Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara smiled, although it was a bit forced, it was still somewhat genuine. The S.W.A.T member was just under a little too much stress and was in a foreign situation to what he was trained.

"Thank you.. that really means a lot, I know it's not much.. but I can put a good word for you back at the station, that should make your time a lot less." Shinohara offered, trying to give back something to the criminal, even if he couldn't completely let him off the hook.

Although Sendo posed a good point, and without really answering the other the man pulled the walkie talkie back out and held down the button to talk, hoping that Jasper hadn't discarded the device and still had it in his hands so that he could hear.

"You do realize you forgot to tell us a time and a place.. and that's kind of vital for both of our safety, we can't have you ambushing whoever I appoint to come do the trade.. that would break our deal, so what'll it be?" Shinohara quietly tapped his foot as he waited for Jasper's response, wanting the criminal to be thorough when explaining his demands and not so wishy washy, every second they waited felt like an eternity without knowing his comrades were unharmed.

On the other hand, he couldn't help his eyes widening at the red trickling down Sendo's arm, reaching out a arm but not being able to do anything until he got a response from the criminal on the phone, so instead he just mouthed the words 'Are you okay?' to the other, as the S.W.A.T member hadn't noticed the injury was still somewhat fresh on the currently allied killer.

.: Suzuya :.

Flinching at the touch of Komaeda's finger, Suzuya watched idly at the other wiped a tear from his eyes, yet tried his best to keep up his charade, even if he was truly terrified of Komaeda right now, he wanted to try to seem scary, to seem intimidating in a creepy way that would make the other leave him alone.

Although it wasn't working that well at all, due to how the boy's body kept trembling and his eyes kept threatening to leak more of the wet liquid.

Not just that, but Suzuya also had no way of knowing what was going through the taller boy's head right now, why the other looked so shocked and just why he was acting like he was made no sense, even making Suzuya repeat what exactly happened to him, when Komaeda was right there preforming the torture on him didn't make sense in the least bit.

Nevertheless, The albino nodded to Komaeda's question, letting him know that it was exactly how it was and that he told no lies about the situation. "That's it, that's how it is.. desu?" Suzuya answered cautiously, still not understanding why the other wanted this information when he already had it.

However a ping of the unfamiliar emotion of guilt rung in his chest at Komaeda's next question, and Suzuya gulped as he braced himself to answer this question.
Normally, such a thing should be easy to blurt out all of his negative emotions that he hosted for the other, yet for some reason the Albino felt hesitant, and that awkward sense of wanting to remember something, wanting to say something else then the words that were currently forming on his tongue.

Suzuya shook his head, not wanting to say anything weird again, and ever so gently, the Albino reached out and caressed the stitches on his stomach before he let his arms go limb at his sides, inhaling and then exhaling, Suzuya cleared his thoughts of any Stockholm syndrome induced words that wanted to slip out, and looking up at the other with a wavering vacant expression that kept trying to change to an expression of fear.

Soon, Suzuya finally whispered out his answer with a shaky voice.
"I hate you.. I-I hate the way you make me feel so confused all of the time, the way you lie to me? ah.. I don't like you... people like you, make me sick... perverts, uncomfortable to be around.. tricking me, in fact, you just disgust me... that's how it is, Desu.."

As the words left his mouth, Suzuya felt a tightening sensation in his gut, for some reason his body wanted to just vomit then and there, and his heart rate increased to a point that it hurt.

The stitched boy was literally struggling to not take his words back as a mental war went on inside his head, whatever it was that the Albino wanted to remember was fighting to come to the surface, yet his new mindset was trying it's hardest to restrain the memory, confusion washing over him as that very same unfamiliar feeling of guilt now consumed his entire being, yet stubbornly clinging to his conviction and secretly biting his tongue so he couldn't take his words back.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi glared at the man - how could he keep accusing Charles of such things..? Did he even realize what he was saying? Of course not, he tortured people. Who knows what went through his mind. When he placed a hand on the bandages on his arm, hoever, she felt a pang of recognition - like she'd been the one to put them there. She shook her head violently, refusing to accept it. She thought on how that could've came to be and didn't even realize how her cheeks heated up as she did it. The redhead looked up at the man - this only piled on strange and foreign thoughts in her head along with the familiar ones, the one with Charles' saving of her.. she refused to believe that Sendo was telling the truth, but the bandages alone can't yield any good results, so having that in mind somewhat comforted her. "...Whatever, I don't like being here anyways. You just do whatever it was you were doing, I can't even look at your brutish face."

Saionji Hiyoko

"No! I don't want your tissues,"
Saionji whined, swatting away the maid's hands as if it were a pesky fly. "Pft, Koizumi as my sister? She's really, really cool, but she's just my favorite friend! She taught me how to tie my obi, and, and was really nice to me!" the little girl beamed, but her expression soon darkened once more when she realized that that Koizumi wasn't here.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda listened intently to what Suzuya said, to what he said in response to his question. He didn't like to hear the answer, because he was certainly sure it wasn't pleasant - but he had to keep reminding himself that Suzuya wasn't in a stable set of mind now.. he wouldn't mean whatever words he was going to let escape his mouth. He noticed the albino feeling the stitches on his stomach and delayed his answer, however, because he looked to be in thought on how to answer it. The taller boy decided to take his hands away from the sides of Suzuya, possibly to look like he wasn't pressuring him. He didn't want him to feel frightened to answer.

