with a male killer. There were too many bad endings to this situation.. "Y-you idiot! What are you intending if you're making me go into your room?!" she asked, backing away. "If you think luring me into there will work, it won't!" she huffed angrily.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo was surprised at Koizumi's reaction, he just stared at her for a few seconds before chuckling. "This isn't my room," he said, "I just happened to put a few of my things in there; I put things in all sorts of rooms at this mansion. If it makes you feel any better, I'll go get them and come back." Sendo went inside, coming out a few seconds later with a briefcase that he held very carefully with both hands. On top of the briefcase was a fancy cake box. "So, where do you want to eat this?" he asked, not wanting to lead the way after the disapproval he'd gotten for navigating. It's not like he had been intending to do anything to her, but he understood her distrust in this situation. "I do apologize, cake isn't the sort of thing you eat for a meal, but I didn't bring anything with me besides sweets when I came to the mansion."
Koizumi Mahiru

"It's still being in a room with a killer alone.."
Koizumi mumbled, folding her arms. "Ah, I can't eat it. It looks really expensive so you could have it to yourself if you want," the photographer shook her head. "Uh, you didn't happen to bring any utensils with you, did you?" she asked, a bit ashamed from assuming the wrong thing before. "It doesn't really matter where we eat, though."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Nonsense, this cake is too big for me to eat by myself, and I come from a wealthy family so it's nothing, really." he replied. Sendo held up the black case as he continued, "Everything we need is right here." he assured her. "Everything except a table, that is." he added with a grin.

"Which probably means we should go to a room with one of those in it, wouldn't you say?"
Koizumi Mahiru

"A wealthy family? I don't think I understand - you took this job for money from Charles, but you're already rich? It doesn't really make sense to me."
Koizumi frowned in confusion, looking at Sendo. "We could probably eat downstairs in the kitchen - I think Charles is still in the dining hall.." she wondered aloud, beginning to go in the direction of the kitchen.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

"Ah, it's a long story." Sendo answered, though he didn't explain any further. "The kitchen works." He followed her over to the kitchen, not letting down his guard. The dining room was very close to the kitchen and he didn't feel it would be completely safe in there, though most people were going as far from Charles as possible.
Jasper spoke up. "Charles, I just thought of the most brilliant idea." He took a deep breath before continuing, "Why don't we air a few videos showcasing the players' families getting injured? We should fabricate them in such a way that it looks very real and sounds as if their family is being beaten and tortured." Jasper grinned. He sure did love psychological horror. It was the perfect lead up to the best deaths ever.

.: Suzuya :.

"Mm well... I feel really excited when I'm around you, so..uhm~? " The stitched boy trailed off midsentence as he was unsure how to continue, Suzuya began to let his legs hang off of the counter, swaying them a little as he collected his thoughts on what how he should word it.

"Is it Love?.. mm, I feel like It is..?" Suzuya felt a little unsure of himself, frowning a little as he waited for Komaeda to butter the sandwiches, occupying himself with the idea of love, although having never really felt the emotion before, not even for his adoptive father Shinohara-san.

The stitched boy did like his adoptive father, but he never felt this strongly about someone before other than Komaeda to want to act on the feeling, and Suzuya wasn't having a very easy time processing the emotion, so that's why he would act on impulse and hug the other, or try to be around the other.

yet the more the Albino thought about this puzzling subject, Suzuya started to feel his cheeks growing warm, thus the stitched boy reached up and childishly cupped his cheeks in his hands to try to make the warmth go down, not at all enjoying the sensation of his face growing hot.

Being so occupied with sorting out his own emotions, Suzuya didn't notice the two new arrivals.

.: Charles :.

Charles was more than just a little impressed with Z's work, giving her a small applaud as he quite appreciated just how far she managed to get these past days.

"Splendid work, darling! splendid, I wasn't aware of just how hard you were working.. I think you deserve a raise." Charles complimented with a smirk, the old man would be sure to raise Z's pay by the end of the night.

"I'm sure there must be someone that is human enough to save her.. and if there isn't, you are allowed to do whatever you want to end the hostages life, slowly, quickly, whatever pleases you the most my dear, though may I suggest using the lead sprinkler? It is a most gruesome of tortures that I think would suit your method quite well." Lying down the suggestion onto the table, Charles turned to Jasper.

Knowing that his time for bed was coming, Charles didn't want to waste a minute in getting the orders out to his killers for the night, after all, tomorrow was going to be a fun game filled with torture, mayhem and possibly deaths.

"On the other hand.. I think it's time to get these preparations underway, Jasper.. you are to set up the films, that idea is breathtaking and I would expect nothing less from you! I would give you a raise, but I already give you half of my life saving." He chuckled, before continuing with
"And Z, you are to attend to letting the guests know you have a hostage, use whatever time and method you prefer, you can wait to inform them.. or let them know right off the bat." finishing the discussion with this, Charles let out a clap to let them know it was time to carry out the orders.

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Jasper nodded. "As you wish, sir." He walked off to one of the bedrooms where he had set up the equipment the night before in order to organize and put together the films. This would take only a bit as Jasper had some skill in working with technology. He also had all the information he needed at his fingertips from the months of stalking he had done before the guests had even stepped foot inside the mansion. Jasper hummed a jolly tune to himself as he worked. It was great to be alive.
Nagito Komaeda

"Hm, it might be. You'll have to decide for yourself about how you feel, though. I'm not too sure what that's like,"
Komaeda said thoughtfully, resting his head on his arm. He noticed two people walking in, looking at the door to see who they were. It was Sendo, and.. that red-haired girl. "Oh, you two, welcome!" Komaeda smiled, hoping it looked convincing.

Koizumi Mahiru

"I don't mind listening-"
Koizumi began, before she noticed just who was in the kitchen - Suzuya and a suspicious looking white-haired man. She huffed and looked in the other direction as if they weren't there, and took a seat at the dining table.