Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


Z paused. Could she betray Jasper like that? No, she didn't have the strength, but she could point Mr. Shinohara in the right direction.
"He spends a lot of time in the study, that's most likely where it is."
She bit her tongue, wanting to mention the secret room. There was no point in secrets anymore. They'd kill Charles, Z would make her grand exit, and Jasper would be locked up for good. If that's how the game had to end, Z would succeed in doing so. In fact, she wanted to kill Charles, even if it meant going through Jasper first.


Kenai's bullet screeched through the air, and if his aim was right, it would just graze Charles's shoulder in hopes he would pause his attack. He held his gun out towards the old man, blue gaze narrowed with disgust and still a bit of pain.
"He doesn't need to scream for anything. Police are never without backup."
The criminal profiler looked over at the Jasper character. So these were the two men killing people year after year? It ws sickening, Kenai hoped they would be a little more impressive than this.​
Relief shone in my eye once Koizumi came into view and I quickly lowered my gun. "M-miss Mahiru... Are you okay? You're all burnt up..." I mumbled in concern as I looked her up and down, not making any approaches towards the girl as I watched her push Saionji away. "What happened? Charles did this, didn't he? Do you know where Sendo is?" I questioned, placing the blunderbuss back in the holster.
Evan watched the other man, with uneasiness, preparing himself to act on a whim. He clicked the walkie talkie on, not having time to call for help but hoping that the noise of what was going on would be signal enough for the others. Suddenly, Charles charged at him and he expertly dodged out of the way and his cheek was slightly grazed in the action, recalling his training from his younger days. It wasn't that bad of an injury but enough to where a bit of blood came down.

He was about to pull out the walkie talkie in order to actually call for help when Kenai joined them all. He breathed a sigh of relief and called out to the man, "Are you okay? You should be healing." He let out a small chuckle. "Thanks for the back-up." A bullet shot through the air quickly and he looked over to check if it had hit Charles or not.
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.: Shinohara :.

Shinohara didn't have time to answer Teela as his walkie talkie went off, startling him a bit as he pulled the device up to his ear, listening and nodding as he heard what Sendo wanted to convey, and right on time, the redhead that was mentioned decided to come pay them a visit, which lead Shinohara to pressing down the button on the walkie talkie, responding with a simple "Understood, she's here.. let's try to figure this out." then with a click, Shinohara put the device away into his pants pocket.

The next thing that happened caught Shinohara off guard however, as Saionji leap forward to embrace her so called sister, Shinohara had heard Saionji talk about Koizumi a lot, but he hadn't expected the redhead to reject her like that, and piecing together what Sendo said, and how Koizumi was acting, the S.W.A.T member came to the conclusion that perhaps Koizumi was being forced to act like this, coming to the possibility that some kind of terrible blackmail had been placed on her by Charles.

"The study?... don't suppose you know where that is?" Shinohara mumbled to Z, there was the small chance the man would become selfish, and try to head to the study himself to secure Charles and make sure that Evan would turn out alright.

Although the chance was slim, as the very thought of leaving Saionji, Yuki, and this new girl alone with both Z and Sendo didn't sit well with his stomach, and the agony from not being able to make a move yet shown on the man's face as he quietly grinded his teeth, hoping no one would notice his inner battle as he forced himself to try to stay calm, keeping his eyes focused on Koizumi and Saionji, depending on how Koizumi reacted, would help the man form his next plan of action.

.: Charles :.

Charles couldn't believe that Evan had back up, and acted clumsily in his assault as he was only able to scratch Evan's cheek with the tip of his scythe, it was disgusting how close the old man had gotten to slicing the investigator's head clean off, but this would have to do for now as time was running out for the man, his body wouldn't allow him to continue for too long, and so he knew that he would have to make this precious time of adrenaline worth while.

No sooner than The old man recovered his stance did he let out a loud howl of pain as a bullet flew through the air and grazed his shoulder, the skin ripping off as the bullet burned his flesh and pierced the wall behind him, causing Charles to curse under his breath as he stumbled backwards and gripped his shoulder wound tight.

"Good show.. good show, but it won't be enough, I'm in quite the hurry.. and I have not time for this!" Charles shrieked, his eyes glaring daggers towards the investigators as his patience grew thin, it then that Charles directed his attention towards Jasper, signaling with his eyes for the other man to make a move whence he made his next, as the two would have to be in sync to obtain any chance of their survival and escape.

