Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]

"You're small... Like, really, really small... Are you a dwarf or something?" I quickly covered my mouth to hide my giggles. "You probably are smarter than me! You discovered eternal youth!" My giggled soon turned into full-out laughter. "Ya know, I'm probably going to sent to an Asylum or something, and even if I were to do something evil or insane, there's no worse place for me to be sent! I could kill you right now if I wanted to without any extra punishments. But I'm not in the mood to get my hands soiled in your blood. Besides, I'm all out of bullets. But I can always get more. But having your sanity cracked also allows you to change your mind fairly quickly." I lowered her hand as I spoke, the bandages completely removed, revealing a bloody, bruised mess from where I once had an eye.

.: Shinohara :.

The fact that Koizumi was actually listening to him and trying to understand the relationship he held with his son, it showed that girl did have some kind of humanity left, and brought a small smile to Shinohara's features as the man felt that he was getting through to Koizumi a little bit, knowing that at least he could help someone in this sick and twisted mansion feel better.

"Hah.. this brings back quite a lot of memories." Shinohara mused, leaning back in his chair as he let out a sigh, the man missed his boy more than words could even muster, and just seeing Suzuya for the split moment he could had not sufficed Shinohara.

In fact, the man needed actual time to reconnect with his son, hold the albino in his arms and ruffle his hair until it got even more messy to the point that Suzuya would grumble and try to fix it or mess up the S.W.A.T member's own,
Then perhaps his boy would tease him about his weird eyebrows and this weird charade of parent and son antics would continue on until they were both satisfied.
Although soon after Shinohara would ask the stitched boy to tell him all about what fun adventures that he had in this mansion because Shinohara was fairly certain with Suzuya's twisted sense of humour, the Albino would have quite the bit to boost about.

"Suzuya is... odd, he's eccentric and mischievous, yet that doesn't stop him from also being childish and shy at times, to describe him would probably be a hard task, even for me!" Shinohara laughed a little, his laugh full of pity for his son and guilt due to how hard it felt just to try to describe his son to someone, there was no way in particular that he could even think of to describe Suzuya simply, and the only way that felt right would be to let the Albino describe himself through expression and actions, but that was impossible at this very moment, so Shinohara figured the girl would have to make due with his lame explanations.

"Sorry if I'm rusty on my conversation skills... but I've been meaning to ask you, why did you come to this mansion? and can you remember what exactly happened to you? to be completely honest with you, Koizumi.. you don't seem like the type of person to act like you were before, you seem a lot more of the caring type, if I do say so myself, oh! mind you, my opinion is probably far off." Shinohara admitted bashfully, he wasn't just the brute force for nothing after all, The S.W.A.T member wouldn't recommend his opinions or advice to anyone.

However something else caught his eye as he was talking to Koizumi, and once he saw the tears budding in Yuki's eyes, and how the girl looked paralyzed as he began to cry and break down, Shinohara cleared his throat, and sounding much like a father would he called out to the girl.

"Oh! please don't cry.. really, I don't think tears suit you, a smile does suits you much better. how about instead, you come join us! I'm sure Koizumi wouldn't mind." it was a little awkward, but Shinohara really didn't want the poor girl to cry, and even if it wasn't a party or anything.. he wanted Yuki to come over so she wouldn't be alone.

.: Suzuya :.

Suddenly the Albino's back met harshly with the cold surface below him, his body emitting a loud thud and squashy splat as it met with the freshly blood stained marble floor, the liquid spreading like paint around Suzuya's fallen slender frame.

The only noticeable movement from the Albino would be his chest heaving softly with each breath he took as Suzuya's body threatened to give out on him at any given minute due to how much blood it had lost to the once pearly white marble underneath him.

When Komaeda simply stared, and insulted him like that. Suzuya couldn't even bring himself to even focus on them as the pain increased, his body felt like it was being twisted and ringed out over a burning hot fire, his open wounds stung and throbbed with such excruciating agony that the Albino knew he was finally reaching his limit, there wasn't even guessing to be involved anymore, Suzuya watched as his vision worsened until finally all the Albino could make out would be blurry sights that danced as they turned and spun, giving him the feeling of falling even though the stitched boy knew he was against solid ground.