When he finally did answer.. it was nothing that Komaeda expected. Hate him? Disgusted.. pervert, uncomforfable to be around, makes him sick, lies, confused.. hate.. hate.. hate. He had no idea what made the albino believe this.. of course, Komaeda'd been called this many, many times before and maybe even worse than just those words. But for some reason, when coming out of Suzuya's mouth it made it worse, ten times worse.. he couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way - was it when his parents died? No, it was so far back that he didn't remember doing much with his family. He'd never felt so much hurt his entire life, even though he's suffered many physical wounds. The taller boy was thuroughly confused by this - why? Why, what made him say this? Komaeda couldn't remember when he's enjoyed himself so much around another human being.. and now, here he was, saying those words, destroying Komaeda's body and soul.

What worried him most was how he said it. His tone of voice sounded.. devoid, hopeless, as if he's given up on the world and therefore poses no use for it anymore. But he sounded so sure of his words, that they were the truth, even if it ended in just above a whisper. Slowly, hesitantly.. he felt an object in his jacket pocket and grazed his finger on it. Suzuya grew hopeless, useless and at this point, he realized there was no changing him back. The albino was so sure that he'd been the one to torture him, and even hated him at this point.. not wanting to obey anyone else other than that dastardly Charles, out to wreak havoc on the world and destroy all the hope left in it. Komaeda refused to accept this kind of future, can't accept Charles using him for such things.. the luckster's mind was clouded with vengeful and hateful thoughts, until he finally pulled out a sharp object from his pocket. He raised it, final thoughts playing out in his mind.

It was almost as if.. the boy was better off dead. Komaeda steadied his hand and made a firm grip on the blade, plunged it into the albino's leg and with more pressure and sawing about halfway through the boy's leg in an agonizingly slow process.

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"Well it certainly is a lovely obi." I smiled at the little blonde, dispite her knocking the hankerchief to the ground. Bending down to pick it up, I stared at Saionji before asking one of my random questions in hope to get her mind off her friend. "Do you know how to play an instrument?" Standing back up, I started taking a few steps in the direction of the music room. 'Should I risk using my bomb? I've never used an ammunition nitrate bomb before, let alone seen one other than mine... For all I know, it could be a dud. Then again, it could finally put an end to this carousel of agony...' As I had a mental war with myself, I stopped, turning to face Saionji. "I know this may be a really, really strange question, but the answer could prevent me from doing something horrible. Let's say someone were to pick a rose. Would they only stop the flower's life, or would they steal that life?" As I asked her yet another foolish question, a look, almost desperate, grew on my face.
Sendo Senkusha and Yuki Shiro ~

"Thank you, but I'm not sure it will do much at this point." Sendo said grimly in reply to Shinohara's offer as the man paged Jasper. After all, he had ended the lives of many, enough so that he wouldn't want to say the number to the investigator; at least, not until this was all over. Sendo noticed his concern as the man mouthed words asking if he was alright. "I'm fine..." he said in a low voice, looking back to Koizumi when she made a comment about his face. "I know that I'm not much to look at, but you don't have to be so rude about it." he replied, a little hurt to hear it from her.

"Mr. Sendo, let me help you with that...!" Yuki offered suddenly, bringing the first-aid kit over. There were just enough bandages left inside to replace the old ones from Sendo's arm. As she brought her hand to his arm to remove it however, he instinctively pulled it away.

"Ah, I'm quite alright." he said, not wanting to ruin Koizumi's work. Though he knew it would need to come off sometime, it was a reminder of Mahiru's kindness towards him, even when he hadn't deserved it. "Also, just Sendo is fine." he added, not exactly liking the sound of 'Mr.' before his name.

Yuki made a worried face when he refused her, but she was determined to help him. "Why are you doing that?" she asked, baffled by his actions. "We need to stop it from bleeding now, M- I mean, Sendo." she added, coming closer to try again.

Sendo moved away another time, "B-because... Koizumi put it there..." he admitted, looking off to the side, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone after letting it slip. Until now, it hadn't seemed like the man was capable of getting this embarrassed, but there was no other explanation for the way he was acting.
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Z stared at the walkie-talkie, her cheeks flooding a deep rose. Jasper wanted to save her...? But why? Looking up at Shinohara, her icy gaze softened immensely. Jasper had stunned her. Just when she thought he had done everything possible to shock her, he did it again. Though slightly embarrassed by her mind filling with thoughts of her ally, Z bit her lower lip, smiling at the investigator. He must have been uncomfortable with letting her and Jasper go, but she could tell he was doing it for the investigators. They must have been friends, just like her and Jasper.
"Thanks, Shinohara." That was all Z said, turning away from him to wait on the killer's next comment.


Kenai shot Jasper a smirk, shrugging slightly and closing his eyes.
"Injured or not, you were a danger to my fellow officer and I do what I have to in order to protect him."
He turned to Evan, nodding slightly and narrowing his eyes.
"I still am healing, but I can't idly lay around while my friends' lives are in danger. What kind of officer would I be then?" Chuckling, he added. "You took a pretty rough hit, are you alright?"​
Jasper nodded, then remembered he was talking through a walkie talkie, clicked the button and said, "Alright. I won't harm your men and your captives but if you break the agreement, everyone dies." He waited for an answer when another message came through. He listened intently then replied, "Oh, right. I'll be in the study. Send someone to come within an hour. I'm sure you'll be able to find where that is, now, won't you?" He released the button and waited for a reply.