Charles slowly let go of his shoulder, and gripped the scythe with both hands as he readied himself, his old bones were numb as the aching was dulled by the adrenaline running through his veins, yet the clock was ticking for just how long he could hold out against these two, he would have to make this quick, as he wasn't planning to die until the very end.

Amidst the odds Charles leap forward once more, although this time his movements were noticeably different, the man moved with intent. his movements were much more fluent and swift as he came for Evan with the intent to maim another human being, yet repeating the same process would only result in failure, and anyone that saw the old man probably thought him to be senile and remaking the same mistakes.

However at the last moment just before Charles reached Evan, the old man leap to the side and slid right on past the investigator and smirked devilishly, then thrusting the blade of the scythe forward, delivered his attack to Kenai's right arm.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya's eyes widened in shock as Komaeda began to patch him up, not noticing how flushed his cheeks got as the other helped put the bandages back on right to help with the wound on his chest, not even noticing how quickly his heart beat increased as he could feel Komaeda's breath against his skin as he patched the stitched boy back together.

What the albino did notice however, was how violated he felt by the other's actions, and as such Suzuya tried to push the other away, and when that didn't work, the Albino readied his knife in his left hand.
"Ah... but You did this, so why are you worrying about it?" Suzuya replied sharply, helping himself up and off the bed and waltzing right on over to the other, Suzuya didn't hesitate to reach up and grab Komaeda by the collar of his shirt, pulling the other down to his level as he grinned eerily towards the other.

"Hang in there.. that's what you always said, so hang in there!" Suzuya giggled as he mocked the other, slowly pressing the blade of his knife against Komaeda's throat to where it threatened to cut, the Albino was about to slice through when his hand began to tremble, causing the Albino to gasp in shock. staring at his own hand like it was some sort of alien object as it started to quiver.

"W-why...?" Suzuya whimpered, his eyes filling up with fear as he stared in horror towards his own hand, loosening his grip on the knife as he did so.

(Early post cause I woke up way too early~ gonna nap </3 )

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki had been listening to the others talk after fixing up Teela's wounds, her vacant stare was fixed on the door that everyone was looking at until Mahiru walked through and her eyes lit up. "Koizumi...!" she said in a low voice, a relieved smile on her face. Though her expression changed to one of confusion when she reacted so strangely to Saionji's hug. Something was different about the girl than when they had first met, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Yuki knew she had been tortured, but something was off about Koizumi's attitude.

Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo heard voices from the kitchen after Shinohara's message, realizing that it was where the investigators must have moved. "What am I standing out here for, then?" he questioned himself with a chuckle, putting away the walkie-talkie and entering the doorway after Koizumi. He nodded in each person's direction as a greeting, holding the tip of his hat and examining the state of all the people in the room. He was particularly curious as to what happened to Teela, her injuries looked pretty painful--but he said nothing on the subject.

Instead, Sendo made his way over to Shinohara, wanting to mention what he had forgotten in his message. "I apologize, I haven't found Suzuya yet." his voice was sincere, perhaps having a bit of regret that the albino hadn't been anywhere he searched despite his dislike for the boy's previous behavior. "I'm sure your son is fine though, the boy is quite resilient from what I've witnessed." he reassured the man. Sendo didn't seem at all worried about Koizumi's presence, since there were so many people in this room including a police investigator. Mahiru probably wouldn't try anything, at least not if she didn't want to get handcuffed. If she did though, it might make it easier to protect her, anyhow.
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Saionji Hiyoko and Koizumi Mahiru

"Play with me, play with me! Mr. Shinohara is busy and I'm bored!" Saionji whined, yet in a happy note. She hardly realized that Koizumi really wasn't herself until she pushed her away a second time, now when Saionji attempted to show the redhead how neat her obi was, only rougher than the first time. "Wh-what..?" the little girl choked out, tears budding in her eyes but she refused to let them run down her cheeks.