It wouldn't be long until his vision faded to black, and knowing this, Suzuya giggled softly even though the vibrations hurt his stomach as he innocently wished that he could of lasted longer, how selfish his body was to give up like this before Komaeda had achieved happiness, Suzuya really was becoming a disappointment to the one he loved.

"A-ah..." Suzuya whimpered from the jolt of pain that shook his entire body as the Albino tried to speak, his voice trembling as he was struggling to maintain consciousness.

"Oops.. I-I'm not gonna make it.. Komaeda-san.." The stitched boy choked out during his confession, interrupting his sentence and having to brace himself as he cringed, taking in a sharp breath as his lips softly started moving again, his voice weak and slowly fading.

"A-Ahh.. I just want the pain to go numb, but I know it's s-selfish of me to say that.." Suzuya found himself choking once more, finding his throat tightening up from the lack of oxygen his lungs gave him,
"Why..I can't hang in there.. I can't hang in there, I-I'm getting so tired..h-heheh..I just wanted to be a good boy..I wanted to m-make you proud.." The Albino's speech began to become butchered as his head spun around each and every sentence, his time was just about to run out and was growing closer by each passing second.

Suzuya felt so disorientated as he shakily raised his left arm up, reaching out for the other like he wanted Komaeda to pick him up, to hold him close and end his suffering by masking him in the warm embrace that only the taller boy could provide him, and Suzuya found his lips slowly curve into a smile filled with sorrow as he just couldn't reach.

"I'll never make you proud.. huh?... It's selfish.. but I still...." Suzuya exhaled deeply as he whispered ever so faintly, yet ever so sweetly towards the other. "I still love you, I love Komaeda.." the stitched boy closed his eyes, seeming at peace as he told the other his confession once more.

However, not soon after the words left his mouth did the Albino's arm softly fall down to his side while his breathing slowed down to the point that his chest was no longer heaving, his pain ceased as his gasps for breath grew eerily quiet until nothing could be heard from the stitched boy, his body simply laid there still as a beautiful painting of a rose that will never be gently caressed by the wind.

Nagito Komaeda

Komaeda stared at the albino, shuddering and forcing all of his will to look away from the poor boy to prevent himself from helping him. The boy grew startled when the stitched boy had talked again - it felt like it was.. years since he heard his voice, even though he'd talked a couple of seconds earlier. He never thought he'd respond to the insults that just rang out of Komaeda's mouth. The stitched boy's voice sounded pleading and weak.. it'd brought a sense of guilt to the taller boy, but refused to go help the albino. He was about to force himself to walk away from the albino when he heard him call him "Komaeda-san" again. When was the last time he'd called him that.. the last time he'd called him that was when Suzuya still had him under his strange spell. He remembered that when the albino did call him that, it was music to his ears every time and relished the fact that someone finally, finally appreciated him. Looks like that wasn't meant to be.

The boy's speech went on and on about being tired and selfish. He had to remind himself forcibly that this was just a trick, a grim reminder of how Komaeda won't have anyone to cherish. Wanting to make him.. proud? He almost sounded like he did before he ran off. The boy's voice sounded hoarse and struggling to wring out the words he was saying, but out in words the taller boy never thought the albino would put together in a sentence. He wondered why he'd want to mock him so badly that he'd actually say that to the luckster - to warn him of what's to come of the albino that they both knew was going to come. Again, he'd wondered why he'd ever want to love a boy who'd deceive him like this - and he even let himself be fooled by his stale words. He was really a gullible boy when it came down to it, wasn't he? He stared at the boy's hand when he weakly reached out for him - and forced himself not to take it. Komaeda felt a pang of guilt when a smile graced the albino's lips again, wondering how long ago it was since he saw that smile that he loved seeing so much.

The albino soon repeated those words that made his breath hitch in his throat - was it possible that he'd really harbored those feelings for him? No, that's not possible. This boy was just so loyal to Charles that maybe if he said these words in place of any other final words he'd said, Charles would finally be in the clear.. right? Seeing the albino finally close his eyes made the boy slowly reach out for the stitched boy himself this time - maybe to carress the boy's cheek to assure the quiet boy that he was okay. He stopped himself in time, trying to force the fact that he'd been lying into his mind to stop himself from doing so - with little success. Instead, the taller boy stood up straight again, and pressured himself to walk away from Suzuya, who now was but a corpse who couldn't speak, couldn't ever say those words again to him..