Shooting a glare in Kenai's direction while slumped on the floor, he picked himself up and stretched out his arms to the best of his ability. "Alright, you two. Let's get going. I'm not just leaving you here. I'm taking you hostage. If you weren't able to pick up, I made a deal with your superior and we need to get to the meeting place so just follow me." Remembering the old man was there too, Jasper added, "Sir, you are free to join us as well."

Evan smiled. "Thanks. You were always the hardworker, weren't you? I think I'll be fine. I can't really feel my neck right now. I hope it's nothing too serious." He took a deep breath. "Well, I'm going to trust that Shinohara knows what he's doing. Should we go with him?" He looked at Kenai expectantly, not sure of whether or not to just tag along with this killer who had just injured him. The very same killer who could have killed his cousin too, as well as countless others.

His attention was drawn to the older man who was still among them. "Put the weapon down. We're going through with the deal and if you lay a finger on my partner or me, I will not hesitate to call back Shinohara and request that this deal be broken."
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.: Shinohara :.

Frowning at the display in front of him, Shinohara felt a little out of place as he just offered help to a criminal, yet at the same time he couldn't help but feel some pity for the man known as Sendo, the other man was being rejected by Koizumi so harshly.
It was evident that whatever influenced the girl to act like this was clearly abnormal from the way Saionji and Sendo acted about it, it seemed like the redhead's personality was probably a lot more kind than how she was currently acting.

However, as he listened to Jasper's demands the s.w.a.t member could only nod as he memorized the information, all the while giving Z an half smile, he wasn't exactly happy for her, but he felt obliged to give her that much since she was thanking him for letting this deal go through, even if it was just to ensure his comrades safety.

Although as Jasper began to explain everything, Shinohara hoped that Sendo heard the location and time set so that Shinohara wouldn't have to relay the whole message, then pressing down the button on the walkie talkie to make his reply.
"Don't step on our toes and we won't step on yours... we'll try to make this exchange as peaceful as possible." Shinohara's voice had reluctance, the man sounded somewhat defeated, yet also prideful as he replied.

The man had to make sure that his comrades were alright and even if that meant doing an exchange involuntarily, it was something he would have to do.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya lowered his gaze towards his shoes as he tried to avoid eye contact with the taller boy, trying not to show his fear and continue his little charade of trying to scare the other off wasn't working so good, and instead the stitched boy seemed to have given up, looking rather vacant and uninterested.

"Ah, can I go now..?" he bitterly whispered, still refusing to look at the other as he contemplated how Komaeda would react, perhaps his former torturer would really let him go, being satisfied with hearing of how he tortured the stitched boy might of been enough to release Suzuya now, although something felt wrong, and the feeling inside his gut wouldn't leave nor waver.

Not to mention the Albino felt his head beginning to ache worse and worse by the minute, his mind kept trying so hard to remember something, and Suzuya had started to lose his will to keep fighting remembering whatever memory it was, although the stitched boy had the absent thought that it had something to do with Komaeda, and that was why he didn't want to remember any of it, and why he kept fighting not to remember it.

Yet at the same time, the stitched boy was growing curious as to why his own mind was struggling so much, and even though Suzuya kept lying to himself that he was growing too weak to fight off his mental war, in reality the stitched boy was just growing curious, and the idea of giving up felt tempting so he could just remember whatever it was that was nagging at him in the back of his mind.

However, the next thing Suzuya came to was the sound of his own screams being ripped out of the back of his throat. an intense pain washing over his leg as he fell to the floor, clutching at the limb as his eyes shut tightly and his body shook as the leg began to bleed out, the soft tissue started to tear and rip.

"Ah-..ahhh..!!" Suzuya cried out in agony, suddenly reaching out and grabbing Komaeda's wrist as he dug his nails into the other boy, trying his hardest to make Komaeda stop his assault, while at same time being too blinded by pain to think about grabbing one of the many knives that were tucked away within his shirt, instead.

(Ah, I'm not so proud of this, but I have to rush! </3 I might have to edit my post later~ )

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi's cheeks flared up with red when Sendo mentioned her patching him up, quickly avoiding eye contact with the man and looking away. Why was she acting like this? It was obvious that was a lie - a ploy to lure her back into his trap and hurt her once more. A part of her wanted to believe it - she felt like it could have been true.. but most likely he just wanted to keep something to hold over her head. "Shut up! You can't prove that - why would anyone want to help you?! That's ridiculous, you hurt people for your amusement!" the girl sneered accusedly, glaring at the man. The words were painful on her tongue, but she forced herself to say it - maybe it'd scare him off, at least. She wasn't armed at the moment.. but this was a kitchen after all - she could just go find a knife in the knife drawer if she really needed it.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Instrument? Don't only dense people who can't handle a fan or put their foot in front of another play those?"
Saionji questioned, having fun in teasing another. "Ahh, why are we talking about boring stuff? How would I know? They steal that life! That's really obvious - you have to be able to think things through before you ask someone, you idiot!" the little girl said nonchalantly, quickly becoming uninterested.