Koizumi glared at Saionji, frowning at the little girl's constant attempts at trying to befriend her again. She averted her attention to Teela first, squinting at the other girl. Was she really trying to look concerned? It wasn't working - she'd betrayed Charles before so she couldn't possibly trust her. "Sendo's over there, as you can see.. what, is your other eye not working, either? Should I tear that one out too?" the girl sneered, smirking and then looking back at Saionji. "Don't even talk to me - you know full well what you did. Sure, we were friends but you just sat and watched as I was nearly burned to death," the girl said calmly, glaring at Saionji. "We're not friends anymore, if your dense head couldn't fit that into there."

Saionji stood there and endured Koizumi's words with her fists clenched and tears rolling down her cheeks, but she refused to move. She refused to move as she was told like a child would, stubbornly keeping her ground and wanting Mr. Shinohara to come help her and make Koizumi be normal again - not wanting to break into full-on sobbing like she usually did.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda grew satisfied with his work on Suzuya's bandages and stared at it fondly until Suzuya pulled him down to his level, bringing a knife threatingly close to his throat, pressing the blade against his skin but not quite piercing it. What brought about him to make him do this? Komaeda was surprised at first, saying in an eerie tone, "Do it. If you think I'm to die.. I really should die, should I? My life hardly served a purpose anyhow.. if even you think so.. shouldn't that be what I really do? I'm useless, after all. It seems you agree so as well," the boy smiled, not struggling to get out of the albino's grip. When he grew hesitant, the taller boy simply smiled lightly at Suzuya, as if encouraging the albino to take his life here and now, truly thinking it worthless. The smile silently mocked the albino, mocking him in not being able to hurt him but somewhere, deep within Komaeda was relieved that Suzuya hadn't wanted him to die after all, but he knew this wasn't final. Yet.
I stared at Koizumi with a blank look on my face, strangly unfazed by her remark about my eye. Glancing down at the burns from the sodium and water mixture, I looked at hers. "Water... You were burned by water... You do realise Charles did that to you. As far as I know, Saonji wasn't in the basement when you were tortured. None of us were. Apart from Suzuya, Charles, and Jasper. I don't know what happened down there, but the only people who could have done that to you is currently not among us in this room. I've heard about methods of torture that results in the victim's memorys and thoughts to become disoriented, but none with an outcome like this..." I murmured, tilting my head as all the possibilities filled my mind. "Suzuya did suck out your eardrum, but I doubt he would do anything like burning an alley of his. Charles seems to be the culprit. His methods are clean. He doesn't want to kill his victim right away. He can use them as currency in a way. Now, my guess could be way of its mark, but Saionji was not there to witness it." I added, tilting my head back to stare at the celing. "I've been with the investigators since they got here, apart from when I went to solve that strange man's riddle. And if I recall correctly," I tilted my head back down to stare at her,"You and Saionji haven't come in contact with one aother up until this very moment. So it's impossible for you to know that she was ever in this mansion in the first place. Only Charles ad the killers knew about them, including Yuki, Suzuya, and I. So if you want to try and get my aim off Charles, be my guest." I smirked as I finished stating my facts.
Jasper caught the old man's signal and took action. He ran towards Evan, who most likely had the keys to his handcuffs and rammed him into the wall, hearing a satisfying crack as the other man took the hit. Evan fell to the ground, growing rather disoriented from the hit. He missed the chance to save his partner from being attacked by Charles and only hoped for the best that the other wasn't injured too severely.

Once Evan was on the ground, Jasper placed his shoe on the other man's chest, picking the walkie talkie from his pocket. He said, in a clear voice, "Hello Shinohara. I have Evan. If you want him back alive, I have a few demands to make of you. If you fail to follow through, I will make sure you never see Evan again and that you never come out of this building alive. Am I clear?"

.: Shinohara :.

Observing Koizumi as she continued to push Saionji away made the man sigh, he knew this wouldn't be as easy as he hoped, and immediately came over to try to assist the little blonde girl, although he hadn't known Saionji long or even had been on many missions with her, Shinohara already felt a connection to the girl and felt a fatherly protective nature take over him whenever he saw the little thing starting to tear up. and as such the man reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the many honey flavoured candydrops he had in his pocket, they were stored mostly for Suzuya, but he felt the Albino wouldn't mind if one or two of them were missing.

As Sendo came over to him, Shinohara listened to what the other had to say before replying.

"Thank you for your concern.. I'm sure he's fine, he acts like an animal in situations like this so... I'm just hoping he hasn't doen anything too reckless." Shinohara exhaled as he said this, reaching up to rub his temple to try to relieve some of the stress he had been feeling since entering this mansion.