The taller boy stumbled over his own foot as he forced himself to walk away and quickly met the ground. He tried to comfort himself by thinking over and over, "This is better. If he hadn't fallen by your hands.. then surely something much worse would've happened to him.. because of you." It didn't help, however. He didn't understand - he'd killed many people before, but why did he feel so.. guilty over this one? He felt empty and felt like he should die himself - why was that? Struggling to get up again, the boy started to get away from the dead boy with an obvious stumble and a growing headache.

Koizumi Mahiru

"Oh, sure. She could join if she wants. As long as she isn't Sendo's accomplice or anything."
Koizumi smiled, getting back to the question Shinohara had before. "Ah, I remember I came to this mansion to get away from Sendo when he tortured me.. and Charles took Suzuya and I in. I can't remember anything that happened to me before Sendo tortured me - except that I was a photographer. The caring type? Oh, not at all. I used to, really. Ever since that day I never really felt like I should care for anyone anymore.. because everyone simply watched as I was burned nearly to death." Koizumi smiled a little sadly, not really sure if this was too much to give away to Shinohara.

Saionji Hiyoko

"Ew, why'd you take off your bandages? You're getting blood all over my slippers! Get it off! In other words, you're too chicken to kill me, huh? Isn't that it?"
Saionji questioned, poking her finger into the eyeless socket, quickly jerking it out. "You must've been pretty stupid to lose your eye - how'd you even lose that, huh? Huh?" the little girl asked, squinting.
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Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki rubbed the tears from her face again, calming down when Shinohara invited her to sit with the two. Nodding, she walked over and slid a chair back, sitting down lightly. "I'm sorry..." she said in a mousy voice before Koizumi began explaining what she remembered so far. Even Yuki knew that was all wrong from the small amount of time she'd spend with the photographer. "Nobody watched you..." she said grimly, voice beginning to quiver at the verge of tears again, "Koizumi, nobody saw you get burned because Charles had you tortured in the cellar!" At this point, tears were slipping out of her eyes again, but this time for Mahiru; Yuki was sad that someone could lose memories like this through torture. Looking down, she continued to explain what else she knew, "Sendo came to the investigators to get help, but they didn't believe him right away. And when they went to the security room to get proof, they were locked in before anyone could get you out. Everyone was too late..." Her eyes met the half-eaten cake on the table, and she remembered seeing it before when she first met Koizumi; it made her wonder if it had anything to do with the situation the girl was in at the time.
Suddenly, Jasper had a better idea. "Actually, I'll leave you two right here." He kicked Evan in the side to make sure the other would stay on the ground before giving Charles a sly smile, glad that the other would be coming along. "I've endured far worse injuries. I can't myself go weak at a time like this." Now that he wasn't closely aware of them, his injuries didn't hurt too badly, but he was sure that Charles might insist on stitching him up before they were to meet up in the study with the others. Jasper started walking down the hallway, pausing only once for Charles, before continuing on his way to the study.

He took the familiar route, as he had gone there plenty of times before. Lately, the study had seemed a bit eerily saddening, considering what had happened to Daniel, but he played it off as the other's stupidity for falling in love. It was as Charles said, after all. Love did not exist. Unsurprisingly, Sendo was already inside. Jasper laughed. "So you're the one they sent? Have they been buttering you up to join their side? Pathetic." What Jasper didn't know was that his injuries were pathetic. To anyone who saw him, they'd be instantly disgusted by all the blood covering his normally neat uniform as well as the massive head injury and the bullet wound in his shoulder. Jasper was a complete mess.
Sendo Senkusha ~

"They don't have to butter me up to be against Charles, I'm afraid." Sendo answered nonchalantly, examining the d?cor of the room in a curious manner. He moved his finger across the lid of the piano, leaving a trail in the layer of dust that had collected there. "Even so," he continued, finally looking over to the man, "that wouldn't be pathetic." Sendo slid his fingers together to remove the small clump of dust he had picked up, watching it float downward onto the floor. "No, Jasper, what is pathetic is the fact that you would stoop so low as to neglect properly holding up your end of the bargain." his eyes rose to meet Jasper's as he spoke, taking a few steps closer.

