Well, the beans suck

you didn't. people have the right to complain about, criticize and/or dislike aspects of something while enjoying the rest, and i'm not entirely sure what part of that is so hard to understand. your initial statement wasn't cut and dry a la "if you flat out hate everything about the game, stop playing" because i could agree with that, even if it's not my place to tell people what they can and can't do. no, you said (or implied, whatever) that people who complain whatsoever can't call themselves fans and/or shouldn't play the game which is a ridiculous thing to say given that, again, criticism and enjoyment are not mutually exclusive. you can do both, plenty of people do, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I never said no one didn't have right.
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But I see what you're saying
Hey everyone, please tone down the comments towards other users. Everyone is free to have any view about the beans as strongly as they feel, so let's avoid public criticism when people share their opinion about them here.
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Honestly I just feel like... There are always some people that post negativity in every single thread regardless of if it suits the topic, I’ve had that happen too. I‘ve made threads asking about stuff people like and included in the first post to please not post just to say ‘nothing’ or ‘I hate all of it’ because it wasn’t constructive to the topic and I still got those posts. I think that because of that people are a bit tired of the hate, so when they see actual critique or discussion they feel a bit down about it all, so it ends up seeming like there are two camps. While in reality we’re all just here to discuss the game with only a few exceptions that are really on a ‘side’
And no, the beans (like the updates, ha!) aren't "free". Nintendo hasn't given us any "free" updates despite being marketed as such. Almost everything in these updates (other than select few things that mostly happened early on) are staples of the series.
Absolutely anything they provide after the release date, whether it’s a bug fix, QoL adjustment, object content, or interactive gameplay is free. That goes for whether or not we’ve had it in the past. They absolutely could charge for DLC for content we have or haven’t had in the past, like other life simulations do (cough- The Sims) but they don’t. And that’s something worth noting and definitely worth appreciating. Whereas other companies treat their fans poorly, Nintendo isn’t doing that. I hold zero loyalty to any company, but I think it’s vital to give credit where it’s due.

ETA: Also worth noting, because lots seem to be forgetting about this, the beans in NL were a Japanese exclusive item. If you were outside of Japan, you likely either hacked them into NL or paid an absurd amount of bells for someone to give you the object (likely hacked in anyway). I’d wager the majority of players could not even get this item at all. In NH, it’s accessible to all players regardless of country and that’s a great thing!
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ETA: Also worth noting, because lots seem to be forgetting about this, the beans in NL were a Japanese exclusive item. If you were outside of Japan, you likely either hacked them into NL or paid an absurd amount of bells for someone to give you the object (likely hacked in anyway) to get the object. It was not accessible to all players like it is in NH.

post-WA you could get them from harvey in the campground, so they were 100% accessible to all players. from launch? no. but they also didn't even exist period in NH at launch so.
post-WA you could get them from harvey in the campground, so they were 100% accessible to all players. from launch? no. but they also didn't even exist period in NH at launch so.
Thanks for the info, I must have missed that because I was luckily able to obtain them after weeks and weeks of searching for them back then.

Even so, are you really going to still claim that it was 100% accessible and inclusive to all players if required players outside of Japan to wait for New Leaf’s ONLY major content patch, which dropped a whopping 3-4 years after the game’s release date?

In New Horizons, everyone got them for the first Setsubun that hit following the game’s release date, regardless of country. That’s accessible and inclusive.
Thanks for the info, I must have missed that because I was luckily able to obtain them after weeks and weeks of searching for them back then.

Even so, are you really going to still claim that it was 100% accessible and inclusive to all players if required players outside of Japan to wait for New Leaf’s ONLY major content patch, which dropped a whopping 3-4 years after the game’s release date?

In New Horizons, everyone got them for the first Setsubun that hit following the game’s release date, regardless of country. That’s accessible and inclusive.

"still claim" i never claimed anything in the first place, i was just pointing out that you were wrong in saying the beans weren't accessible to all players in NL when they were.
"still claim" i never claimed anything in the first place, i was just pointing out that you were wrong in saying the beans weren't accessible to all players in NL when they were.
post-WA you could get them from harvey in the campground, so they were 100% accessible to all players. from launch? no. but they also didn't even exist period in NH at launch so.

The bolded from your post is where you claimed that. I’m not getting into a discussion of semantics with you, and you can disagree with me all you’d like. All I know is that I’m very happy that NH is a far more inclusive game than New Leaf was. And I love both of them, but the fact you can’t even make your character dark-skinned whatsoever outside of tanning is enough said when it comes to how inclusive it was.