However, the S.W.A.T member couldn't help but smile slightly, feeling a little better now that they found one of the last missing victims.

"Hah, I never would of thought I would be saying this to a killer, but I'm glad for you that we've at least secured Koizumi for now, you seemed really worried about her, and if she's here.. we can keep her safe." the man said softly in return to Sendo, although
Shinohara hoped that he had gotten the name right, Saionji had been saying it for awhile now yet he still wasn't so sure that he memorized the name correctly. still, Shinohara kept his tone down in case the red head overheard him, he knew that she wouldn't respond to being rescued so well by the way she was acting.

And as if on cue, Teela started spewing all kinds of theories that could or could not have been true, and Shinohara felt that this would make the situation even harder to get to the truth of what happened to koizumi, as well as harder for the girl to trust them all together.

Before Shinohara could say otherwise, the walkie talkie in his pocket started going off once more, and he pulled the device out, holding it up so everyone could hear whoever was on the other line, and out of the device came Jasper's demands that caused the S.W.A.T. member to tense up, "What exactly are these demands..?" He cautiously replied, trying not to make any vital mistakes as time was ticking once more.

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya gulped, his shaking increasing until the Albino finally dropped the knife and the blade landed on the floor with a loud clank. the Albino's breathing hastening as he took a few steps back, shaking his head as he tried to take control of his own body, terror wrecking through him as he couldn't figure out why he didn't just kill the other, why he couldn't slice through Komaeda's throat and end this charade here and now.

Yet even more confusion came as the words that came from Komaeda send a shiver down Suzuya's spine, some part of the Albino feeling remorse at even trying to hurt the other, as if he had made a mistake in trying to even harm the other, that he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing.

Although the other part of the Albino was screaming for him to take action, to take revenge and finally end this onslaught of endless torture and abuse, to get rid of Komaeda before he struck the stitched boy down again, before he held Suzuya underwater and made him choke like he had before, and all of these thoughts caused the trembling in his hand to take over his entire body, the boy looked petrified as he gripped his hand tight, bringing it to his chest.

Suzuya didn't notice as tears collected in his eyes, and gasped once more as the salty substance trailed down his cheek, reaching up and wiping away one of those tears with his quivering finger, he looked like a beaten puppy that didn't know if it should go feral or just run from it's abusive owner, this display made it all the more evident that something was wrong with Suzuya.

Nagito Komaeda

The taller boy grew surprised when Suzuya had backed away and heard a loud sound as he dropped the knife, slowly looking up to survey the boy. Komaeda noticed a mix of fright and even confusion was apparent on his face, wanting to comfort the stitched boy somehow but he hardly had a clue what'd happened to him either or what caused him to believe this mess. He looked like he was fighting some sort of inner battle with himself, causing the luckster to reach out towards the shorter boy hesitantly, not wanting at all to pressure the boy more than he already did, so he kept his hand in place.. until the albino had started to cry.

Komaeda's expression softened as he witnessed the tears falling from the boy's cheeks, not hesitating this time to reach out and embraced the albino, not even sure if this Suzuya would accept it. The hug wasn't just to comfort the stitched boy - it was also to comfort Komaeda. He was rather hostile last night and feeling the albino's warmth in his arms brought a relaxing sensation to him. He had no words for Suzuya - because there were none to be said - since he felt like the boy would soon revert back to his new, strange twisted mind and those words would go ignored. Komaeda didn't even think about his fear of getting close to people in this situation. He decided to be selfish and take what was placed in front of him for once, and was glad to do it. Though.. the taller boy had an irking feeling in his chest that he didn't notice from hugging the albino that something terrible was going to happen, and it was going to be soon.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji sniffed, wiping an eye to prevent a tear from escaping down her cheek, looking up at Mr. Shinohara as he approached and took the small candy he handed her and stuck it in her mouth reluctantly. Still standing in front of Koizumi, she didn't want to say anything like a child would, afraid to be lectured. Hearing Teela spout out nonsense, the little girl pointed at her with tears in her eyes, "Shut up, maid! You don't know anything!" Saionji frowned, storming off out the door mostly in confusion at what Teela said and Koizumi's weird and stupid new thinking. She didn't even know where she was going, but she had to go somewhere to think for now.