"Tell me, where are the hostages?"
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"Charles would be disgusted to hear you say that." Jasper glared at the other man. "As for the hostages, they refused to come with me and in my condition, with these handcuffs, I can't really drag them here myself. Once you uncuff me, I will gladly lead you to them. I'm a man of my word so you can count on me for this much."
Sendo Senkusha ~

"You don't need your hands to walk, you can take me to them and then the cuffs come off." Sendo answered with one of his usual grins, not wanting to take any chances with Jasper. After all, he had a record of being untrustworthy, no matter what he was currently saying. Something was off about this whole deal and Sendo had to tread extra carefully, so giving Jasper any leeway at this point just wasn't an option he wanted to settle for.
Jasper exhaled a frustrated breath then bitter spat out, "Fine, but where is Z? Shouldn't she be with you, at least? So you can uphold all parts of the bargain." Jasper was not liking this one bit. It wasn't going in his favor as he had hoped it would.
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo frowned at the mention of Z. "She should be around soon." he said, realizing the girl hadn't followed him out. He really would have thought she'd tail him since she seemed so eager to see Jasper again earlier. Regretting not saying anything when he left, he pulled up his walkie-talkie and pressed down the button to speak, "Shinohara, is Z with you still? She's supposed to be here." he explained, glancing at Jasper as he waited for a reply from the investigator. He hoped Z had actually been on her way, since it would make things a lot easier.

He definitely hadn't planned on this, and it meant this would take longer than he wanted it to--though a gut feeling said it was already going to take a lot longer than desired without this on top.
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.: Shinohara :.

Not wanting to startle the photographer, Shinohara had to force himself to simply nod along with her words even if it was anything except the truth, he had no evidence and he didn't even know Koizumi personally, and Shinohara knew that he held an advantage as well as a disadvantage with being such an outsider to this.

Perhaps even enough to convince Koizumi to try to accept the possibility that Sendo didn't do this torture to her, or to at least try to focus on something other than the torture aspect, even just trying to think about events that happened within the mansion to figure out how foggy her memory was.

Shinohara didn't expect Yuki's outburst however, and the fatherly man didn't hesitate to reach out across to her seat and wipe away some tears from her left eye, rubbing slightly to try to comfort the girl as if she were his own child as he hushed her.
Although soon after hearing his walkie talkie go of, Shinohara had to respond quickly, and so he raised a finger to let the two girls know to excuse him as he allowed himself to sit up.

"Hmm...? you forgot her?! how... just how could you forget something so vital.." Shinohara sighed heavily, not wanting to get angry for a mistake that anyone could make, yet at the same time the S.W.A.T member wanted to lash out to let Sendo know that his comrades lives were at stake, and any mistake wouldn't be tolerated at a critical time like this.

Composing himself, Shinohara gave in to his caring nature and decided not to make too big of a fuss about it, as he would take care of the problem himself, and decided to instead voice his concerns.
"Never mind, it's fine, I'll bring her.. but at least tell me this much, Are they safe? do you see them?"

Shinohara's feet started carrying back towards the table where the two girls sat, and without really thinking about it the S.W.A.T member undid his only form of protection from his holster, removing his revolver and placing it on Yuki's lap,
Shinohara pointed to the safety switch to show the girl that it was off so to be careful, then taking out the last piece of candy in his back pocket.
The man then placed the treat in Koizumi's hand as a parting gift before he turned his attention back to Yuki and leaning down placing both hands on his knees to reach her level.

"I have to go.. I hate leaving you two at a time like this, but if you stay put, you should be safe.. this thing might look dangerous, but it's all I can offer you to protect yourselves right now, and I'm guessing you haven't used a gun before so... just be careful, alright? I won't leave you time to protest." Shinohara gave a grim smile and made his departure, signaling for Z to follow him and only when he was certain that she was following, made his exit out of the kitchen and into the halls.