Nagito Komaeda

The taller boy didn't move to help the albino as he usually did - in fact, he stood up and watched him writhe as the boy reached out to dig his nails into his skin. Komaeda shoved Suzuya's hand away from his flesh, seeing bits of blood bud at where his nails were.. flinching slightly but refusing to show weakness in front of the boy. This.. "thing" planned to wreak havoc with his despair-induced ways, and if he didn't stop him here he would surely destroy all the hope left in the world alongside Charles.

However, it had pained the boy to do such a thing to the poor albino - but he couldn't help what he's become and he certainly didn't show any signs of changing back to his cheerful self. It was Komaeda's duty, and it's why he came here - to rid this mansion of despair without any exceptions, not even to the first person he wanted to keep in over a decade. Actually, the taller boy was glad that he'd said so - it was better than hiding it and going on a killing spree of the innocents behind his back.

(( //sobs- I shouldn't be scared and watching anime while I post. ;w; ))
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Sendo Senkusha and Yuki Shiro ~

Sendo's face heated up when he realized Koizumi had indeed heard him; he really hoped she hadn't. Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought that perhaps with the shakiness of her voice that she was beginning to believe him. "That's not true..." he said quietly, "I only hurt people... who would dare to harm innocents...!" Though he was replying to Mahiru, he said the words more for himself, to remind him of his own motives.

His attention was drawn to Shinohara however, when he heard Jasper's reply on the walkie-talkie. Sendo nodded in the investigator's direction to assure him that he was listening and had heard the location and their timeframe. As much as he wanted to try and convince Koizumi of the truth, there were good people in danger and he couldn't turn away from them. Just then he felt something on his arm and sighed in a defeated manner when he realized he'd not been paying enough attention to Yuki, who took the opportunity to start removing his bandage while he was not looking.

"Now just stay still for a minute...!" Yuki said as she set to work changing it.

Sendo looked down at the keys in his left hand, the keys that would be releasing Jasper in return for the lives of the other investigators. It disgusted him that this was how things were turning out, and no amount of hope would simply turn it around. He was relieved that Koizumi was safe for now, but there was no telling when that would change, and there were others that deserved freedom as well. As long as he was able, Sendo would help those people, he would try and end this horrible game.
"Well I certainly am not a thief..." I uttered under my breath as I turned away from her. Deciding to tease her back, a grin formed across my cheeks. "I certainly am surprised that a cute, little girl like you got involved in such a horrible investigation. Especially when you appear to only be around seven or eight years old. I don't think your pretty, little head can take all of this gore." I chuckled, amusement showing in my eye as I stared at Saionji. "It also baffles me that you aren't afraid of what one may call a Cyclopes or a pirate. Though to be a pirate, I would probably have to get an eye patch..." My giggles soon turned into full out laughter. "Musicians are not dense people. And they most certainly know how to put one foot in front of another!" I tried to stuffle my laughter by covering my mouth. 'Heck, I'll even show you what I can play if you want!" Without adverting my eye from hers, I started walking down the hall. Unable to see out of one eye, I soon found walking right into a wall.

.: Shinohara :.

Once the communication with Jasper was done and over with, Shinohara didn't hesitate to release the button on the walkie talkie.
Yet not putting the device in his pocket as the man felt anxious and wanted to make sure the walkie talkie would be close to him at all times during this operation so that he listen to any new demands or even updates on the situation regarding his precious comrades.

Shinohara just didn't feel right to put the device away, and instead clutched it in his hand like it was his own life line.

"Lives fade so easily.. I understand that, and I also get that us, as humans are fragile creatures..
However I want to stubbornly believe that no one will have to sacrifice themselves for meaningless endeavors, our mission here was to rescue everyone that is being held captive, we understood that we weren't enough in numbers, yet we still came here.
My men trusted me and came here to risk themselves to save those weaker than us, to help achieve justice to something that authorities usually cast a blind eye to. " Shinohara smiled solemnly as he spoke his thoughts outloud, silently praying for the safety of those he cherishes.

The S.W.A.T member wasn't really talking to anyone in particular, Shinohara was simply speaking his mind as he went over to one of the many chairs in the kitchen, sulking down onto it, the man sighed as he rested his head on the palm of his hand as he examined the device in his hand, wishing there was more he could do for his men at this particular moment, although deep down Shinohara knew he would have to trust Sendo on this one, and as Sendo nodded, Shinohara gave confirmation back, and waited as Yuki tended to the other's wound.

.: Suzuya :.

The pain surged through out the Albino's body as he cried out and rocked back and forth, gripping tighter as the knife sawed past his skin and was nearly halfway through his slender leg, creating a rather nasty gash that poured out a steady trickle of fresh blood down the limb.

When Komaeda finally stopped sawing, Suzuya attempted to pull his wounded leg back to himself and let out a choked cry as he winced from the horrifying pain it caused, biting his lip until it started to draw blood to try to somehow lessen the pain as the stitched boy leg go of his leg, and completely gave up on moving the injured limb back to himself.

Suzuya instead started to scoot backwards in an attempt to get away from the other, scooting rather sluggishly and slow as the disorientated Albino couldn't go too fast by only using his hands as support to pull him backwards.

Although the excruciating pain triggered something within his mind, jolting his mental battle to break down as the Albino started to slowly recollect who exactly Komaeda was, each foggy memory slowly starting to decipher within his brain as it was jolted again and again by the intense agony coming from his nearly severed limb, the feeling racked his entire core as his headache only grew more intense as he struggled to uncover who exactly Komaeda was to him, while all the while forgetting who exactly he even was as his own personality started to fade.