Koizumi Mahiru

Koizumi watched as the little girl stormed off, a small pang of guilt hitting her. She shook it off as not knowing where Suzuya was and turned back to Teela. She hated to say it, but she agreed with Saionji when she said that Teela was obviously lying. "How far will you all go to lie and to bring me back? You're just going to hurt me again anyways, aren't you?" the redhead cried, glaring at everyone and noticing Sendo, narrowing her eyes and flipping him off in particular. "I'm not believing any of you. I only believe Charles' word - it's the only one that makes sense, unlike what you all are saying. He raised me with care after he tortured me!" Koizumi shouted, pointing at Sendo.
"Yes. Don't listen to the maid. The maid is crazy. The maid only has one eye. The maid's thoughts are screwed up. The maid is just a stupid, mindless, peice of scummy scum...." I muttered under my breath. "The maid thinks the little brat is going to get herself killed." I added, limping towards the door where Saionji had exited through. But right as I was about to go after her, I turned towards Miharu. "The maid knows she isn't lying. The maid also suspects that Charles is planning to use you and Suzuya as a distraction to aid in his escape." I muttered, a ticked off look on my face as I started walking after the little blonde brat.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Are you really that wrapped up in the lies Charles crammed down your throat?" Sendo asked, his gut tightening at the thought. He was getting tired of hearing the same thing now, since it was right in front of Koizumi--clearly he hadn't tortured the girl. She was in denial at this point, to be still believing Charles was a good man with everyone else telling her otherwise. "I did not torture you and I've been trying to protect you since you got your eardrum sucked out of your head!" his frustrated tone said he wasn't going to tolerate this much longer, his gentlemanly patience was wearing away fast.

It took a lot of strength for him to calm himself again, and after he'd regained his composure, he looked to Shinohara. "Should I go find Evan, or make sure the girl and Teela are alright?" he asked, knowing he needed to leave Koizumi for a while or he'd risk his own sanity. He adjusted his hat, fighting to keep his eyes from shifting to Mahiru's face again as he waited for a reply.
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Z smirked a bit as the familiar voice of Jasper was heard from the walkie-talkie. It was unfortunate it happened too fast for her to get involved, but she couldn't help but feel a little tingly in her stomach hearing from her ex-ally. Z wasn't sure what she was feeling, perhaps what people explain as "butterflies in their organs" or whatever, but it made her feel relieved, even if just for those few moments. She almost missed him, missed the way he doubted her and assumed her to be just another idiot with no sense of anything. She missed the way his eyes lit up when he was impressed and... no, shut up. Z scowled, shaking her head as if to shake away the emotions that overwhelmed her. She had to kill him, then she could kill Charles for him. He's be proud of her then.


Kenai cried out loudly as the weapon plunged deeply into his flesh, but in that split second, he made eye contact with Charles and his blue eyes sparked impishly. Kenai had just enough time to pull the trigger in Jasper's direction, aiming for his torso, so he knew it would hit, but from the recoil, he wasn't sure where on the servant's body it would pierce. He was just positive with his training, that the little piece of metal would hit the man. Kenai collapsed, groaning slightly before he shakily stood up and stumbled over to his comrade's body.
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Jasper spoke clearly and evenly, "I want the following things: I would like you to command someone to come over here and uncuff me at once, I wish for you to grant full immunity to Z and me for our crimes, and allow for her to safely meet with me later at a designated time. If you comply, I will release Evan and will no longer target the remaining victims in the game. Do we have an understanding?"

He didn't want Z to be stuck with the pesky investigators anymore. She had done a wrong to him and he wanted to be the one to discipline her on that. It reminded him of how he had to teach Daniel the ways of the mansion. He cracked a brief smile. He was growing to be quite fond of the other killer, to be honest. The things she could do were quite surprising to him at times and he grew curious as to what else she could possibly be hiding in such an innocent face. There was no use in mentioning Charles anyways. The man was resilient and wouldn't like it if his favorite butler was trying to do something so weak for him but desperate times called for desperate measures. As long as he was able to ensure her safety and his own, things will be okay.

Just then, looking in Kenai's direction, he watched as a bullet sailed through the air and pierced his right shoulder. The walkie talkie dropped to the ground as Jasper bent down in pain. He yelled out some obscenities before cleanly picking himself back up and shooting daggers at the investigator. He cruelly replied, "I never thought the police would be so heartless as to shoot a wounded man. Nevertheless, if you keep going this route, I. will. end. you."