At the pace Shinohara was going, it wasn't long until the S.W.A.T member only had a little bit to go until he reached his destination. however, Shinohara had to squint as he could make out something at the end of the hall, something big was just lying on the ground and the man was heading straight for it.

.: Charles :.

Being so caught up in the moment, the old man had not noticed that Jasper already went ahead of him and was probably already at the exchange without the captives.

Charles made a tsking noise with the click of his tongue and shook his head, which in turn made his long white hair flow left to right from the motion.
The old man knew that Jasper was injured and in absolutely no state to be traveling alone, in fact, traveling alone for his servant would be very dangerous right now and Charles couldn't help that he would have to speed things up so he could meet with Jasper soon,
If he took too long then Jasper could be in some real trouble and that was something Charles just wouldn't allow.

So with a spin of his heel, Charles faced the captives with a look of disgust upon his features, this wasn't the kind of work he was used to and he wasn't particularly ecstatic to be escorting these buffoons to the exchange point, yet he also knew that there was no one else here for the job at this moment.

Charles scoffed as he came forward and made his way over to Evan, he looked to be the weakest of the bunch and the cruel old man figured if he took him, then Kenai would have no choice but to follow, with that in mind Charles snatched Evan up by the shoulder, gripping hard as he dug his nails into the investigators shoulder and gave him a rough tug, not missing a beat as he began to drag the wounded investigator along with him down the hall.

"Come now, Kenai! if you don't, then you might not get to see dear Evan ever again.." Charles mocked coldly, not amused in the least as he continued to practically drag Evan down the hallway and make his way to the study.

(Quick post is quick~ </3)
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Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo felt a little worse about having missed such an important detail when Shinohara gave him a very worried reaction--he really hadn't wanted the man to think the deal was going badly; but in truth there was just no telling what way it would go to begin with. "According to Jasper, the investigators refused to come. As soon as Z gets here, he will lead me to them." he explained, hoping to sound like nothing would be different. He tried not to let his skeptical feelings show in his voice as the different outcomes played out in his mind. If things went awry however, he wasn't afraid to fight Jasper, Charles or even the both of them at this point--they were on his blacklist as it was.

Yuki Shiro ~

Yuki quieted down when Shinohara dried the tears from her eye, attempting to calm her. It worked, but now she only felt awful that she'd probably given Koizumi too much information to handle at once--and the girl would most likely disregard all of it now. She sat silently, staring at the table with a pensive look as Sendo spoke over the walkie-talkie. It didn't sound like things were going too well, and she felt a pit form in her stomach as Shinohara placed a firearm in her hands; Yuki was about to protest when she realized she really might need it in this mansion. Looking up, she saw that the investigator was about to leave, "Please be careful, Mr.Shinohara...!" she said in a quiet voice, though she wasn't sure if the man had heard her as he exited the kitchen with Z.
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Tears streamed down my cheek as she shoved her finger in my socket, biting my lip to prevent myself from screaming out in pain. Once Saionji yanked her finger back out, I dropped down to my knees. I stared at her bloodied shoes for a moment before taking out the cloth I had offered to her earlier. "S-sorry, miss..." I muttered as I started to wipe off the blood from her slippers, something that I would have never done. "I'm not chicken. If I were to kill you, any of you, then I would never get to see Philip ever again..." I murmured quietly, moving on to cleaning her next shoe. "I had figured out that man's riddle. Charles was up in the watchtower when I got up there. He then ripped out my eye..." I continued, never looking up at her as I finished wiping away the blood. "I think he knew that I had sodium on me, and that I would probably explode when I got wet. So he tossed me into the Jacuzzi in one of the bathrooms. But sodium doesn't react as well in hot water as it does in cold, so I managed to get out with some burns..."

Z didn't quite realize that she was supposed to follow Sendo, so when Shinohara started to leave, Z leaped eagerly in his direction to follow him to the meeting point. It wasn't hopeless after all! Z's mood had almost instantly recovered, and she skipped along beside Mr. Shinohara, humming happily to herself. She looked up at the police officer and frowned when she realized he was nowhere near as excited to see Jasper as she was, until she finally followed his gaze towards the thing at the end of the hall he seemed so focused on.
"What is it?"