The Albino was in a state of shock as he sluggishly scooted backwards, trying to flee the best he could as he started to remember the other's voice, trying to make out the words the other was trying to say to him in this memory was hard, but Suzuya felt it was important to listen, and strained himself as he began to force the foggy memories no matter the intensity of his new found splitting migraine, it was nothing compared to the numbing searing from his leg.

However, soon the disorientation began to take it's toll as Suzuya grew dizzy from the suffering his body took on, something finally clicked through his mental break down, something about the other being important to him, and that he wanted to make Komaeda proud, yet from the way Komaeda was currently treating him and from the empty expression on the other's face, Suzuya knew that he must of done something terribly wrong.

"Was I..." Suzuya panted midway through his sentence, choking instead as he was finding it hard to catch his breath when his leg seared with pain, "A bad boy..? w-was I?" The stitched boy finally asked not even above a whisper, his eyes glazed over as he struggled to keep himself focused, Suzuya slowly stared up at the taller boy as he began to slowly piece together his own memories despite the aching that consumed his entire being and the throbbing sensation within his skull.

.: Charles :.

"Oh...? do you forget the position you're in?" Charles raised an eyebrow towards Evan, not about to get rid of his weapon just because one of the cattle commanded him to. in fact, he was going to go deliver these weapons shortly after Jasper finished his little exchange.

To emphasis that he didn't really care about Evan's demands, Charles shift the Scythe so he was holding it more comfortably, lying it against his shoulder as he looked down at the investigators with disgust in his eyes as he replied with his own logic.

"Not to shatter your dreams either... however, I highly doubt this Shinohara, would risk your lives... judging by the tone of his voice, he values you both more than his own self, so what makes you think saying to abandon the operation, would change his mind?" Grinning devilishly as he said this, Charles felt accomplished at his own observation skills, then looking over to Jasper, Charles gave the other a nod to let him know that he would stay for the exchange, it didn't bother him either way after all.

All that really mattered to Charles at the moment, was to get the finale on the road, and his thoughts cycled around his grand finale, it would be soon and quite fantastic, Charles just knew that no one would expect the ending he had planned, and it brought enjoyment to his entire being as he planned out the gorgeous finale.

(Excuse me while I cry- GLASSY SKY IS RUINING ME. ;w; )
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Sendo Senkusha ~

As soon as Yuki finished putting on the new bandage, Sendo walked over to where Shinohara was seated, leaning forward as not to let anything he said reach Mahiru's range of hearing. "Before I go," he started in a concerned and serious tone, "I have no good feelings about this exchange, and I won't be able to protect Koizumi while I am a part of it..." Sendo paused to glance at the photographer, regret apparent in his gaze.

"Which brings me to my request." he continued, "Please, don't let anything happen to her." He knew that Shinohara was already planning to do his best to keep the victims safe, but Sendo needed to hear it from the investigator himself to put his mind at ease.

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki, having been close by, heard what Sendo was saying to Shinohara. She secretly decided to try her best to help Koizumi too, eager to be of assistance to someone. Even though they'd only briefly met, the girl considered Mahiru a friend and Yuki helped all of her friends no matter what.
Saionji Hiyoko

"Gore? What gore? I haven't seen any so far, it's been a bit boring.. Mr. Shinohara won't play with me, and Koizumi won't play with me either.. and there's no investigating to do! This mansion has been really really boring so far! And all I've had to eat was bland crackers from the kitchen! This totally sucks!"
Saionji puffed out her cheeks, standing in place when the other girl mentioned a "cyclopes" and a "pirate."

"No, you just look stupid," Hiyoko commented, tempted to poke the maid in the eyeless socket to get her away from her. "I don't wanna hear your terrible music! Go away, maid!"

Koizumi Mahiru

When the photographer finally regained control of her face and thought familiar thoughts like him torturing her to remember that this man would never care for her work or anyone else's life, "Well, that's ironic considering you had the nerve to abuse me," [/color] Mahiru scoffed, glaring at the ground and letting the man leave for now - she had to sort these strange feelings out of her head and figure out what it was before she talked- or fought with him again. She couldn't help but gape at Shinohara's speech at how disgustingly motivational it was, looking up at the man and narrowed her eyes. "Nobody saved me when I was suffering," the girl mumbled quietly to herself. "You were a bit late, you know - where were you when Suzuya and I needed it, huh?!"

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda smiled slightly at seeing Suzuya suffer, bending down slightly and laying a light hand on the albino's chest, and slowly lowered the knife in his hand to the ground careful not to draw attention. "Was this all a farce? Were you just that sickening old man's foul, revolting watchdog?" the boy grinned, bringing his other hand up to trail his fingers up the stitched boy's neck in an agonizingly slow and devious manner. "Did you think I'd believe you if you just said those three simple words? Nobody would even think to say that to trash like me, and I'm already well-aware of that! You'd expect me to think those words were true?" he smiled. The small gesture made it look like the boy was in pain, refusing to believe Suzuya ever wanting to hurt him. The words from earlier were a shock.. what was he thinking, thinking that this boy had really loved him? He should have never let down his guard - this was a dangerous boy and he had to be exterminated at once.