Now that Jasper was off of his chest, Evan attempted to stand up but it had seemed like he had broken a few bones just now. Kenai rushed over to him and he lightly laughed. "I guess I'm the injured one now. I think I'll be fine. It's just a few broken bones. Are you okay? I know you were healing still the last I saw you."

.: Shinohara :.

As Jasper's demands chimed over the walkie talkie, Shinohara looked over everyone in the room as he thought hard on what they should do, even if the answer was already decided by the S.W.A.T member and his resolve clear as day, he would have to get someone to go bring the keys to Jasper, and listen to his demands for now, even if he truly detested the criminal.

Evan's life was at stake, and it was still unclear the extent of Kenai's injuries, but he hurt the other investigator over the device as well, and knew that making the wrong decision would probably result in both of their deaths.

bringing the device back to his ear, Shinohara found the strength to answer the man on the other side of the line, pressing down the button so Jasper would hear him.

"I'll be sending someone with the keys now.. and listen to your demands, however you better be keeping your word and not lay a finger on any of my men or the captives within this mansion... this will be a clean exchange, do you hear me?" Shinohara's tone was bitter and stern, trying to intimidate the man on the other end so he wouldn't back down from his offer.

Gesturing for Sendo to come closer, Shinohara dug through his pocket and held out a set of keys to the cuffs that he put on Jasper.

"I don't normally trust criminals.. but you've already proved yourself a good bit, however if you double cross me.. I'll make sure to personally re-write my wrongs by taking you down..
However I have little options right now and I need help, will you agree to work with me on this, one more time? I can handle making sure Saionji is okay, and I will be coming to back you up if anything gets out of hand."

after speaking, Shinohara stared at Sendo with determination, letting him know that his comrades safety rode on this.
and even if Sendo were a serial killer, Shinohara firmly believed that the man had some sort of conscious from his earlier actions of how he displayed such concern for Koizumi.

.: Charles :.

The wicked smirk that graced Charles featured resembled that of a demon, his joy knew no bounds as the scythe penetrated Kenai's flesh and dug in deep to the limp, and Charles was only mildly disappointed that he didn't take the arm clean off, and noted how he was growing older and probably gotten a little sloppy with his methods.

However that glint in Kenai's eye irritated Charles, and before the old man could react to it, the investigator had fired a round directly into Jasper's shoulder, the aim was perhaps a little wobbly from the injury the investigator sustained, and the old man felt some sort of relief knowing that Jasper wasn't going down that easily.

The old man was quick on his feet and after removing his scythe from Kenai's arm rather roughly, he started to where Jasper was currently standing and then stopped beside the other, watching as the investigators flocked together like some sort of scared cattle before them, and he couldn't help but scoff at how disgusting they were, caring for each other like that instead of focusing on eliminating their opponents, this was exactly the reason that wolves would always have the advantage against sheep.

"I know you two want to catch up and crack jokes.. but I would recommend to suck it up and remain quiet until this deal is over." Charles commented as looked down at the investigators as if they were lowly vermin, he had to applaud Jasper for thinking up such a nice plan in the short time span they were down here, although he wasn't so keen on being reunited with Z, Charles would just talk to Jasper about keeping the girl In check from now on.

.: Suzuya :.

The Albino couldn't stop his body from trembling, nor the wet liquid seeping from his eyes, and all he could do was cry as he struggled his hardest to make the unfamiliar tears stop, he wasn't used to crying and surely didn't want to start the habit now. yet as much as he willed them back, they just wouldn't stop.

"Why... w-why am I?" Suzuya whimpered, trying to control himself to no avail, and the faint feeling that he was forgetting something important hung in his chest, that he was forgetting something very important and that his body was reacting to whatever the important thing was, and a sickening sensation rested in his stomach at the thought of forgetting something so vital.

However, the other wrapping his arms around Suzuya caught the Albino off guard as his cheeks stared to fill up with colour as he allowed himself to lay his head against the other's chest, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth and comfort of Komaeda's embrace, something about the other holding him like this felt right, and he was just about to let himself give in.
When the Albino suddenly had a flashback of Komaeda torturing him, of how the other smirked as he plunged his head under the water, and how he told the Albino to 'hang in there!' as he placed the box of rats onto his stomach, and how they dug into his flesh as he cried and screamed, enduring this punishment for his torturer for some unknown reason he could only write off as Stockholm syndrome.