Kenai cringed, now finally realizing the wound Charles had inflicted. His flesh was torn deeply to the bone, revealing some of the white though the blood seemed to cover it nicely. It was agony, wave after wave of agony as he felt himself slowly bleeding out, regardless of the pressure he attempted to put on it. Standing shakily, he followed behind Charles, keeping a close eye on Evan though he felt his movements slowing tremendously. He knew he had to make it to the room quickly, that way Shinohara could at least tend slightly to his wound.​
Evan yelped in pain when Charles suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder. "Let me go, this instant! I will call Shinohara right now." He felt for his pocket when he realized that Jasper had taken his walkie talkie with him. Starting to panic a bit, he called towards Kenai, "Call Shinohara and the others! Before it's too late..."

Jasper burst out into open laughter then started to hold his shoulder, where the bullet had hit him when it started to hurt from his laughter. He asked in a mocking manner, "Why am I not surprised that you forgot your end of the bargain too, hm?" This was going to be a lot more entertaining than he had expected it to be. "Can you at least uncuff me for the time being? I really should tend to my wounds before I pass out on you." He gave the other a cheeky little smile, hoping they'd listen to reason or at least offer to patch him up themselves.
Nagito Komaeda

The tall boy felt a strange migraine coming on - why did he feel such a weight on his shoulders? He'd done what he had come here for already, to eliminate any or all who try to go against hope. The hope of the other people here and maybe even the hopes of the people waiting for them to return to the outside of the mansion. What had it been like out there again? He'd remembered he was miserable - Komaeda was lucky enough to even be able to survive. Being alone only added on to the weight of his illness, and he'd realized that really, all he could do to make his life worth living was to kill the deceitful ones to make room for hope. His condition was already as terrible as it was, and he'd long since stopped seeing his doctor, just drifting aimlessly waiting for death to take him without any purpose or anyone to live for, causing the boy to fall into a state of depression.

Day after day, the boy debated if he should take his own life. What use would he be to anyone, and would anyone even care? Why had he been so selfish to think that his life meant something? It was until then that that strange man appeared - Charles - saying he'd pay for him to kill visitors in a mansion alongside other killers. At first, Komaeda thought this was a great opportunity. He took the offer despite having practically a fortune, thinking that maybe if he killed the other killers he'd be let out, and nobody in that mansion would have to live in fear. When he'd first arrived, he hid himself away from the others because he knew well that none of them would try to interact with him - he was trash after all - and he'd needed time to himself to plan out each of the killers' deaths. When he was in the middle of planning out that strange man's death, Jasper was it- the albino had burst into the room which had startled Komaeda. What was he doing here? Why was he here.. was it a strange prank? He was speechless at first, but for some strange reason, felt relief and even happiness at having the first face-to-face interaction with someone else in many years, and he wasn't going to be told off as demented, as per his illness. He did feel genuine happiness - but he also knew that with good luck comes equally bad bad luck - and it looks like this.. this was it. It ended in the very person who he was so happy to have befriended's death. It was something he had to do, right..? Right? He was hardly sure himself anymore.

Just then, he heard footsteps. Approaching quickly. The boy quickly hurried out of the scene, getting away as far as he can from the corpse and the person coming.

Saionji Hiyoko

"You'd better be sorry! Philip is crazy - you should really find better men to chase because he's stupid and weird!"
Saionji frowned, crossing her arms and flicking off the blood from her finger. "You should have fought more too - Charles is an old man - an old man!! How could you lose to him?! Even I could have done a better job of protecting myself!" Saionji frowned, squinting at the maid like she was a lunatic. The girl then took a glance at the girl and instantly pitied her - she looked.. pathetic. "Look, do you need bandages or something?"
Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo merely glared, unamused at the man when he was called out on the matter. "Why don't you just stay put and let me fix it?" he said reluctantly, going across the room and pulling a first aid kit he'd hidden inside the drawers of a fine piece of furniture. There was also a box of small cakes he had left there, from which he snatched a pastry and put it in his mouth as he opened the kit to find everything he needed to tend to Jasper's bullet wound. Swallowing, he removed his gloves and walked back over to Jasper, setting to work after guiding him to a sofa.