As if watching it hurt from the wound wasn't enough, Komaeda brought up his hand and struck the albino's face one, two, three, four.. countless times. "You were foolish to believe that.. that I'd be convinced someone would even appreciate my existence!" he finished, tears budding at the ends of his eyes, finally satisfied. He got up slowly. Why was he crying? This boy here had lied to and hardly even cared for him.. why was it so painful to watch him endure such things? Why was it so painful to watch Charles' dog of sorts to grovel? The taller boy grew startled at Suzuya talking again.

..Bad boy? Was this even the same boy who'd said he didn't want to be a good boy anymore? "Far worse than bad, dog. At least a thousand times worse.. why'd you think that your lies were good enough to get past me? Huh?" Komaeda demanded. "You're a talentless, useless piece of trash.. yet why did I worry over you so much, I wonder?"
"You're missing out then." I muttered, rubbing my bandages where blood had started to seep through them again. Cursing under my breath, I picked myself up, a look on my face saying that I wanted to strangle her to death. "Listen, it's pretty obvious that we...dislike each other for many reasons. You're a spoiled little brat, while I got beaten so much, I attempted suicide. A lot. You're smart, I'm an idiot. You have two eyes, I now have one. Heck, we have nothing in common. But I don't want anyone else to die and get accused of it. So if you want something entertaining, then tell me what it is." I grumbled.

.: Shinohara :.

"Nothing good can come of it, knowing the ones conducting this exchange, I have to hang onto hope that my men will be alright..." Shinohara spoke calmly to the other man, lifting his head from his palm as he watched Sendo come over to him and start to ask such a light hearted request of the S.W.A.T member.

The man couldn't help but smile that same solemn smile, closing his eyes as he thought over what Sendo said, and silently nodded in agreement, he didn't want anymore blood on his hands from people that didn't deserve to die, and even if Koizumi wasn't in her right state of mind, Shinohara could tell she really was a sweet girl just from how deeply Saionji and Sendo seemed to care for the red head, and just because Charles might of tortured her, or blackmailed her into acting like this, it was not her fault that her tongue happened to be so sharp at the minute.

Shinohara knew that the girl in particular more than likely believed something horrible about all of them, and was thus reacting to help shelter herself from anymore pain, be it physical or mental.

"I will, you can count on me to help liven the mood." Shinohara tried to joke, yet it didn't feel as it usually did when he tried to crack a silly reminder of his dry humour, and instead only left the man feeling defeated, nevertheless, it was his way of giving Sendo his word, and letting the other man know that he could go to the exchange without having to worry.

Although Koizumi's words struck a sensitive spot within Shinohara's gut, and his smile slowly turned to a frown, as his eyes looked rather sad as he turned to the girl to answer her.

"I was trying to come for you both, although I... well, I was careless and walked into one of the many traps in this mansion..
I wanted to come and save you and my son, but there was no way to break down the metal door we found ourselves entrapped by, I pounded on it to no avail.. and for being such an idiot to let you two get hurt.. I apologize." Shinohara spoke sincerely, feeling absolutely disgusted with himself as he admitted his faults to the brainwashed girl.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino was going in and out as his head throbbed while he tried to recollect everything he could about Komaeda, everything the taller boy meant to him, how they met, what they even were to each other and why the other meant so much to him in his head, why his heart was aching as Komaeda spilled those words onto him, saying that Suzuya was lying about three little words, and how he had been putting up a farce all along.

It was confusing and it hurt, this whole situation hurt him mentally and physically to an excruciating level as he struggled to just breath and remember how to even speak to the other, and it took him a whole minute to register the feeling of Komaeda's fingers slithering up his neck and delivering a rather tingly sensation throughout his body, heavy guilt mixed with an odd hint of pleasure that made him feel sick to his stomach as Suzuya knew the other wanted him to suffer for something he did.

The stitched boy knew this was anything other than affection, that it was simply a false comfort Suzuya longed for, and it made the Albino feel rather empty inside as the other mocked him with such an action that he wished would be real affection instead of an insult.

Yet he took it, Suzuya listened intently to the other as almost had pieced together what was vital for him to know about Komaeda, and his heart ached more and more with each word that came out of the taller boys mouth, the pain within his chest almost feeling worse than the throbbing agony within his own nearly severed leg as his heart twisted and turned from the other's harsh words.

However, Suzuya's glazed eyes started to trail to the floor as he started to feel worthless and unsure of what he did to make Komaeda feel this way, and before the Albino could even speak or protest, he felt a rather harsh smack against his face, gasping out as another came, and another, and another, Komaeda's palm kept meeting his skin and it began to turn redder with each strike as Suzuya felt his face begin to ache just like the rest of his body.

Except it stung, this feeling stung and burned as he was hit over and over again by the one he loved so much, yet he didn't make any attempt to move away, as Suzuya couldn't remember what had happened, and felt that he deserved whatever punishment Komaeda was giving him, even if his body felt that he couldn't last much longer and stay conscious.