This memory caused Suzuya to push Komaeda off of him, biting his lip as he made haste to get away from the other before he made another stupid mistake of letting his body control his actions, and he ran to the door, twisting the handle, and scurrying out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him, even limping the Albino was quite agile on his feet, and had a nice even pace as he stumbled out of the room, his heart pounding as he knew that he had to get away from the other quickly, or else the same process would commence, the same process of falling for the false sense of security, and getting bashed in the face with reality at the end.

Nagito Komaeda

The boy felt a sense of relief wash over him when the albino didn't hesitate in his embrace, nuzzling his head slightly on top of the other's. Even though it'd been a short while, it felt like decades since he felt the warmth of Suzuya's skin and body, and seeing the stitched boy's face up close after so long made him want to kiss Suzuya's forehead. He held himself back from doing so though, realizing the state of mind the albino must have been in and savored these last few moments in the hug he was graced with. As he predicted, Suzuya had shoved Komaeda off of him, running away with a look of terror plastered on his face and looked rather eager to get away.

Instinctively, Komaeda ran out the door after Suzuya, looking both ways to see where the albino was going and spotted him, dashing down the hallway and ran after him, taking only a couple of seconds to reach him since the boy had just left. "W-wait, Suzuya, wait up! Whatever it is that you're scared about, it's okay! We could talk things through!" he cried, reaching out for the albino several times before finally grasping his arm, pulling him to an abrupt stop and spun the stitched boy around to face him. He pushed Suzuya up against the wall and put his hands out on either side of the albino, panting heavily from running.

When he finally finished recovering from the run, he asked the stitched boy in a serious tone, "What did I do?"

.: Suzuya :.

Suzuya didn't even want to look back as he heard footsteps behind him, and tried desperately to go quicker even if his body began to ache from speeding up, his bandages holding his wound tight so nothing would leak out, which caused the Albino's mind to absently wander off to how he would have to thank Koizumi later for doing such a good job bandaging.

Although the hand suddenly grabbing Suzuya caused him to gasp out, nearly falling onto his face yet he was saved by the other yanking him back and pushing him against the wall, the Albino tried to surpass the shiver that ran down his spine as his tear stained eyes looked up at the taller boy, his eyes dilated as his heart started to pound and threaten to jump out of his chest, Suzuya decided that the easiest way to get out of this situation would be to obey Komaeda and spit out exactly what he did to him, even if the Albino had no clue why the other wanted him to say It so badly.

"You remember... you remember, don't you?" Suzuya started bitterly, trying to mask his own fear as he began to explain.
"You told me to endure it for you, I listened because I wanted you to forgive me.. but I..I can't remember why, why would I want that?" Suzuya's had to compose himself, as his voice started to shake, and after he exhaled, the stitched boy continued.

"You placed that box onto me and with heat, the rodents inside started to dig into my skin.. screeching, digging, and tearing away at my flesh.. ah! how disgusting, It was gross, very gross, desu.." Suzuya mumbled now, his eyes trailing down and then back to Komaeda's own, it made him very uncomfortable to explain what happened to him, but he felt if he did, that the other would let him go.

"That wasn't enough though.. ah, you dunked my head repeatedly into the cold, bloody water, until I started to drown.. I couldn't breath, couldn't scream! how frightening, all I could do was call for you, beg you to stop.. but you wouldn't, you wouldn't even respond to me, how cold hearted are you to do that kind of torture.. it's inhumane, desu?" Suzuya's head bobbled as he tottered left to right in-between the other's arms, his trembling only helping to make the boy fidgety, although he tried to mask it, the fear in the Albino's eyes was clear as day as his body gave it away with how quickly his heart was beating, his dilated eyes, and his hastened breathing.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda's eyes softened when he saw Suzuya's teary face, using one of his fingers to wipe away a tear on the albino's face gently but quickly placing it back on its spot on the wall. He anticipated what the other would say while talking.. would he even listen to him? Did he even want to know the answer? No, the answer was crucial to Komaeda figuring out the root of this mess.