"So, how'd you manage to get shot?" he asked, wondering to himself why exactly he was fixing up his enemy. As much as he wanted to let the man bleed out and die though, the deal wasn't finished; and surely there would be a period of immunity for both parties for a while afterward--then both sides would be reunited with their team and the real game could begin. There was no telling what Jasper and Charles had up their sleeves however, always twisting and bending the rules, making sudden decision changes like children would.

He half expected to go through all of this and find the investigators dying or dead, a thought that disgusted him to no end. Sendo truly hoped they had enough sense not to do something like that.
"Philip is not crazy. Nor is he stupid or weird... He was injured, much more than I am now. Charles was going to behead him if I hadn't shot Philip. We had to fake his death. I don't get it... Why should I even worry about others? Everyone is going to die at some point in time... But either way, I love him..." I murmured, my gaze never leaving the ground as I stood up. "Charles may be old, but he has years of experience, far more than I have. I only had the time to take chemistry and English courses when I was younger before I had to run away from home, so it's no wonder that I'm so stupid... The only thing I have to protect myself is my blunderbuss, and I ran out of bullets awhile ago." I uttered this part under my breath, running my fingers over the handle of the weapon. But as soon as she mentioned my bandages, my eye widened in surprise at her sympathy. "Yes, I do... But maybe we could look for an eye patch instead?"

.: Shinohara :.

Snapping out of his trance when Z asked what exactly he saw, Shinohara responded with a shake of his head.
"I'm not exactly sure.. but it's big, isn't it? some sort of lump in the road.. don't suppose someone dropped a camel?"
Shinohara bitterly joked, his signature horrible humour coming into play. Although his gut began winching with anxiety upon each step he took towards that lump in the road.

The man had a very bad feeling about approaching whatever was in their way, be it a trap or something else, Shinohara knew that this mansion only held misfortune and sorrow for all those that entered it, this place shouldn't even have existed in the first place, however the S.W.A.T. member felt confident that he could put an end to all of this agony and suffering,
However, no one would have to feel the amount of despair this mansion bestowed upon them ever again once he apprehended Charles and took the senile old fool away for good.

Although nothing could prepare Shinohara for what his eyes were about to see, not even his years of training back at the academy to be ready for any situation at any give time would help him as his eyes met the most horrific sight that Shinohara could of even imagined.

Just ahead of Shinohara and Z, in tattered clothing laid a familiar Albino upon the cold marble floor, the stitched boy was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises, his body just laying there unmoving in what appeared to be a mess of his own blood, some of the red liquid still slowly escaping his nearly severed leg that was cut clean through, yet despite all of the abuse done to Suzuya's body somehow the stitched boy looked peaceful, upon closer inspection there was even a small smile upon the boy's lips that made Shinohara pray that this was somehow a joke that the stitched boy was playing.

Shinohara's heart dropped into his stomach while he felt his breath hitch in his throat, the man took a wobbly step forward, swallowing down the saliva inside his mouth as he stared in utter pure terror towards the scene laid out in front of him, his legs shakily carried him over to his son, and dropping to his knees besides the albino, Shinohara grabbed Suzuya and desperately pulled the stitched boy into his lap.

"Quit playing around, this isn't the time... hey... hey.. it's time to wake up, this isn't funny, you know?" Shinohara started to beg his unmoving son, tightening his grip on the boy as he gave him a reassuring squeeze, as if telling Suzuya that it was okay to stop playing around now, that he couldn't handle this kind of joke, that this was too much.

Shinohara felt his throat start to tighten up and his breathing grew heavy as he couldn't help the tears that filled his eyes and stung his cheeks, seeping out without warning when only silence came from his son.

"This isn't happening... this isn't happening..." Shinohara weakly choked, not really wanting an answer as he only continued to stare at his son, praying for any signs of movement or even a laugh to come from the Albino, then lightly beginning to rock Suzuya back and forth in a comforting motion within his arms.

Only seconds ago had the S.W.A.T member been so sure of himself, cracking idiotic jokes and being so ready to take down the master of this mansion, to end this charade and to be able to come home with his son, enjoy the simple life as they both watched television and played stupid games that helped them bond, Shinohara also wanted to get his son into law enforcement soon, and was going to introduce him to the business when they escaped this hell hole, because he felt like his son was ready after experiencing something like this, that he deserved a change of pace and to work along side his father.