As soon as the other finished his beat down of the slender boy, Suzuya was trembling as he struggled to look up at the other, his face covered in red spots from Komaeda's hand as he stared rather confusedly up at the other, although his expression seemed more vacant as he fighting to focus onto the other at all, however as the stitched boy noticed tears in Komaeda's eyes,
Suzuya felt shocked and couldn't quite grasp why the other was crying, slowly choking out.
"Ah.. I don't get it?.." slowly cocking his head, Suzuya wasn't going to try to hide how puzzled he was as he continued his little speech.
"But I wouldn't lie to you.. the truth is most effective and takes less time to say, so why lie?.. I don't get it, it's not making sense.. Desu?" The Albino mumbled, not understanding any of this, although the words Komaeda spat once again pierced his heart, and his entire leg beginning to once more wither in agony made him fidget and grind his teeth, yet Suzuya wouldn't allow himself not to focus on Komaeda at this very critical moment, knowing it was more important than his own suffering.

"If it makes you feel better to hit me..." Suzuya paused, surpassing a heavy grunt as he felt his leg throb with an intensity.

"Ah..then go ahead, I'll hang in there! I won't complain, I don't want you to be cross with me.." Suzuya struggled to explain to the other, having to quite mid speech every now and then to brace himself for the pain wrecking his body, yet somehow he finished his sentence, and weakly smiled up towards the other, not quite sure how to deal with someone that was sad except by letting them punish him, it was a routine that Suzuya was used to, and the only way he knew how to handle the situation.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Huh? Why do you suddenly care about my feelings? I want something cool to investigate that isn't obvious, that's what! Or Mr. Shinohara or Big Sis to play with me.. but they're busy!"
Saionji pouted, but smirked a little sfterwards at hearing Teela compliment her. "Oh, so you're admitting that you're worse than me? How pathetic! Even you acknowledge it now!" the little girl laughed and pointed at the maid.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi was still frowning even when Shinohara voiced his apology, sighing when she knew she couldn't keep up being angry at him at how sad he sounded.. wait, son? Suzuya has never mentioned having a father.. this was news to Mahiru. "Um, do you mind telling me just who you are to Suzuya? I've never heard of this.." the girl sounded defeated, not sure how to even say these words to someone she believed didn't help her.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda glared at the vermin's offer to keep hitting him - what was he saying? Did he really think that he could somehow patch this up if he said that he'd take Komaeda's hits? And.. why was he saying that he was telling the truth when there was so much evidence that pointed to this conclusion? The conclusion of the fact that he'd just been used by Charles to collect information and wanted to play with Komaeda to manipulate him. Of course, that wasn't going to go over his head. Komaeda didn't plan on really killing him now - he decided he'll just let this boy suffer for now for what he's done to wrong him and maybe he wouldn't do it again..

Staring down at Suzuya, however, gave Komaeda a sense of guilt for hurting him even though he knew that he was lying. The fact that he's put so much effort into healing and caring for this boy and watching those feelings nearly disappear within seconds was too much for the taller boy to take in - mixed feelings of wanting to do justice and wanting to help the severely wounded albino contradicted each other over and over to the point that he just wanted the boy to die now - and he couldn't bear to watch it anymore. Even if Suzuya's feelings were false, it was nice to have something to protect for once.

He quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts, and looked at the small boy more firmly. "Pathetic," the boy said simply, kicking the albino's side roughly.
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.: Shinohara :.

To be quite honest, Shinohara was quite surprised that he didn't receive some kind of insult from the girl, and even more surprised as she instead asked a question regarding his relationship with his son. asking exactly he was to Suzuya.

The question in particular was a little out of the blue yet Shinohara didn't really mind answering, conversation was something to help the little girl ease up and perhaps even relax enough to lower her guard and tell the S.W.A.T member what happened to her, Although Shinohara wouldn't pry if she didn't want to talk about it.

"Certainly, I mean it's not like we have anything else to talk to.. and arguing won't get us anywhere." Shinohara gave a weak laugh and offered a seat at the table he was settled at, pulling one out for the little girl in case she got tired of standing, that and he would prefer to talk to someone when they were face to face instead of someone standing while he sat, it felt rude of him.

"Suzuya Juuzou is my one and only son, so he means a whole lot to me... if you're asking if he's blood related, he's not, but for how long we've been together, it doesn't really matter, we get along just like other families and we've always done the same activities, our relationship can get a little odd at times, but that's... well, " Pausing as he recalled how the Albino would randomly act out or even rebel by trying to wear Halloween costumes on a daily basis, Shinohara sighed a little before picking up where he left off.

"Let's just say that is just because Suzuya is peculiar, but that doesn't stop the fact of how he's been with me for quite the while... there isn't a day that goes by that I haven't worried if he's doing alright, or if he forgot to wear matching socks..
Or if he accidently got stuck in the dresser, or even accidently bit someone, Suzuya tends to act more like an animal than anything else.. but that doesn't change the fact he's my precious son, and I would do anything for him."

Shinohara felt a little better as he talked about his relationship with his son, just reminiscing over their bond made the S.W.A.T member feel somewhat relieved, yet all the more anxious to bring Suzuya home, where he would be safe and free from harm.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino could only watch as the taller boy began to glare at him, and felt his body shudder as he knew that Komaeda was angry with him, Suzuya wanted to make things better, but he wasn't even sure how to.

Although Even agreeing to be punished didn't help the fact that Suzuya was scared deep down, as the stitched boy was already hurt so badly, that he feared his body wouldn't be able to take much more, and that if Komaeda took him up on his offer to beat him, that his system would simply give up and stop functioning, the pain was so excruciating that he was already light headed and dizzy, struggling to focus as his vision kept blurring with each twinge of pain that wrecked his slender frame.