However, the taller boy's heart dropped when he heard the albino start to talk, scared for what could spill out of his mouth. When the albino said, that he'd wanted him to forgive him.. did that prove his horrid theory true? If Suzuya had actually gone into torture vonluntarily? But then, it would make sense that he got tortured.. he went in believing that he could have Komaeda forgive him for hurting Saionji.. and these were his firm beliefs, from his tone and voice. He wasn't going to tell him the truth because he didn't want to confuse him even more.. it could only agitate him. The boy started again, this time describing his torture. Komaeda winced when he heard what'd happened to Suzuya - it made the taller boy feel worse for being able to lose track of him so quickly that he ran off to be tortured like this. He could hardly even imagine him being hurt like that. He can't even begin to describe how terrible it would be to have been there, watching him as his chest was burrowed into by rats or drowned in the murky water. It pained him to think of it and he reached out to hold the albino's cheek, knowing it wasn't a source of comfort for the stitched boy, but more for himself. It let him know Suzuya was now here, safe, but in this strange state of mind.

"Oh.. so, that's how it is, huh?" Komaeda asked, overwhelmed by these realizations of what'd happened to the albino. The boy from before - the one who'd been so eager for Komaeda's approval and had an eternal hunger for snacks - he didn't think at this point that he would ever return. This version looked so sure of his answers, so frightened by Komaeda, that he fihured out that Charles must've screwed these thoughts deep into the poor stitched boy's head. "So.. if that's the case.. I just need one more thing, if you don't mind. How do you feel about me right now?" the question came out as a choked whisper - afraid to even ask those words for fear of the answer.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Ridiculous! How am I expected to believe you? You're just trying to fool everyone else around here into trusting you and then you're gonna torture me again!"
Koizumi frowned, fists clenched and restraining herself in wanting to strangle him and be done with it - there were more people here, after all.

Saionji Hiyoko

Saionji sprinted down the hall until she was sure that she was a safe distance away from the kitchen. She needed some time to herself - why would Koizumi behave like that towards her? Normally she was so nice.. and the little girl hadn't seen her in nearly two years since she decided to pursue becoming an investigator. She didn't usually care if people stopped caring about her - but if it was ever her or Mr. Shinohara, she would be devestated. The girl heard light footsteps behind her, causing her to jerk her body around to see who it was, tears staining her cheeks. It was the annoying maid again - why did she like her so much? She should just leave her alone.. Saionji stared at the maid quietly, sniffling and occasionally bringing up her hand to wipe at her eyes. She finally decided to speak up. "What do you want?"
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"I wanted to make sure you were safe." I answered, pulling out a small hankerchief, offering it to her. "Don't worry... I'm sure she'll be alright..." I tried to reassure the girl, though it was obvious I disliked the blonde. "Um... Is Koizumi really your sister? You don't have to answer though... It must be hard for you..." I glanced back down the hall from where I came, almost expecting someone to come our way. Turning back to Saionji, a spark of sympathy shown on my face as I gently patted her head. "Everything will turn out okay..."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"Don't worry, aside from not being the double-crossing type, there just isn't any chance I'd be siding with someone like Charles." Sendo replied, taking the keys from Shinohara's hand. "I'll try my best to make sure nothing happens to the other investigators." he added. "Did Jasper say what time and place this is supposed to go down?" Sendo asked, realizing he hadn't heard anything of the sort. It would be a little hard to attend a trade-off that wasn't set up yet. He looked over at Koizumi when she repeated the same thing he'd heard when he first told the girl he didn't intend to kill her; though the sentence that followed just sounded ridiculous to him. "And how would I go about doing that, hm?" he asked as she proposed that he was fooling everyone here.

"Listen to yourself, won't you? I couldn't possibly fool all the people here into believing whatever I say, or things would be going a lot better for me right now." Sendo frowned at how stubbornly unreasonable Mahiru was being, and he wasn't quite sure what to tell her if she was looking for a reason to believe him since she was so dead set on contradicting him with all these childish notions. He lifted his arm adjust his hat, trying to keep himself from getting too frustrated--though he quickly brought it down again when he felt a sting of pain where Suzuya had bitten him. Touching the bandage, he chuckled lightly to himself as a bit of red seeped through. "It would seem such a lovely bandaging job isn't much use if I can't curb the habit of repositioning my hat."