Shinohara couldn't help the way his body shook, he was in utter disbelief and refused to accept this reality as one that he would be able to live in, he wouldn't accept that his son was really dead, there had to be another reason for this and he was going to find it, Shinohara would make sure that Suzuya woke up, that the stitched boy would come home with him just as the father had planned.
This wouldn't be the reality that he accepted, this was all wrong, and he wasn't about to let this happen, there was no way he would let this become his reality.

Because Suzuya wouldn't allow this to happen to himself, he would of fought, he would of struggled to live, and with this conviction buried deep within his mind, Shinohara bit his lip until he drew blood as he slowly whispered out, giving instructions to Z as he continued to sit there withering in his own insecurities and denial.

"Go on ahead... leave us alone, just leave us alone.. just take my keys... and go.." His voice came out strangled and shrill, the man was struggling to even whisper, his entire mind having a breakdown as he cradled the limp body of his son in his arms, squeezing tightly as he was afraid to let go of Suzuya.

.: Charles :.

"I wouldn't be so quick to suggest that.." Charles scolded Evan as he drug the investigator along the floor like nothing more than a garbage bag that the old man had to dispose of before the smell got too putrid and rotten, Charles continued to dig his nails into Evan's shoulder to reinstall his grip as he turned the corner, then upon seeing Jasper up ahead the old man grinned at the sight that brought a sense of relief to his system.
Knowing that he wouldn't have to keep up this tedious work too much longer, after all, Charles wasn't one for manual labor, he had servants to do this kind of thing, for a man his age, Charles figured that he was getting too old to be lugging around bodies throughout his own mansion.

Coming back to look at the boy he was dragging behind him, Charles decided it wouldn't hurt to give Evan some of his own advice.
"If Shinohara were to come now.. wouldn't that put both of you in more danger than you already are? simply foolish, to suggest your own deaths.. or maybe you consider yourselves noble for it?
Oh, but it doesn't matter either way of course, I'm just curious what causes cattle like you to act heroically.. although I will assure you that man won't come if he truly cares for your safety."

Charles knew fully well that Evan would probably just disregard his words, yet that didn't stop the old man from giving his input, perhaps as the truth could always hurt more than any lie could if it was used correctly, in fact, in this particular situation the truth revealed just how helpless and vulnerable the investigators were, they were being used as bargaining chips and there was no guarantee they would even make it out of this alive.
Now, if their precious Shinohara cared for them at all as Charles knew the man did, the S.W.A.T. member would make no move, being smart enough to figure out that if he did anything to interrupt this exchange or turn the tables, Charles would have to just hack off an arm or two for the investigators acting recklessly and disobeying his servant's orders.

Charles considered himself to be a stickler for rules, he liked to follow them and would always make sure that the participants in any game would as well.

Nevertheless, Charles soon came upon the door to the study, and waltz right on in and with a forceful shove the old man threw Evan to the floor rather harshly, suddenly asking the most obvious thing he noticed amiss within the study.
"Hm... I don't see my traitorous Z... Did someone not hold up their end of the bargain?"

Sendo Senkusha ~

Sendo looked up from Jasper's bullet wound as the loud thud of Evan hitting the floor rang out through the room. Forgetting about Jasper, he hurried over to help the investigator up as Charles entered the room. "Z is on her way--why did you not hold up your end of the bargain? The hostages were to be unharmed...!" he said through gritted teeth. This was going terribly wrong and if Charles expected Sendo to just accept this outcome, he had another thing coming.

"This hardly seems like a fair trade anymore, Charles." he commented, "I think some adjustments are in order." Sendo slipped his gloves back on, patience wearing thin as the seconds went by in Charles' presence; and the urge to simply kill him here and now was getting harder to suppress. "As compensation for mistreating the hostages... You are going to give me, the investigators and the other victims complete immunity for a full 24-hours after this deal is completed." he demanded, "In return of course, no one will be attacking you or your associates during this time either. After all, both parties will need time to recover." Sendo nodded in the direction of Jasper with his unfinished bandaging job, which, he didn't intend on completing anymore. Charles would have to worry about that, now.
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