Then before Suzuya could even prepare himself, his heart finally started to shatter as the Albino made out the words 'Pathetic.' right before Komaeda thrust his leg into the stitched boy's side, the pressure from the impact snapped the stitch work on his stomach, and Suzuya gasped both from the kick as well as the seething pain that rippled up his stomach as the very stitches that the taller boy patched him up with slowly came undone.

Fresh blood began seeping down his stomach and it started slow at first, then slowly picking up pace as the wound unraveled more and more, causing the Albino's body to twitch on it's own as his breathing steadily quickened and Suzuya found himself struggling to stay coherent as his leg throbbed and trickled it's own liquids, his head aching not just from the memories forcing their ways back, but also from the excruciating pain that his body withstood.

Suzuya was trying his best to stay coherent, not to let himself go to sleep even as his mind lulled him to the temptation of just letting himself give into the pain of it all so that this torture would end, however the Albino struggled against this comfort as he wanted to make sure Komaeda wasn't cross with him, knowing better than to be a bad boy at a time like this, Suzuya knew that would only disappoint Komaeda more, and disappointment was something the Albino didn't want to cause the taller boy any longer.

"A-ahhh.....I won't die yet, I...I won't die yet.. I'll be a good boy.." Suzuya whispered breathlessly from the floor, his already glazed eyes could no longer fixate on the taller boy, and were instead trying to focus on anything, anything at all that would come into sight, yet the Albino couldn't find anything, and found it harder by the second to keep his eyes open as his state slowly turned critical from blood loss, each second turning more severe as his body trembled and shook, his head lightly bobbling as he was losing the strength to keep himself up right.

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"Yes, I'm also admitting that you are a little brat. Perhaps we could try to figure out what Jasper did with the videos he made of everyone... It could help you guys see who's really innocent and who's not." I murmured, talking more to myself than Saionji. "Hey, aren't you a little young to be an investigator? You look like you're only ten or twelve..." I added as I stared at her, starting to unwind the bandages.
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo listened to Shinohara explain who Suzuya was to him after Koizumi questioned the investigator. Feeling a little out of place now, he decided it was time to go--he only had an hour after all. Sendo said nothing as he left the room, allowing himself a glance at Mahiru before he headed for the study, knowing Shinohara would keep his word.

He pondered the reason he came to the mansion as he walked; he remembered that his motives were different at the time, how he'd hoped to find some desperate souls longing for death so that he could free them. How foolish he'd been, to overlook the simple fact that he was taking the lives of people who didn't truly wish to die--when it wasn't even his choice to make.

A small feeling inside him said that he was on the right path now though, and perhaps the choices he would make from now forward might atone for the sins of his past. Even if they didn't, however, it was what the Koizumi he knew would have wanted... wasn't it? Sendo shook his head, no it wasn't just that, this was his duty as a gentleman. His face shone with determination as he arrived at his destination, remaining wary of traps and other dangers as he scanned the area to see if he'd been the first to arrive.

Yuki Shiro ~

Tears welled up in Yuki's eyes as she silently listened to Shinohara describe the wonderful feeling of having a family. She wiped at her face, trying to look normal so the investigator wouldn't feel bad for bringing it up; but the conversation called forth so many memories of her parents that just tore at her heart and threatened to cause the girl to start sobbing. Yuki knew it wasn't fair to rain on the man's parade as he reminisced but she couldn't help it, inhaling to quell the deep feeling of sadness pitting in her stomach. She backed away, her gaze fixed on her shoes and continued attempting to dry her cheeks with her palms--the girl didn't even notice Sendo leave the room.
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Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi didn't know what to say - Suzuya had a father? He'd never told her about it. This man seemed passionate in talking about Suzuya.. and she hardly even knew what to say. He seemed nice enough - it's not like the albino's own father would hurt the boy. She'd lost him to that dam*ed Komaeda earlier when he ran into that room - and he was doing who-knows-what to him now. He could be dying right now, and it's because she was so incompetent in her actions. "Ah.. that's nice. An animal? Was that what he was like before torture? It'd be nice to have family that was close to you. All I have is.. Sendo, who keeps following me around. He's going to hurt me again.."

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda had to restrain himself from wanting to go and help the albino, watching helplessly as the boy bled out. Normally, the foolish him would have rushed him onto a bed, patched him up and fix his stitches and let him rest for a while. He would have done just that if he had been so dense not to see through Charles' plan, and if he hadn't known he was lying. Now he felt he should do justice on this boy.. but he also felt he should comfort the poor boy. It would have been nice to have someone appreciate him, but he knew it wasn't meant to be. He was trash after all, and the least he could do was get rid of people who threatened the hope he tried so hard to hold onto on this constant swing between good and bad luck.

What did this boy even mean when he said he was going to be a good boy? Is this even the same person who attempted to kill him before? It had to be - he was just begging for mercy now. He wasn't going to give him that, of course - he'd been lied to and played by it - he wasn't gonna give in now, no matter how much he'd enjoyed the time he spent with the albino. "Good boy..? What are you, a dog? You should shut up already.." the taller boy said, not hurting him this time and just watching.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Ten or twelve!?"
Saionji frowned, glaring at the maid. "What're you, stupid?! I'm practically the same age as you, except smarter and better! And I could see with both my eyes too!" the little girl cried, tears budding in her eyes again. "At least I'm not a big brat, like you are!" the girl pointed at the maid rudely.