And really, that’s all I have to say on this matter; With all respect, I’m not going any further with this discussion.
Looks like I'm in the minority who never cared for the beans in New Leaf and therefore don't care for them in NH too. Like, they are funny to use for like a few minutes until I get bored and put them in my storage where they're pretty much stay forever from there on to a point where I forgot that I even have them.

Also wow, this thread got wild over some virtual beans...
Looks like I'm in the minority who never cared for the beans in New Leaf and therefore don't care for them in NH too. Like, they are funny to use for like a few minutes until I get bored and put them in my storage where they're pretty much stay forever from there on to a point where I forgot that I even have them.

Also wow, this thread got wild over some virtual beans...
I’m in the same boat. I had the beans in NL through trading and I must say that either I’m remembering them incorrectly, or people are just over praising them. They’re beans. How crazy realistic do you want them to be?

And before someone says “you probably don’t appreciate the finer details,” trust me, I do. Between the villagers’ breathing during the winter, reflections of lighting in certain floorings and the way fans will sway house plants among countless other little details, I can definitely say I am one who appreciates small details while being realistic in knowing that just because something isn’t exactly the way it was before doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.
The bolded from your post is where you claimed that. I’m not getting into a discussion of semantics with you, and you can disagree with me all you’d like. All I know is that I’m very happy that NH is a far more inclusive game than New Leaf was. And I love both of them, but the fact you can’t even make your character dark-skinned whatsoever outside of tanning is enough said when it comes to how inclusive it was.

And really, that’s all I have to say on this matter; With all respect, I’m not going any further with this discussion.
You could get the beans from Harv though.

I had heaps of them, and they had a purpose.
You feed the birds with Harv.
i don't really think everybody is having an extreme reaction to just beans, i think beans are just representative of the bigger issue.

it's built up, little missing or added details that might not really be disturbing upon release.

but update after update, these details add up, it's understandable for people to be upset at missing features which were in acnl, an older and lower graphics game already by default. it's kind of like waiting for the next update only to hope that a feature isn't more watered down. it's also kind of confusing why they're watered down in the first place. to appeal to a greater audience...?
i don't really think everybody is having an extreme reaction to just beans, i think beans are just representative of the bigger issue.

it's built up, little missing or added details that might not really be disturbing upon release.

but update after update, these details add up, it's understandable for people to be upset at missing features which were in acnl, an older and lower graphics game already by default. it's kind of like waiting for the next update only to hope that a feature isn't more watered down. it's also kind of confusing why they're watered down in the first place. to appeal to a greater audience...?

yeah this is like a death by a thousand paper cuts scenario - all of the little gripes we may have dont hurt the game substantially on their own but once they start piling together the bigger issue starts to arise. pretty much every problem (big or small) with this game has something in common - its lacking something.
theyve made so many steps forward but have taken so much back too. maybe im not "supposed" to compare it with previous titles but a lot of what we have has been watered down. this wont affect everyone but for me that makes it way less enjoyable.
It's people like you who insist that if someone "complains" about a game they don't like it. I "like" ACNH. I just think it has a lot of shortcomings.

This is a good point.

I -love- ACNH. But there are things from previous games that I miss and really hold out hope that they will eventually include in ACNH at some point down the line. The only thing I worry about sometimes is people focus so much on what they don't like, that they don't enjoy what's there. But that's not meant to be an insult at all, or try to silence people. I 100% believe that people need to voice their dislikes and grievances with the game. If there's never any feedback on what players like or don't like, then how would the game developers know what we want?
i don't really think everybody is having an extreme reaction to just beans, i think beans are just representative of the bigger issue.

it's built up, little missing or added details that might not really be disturbing upon release.

but update after update, these details add up, it's understandable for people to be upset at missing features which were in acnl, an older and lower graphics game already by default. it's kind of like waiting for the next update only to hope that a feature isn't more watered down. it's also kind of confusing why they're watered down in the first place. to appeal to a greater audience...?

Totally agree with you.
I also think people, who create this kind of topic, want to see if others share the same thought.
a good game have good and bad points, there is nothing wrong by sharing opinions.
This thread perfectly sums up how I feel about New Horizons in general.

But at least the graphics and soundtrack is fire.
yeah this is like a death by a thousand paper cuts scenario - all of the little gripes we may have dont hurt the game substantially on their own but once they start piling together the bigger issue starts to arise. pretty much every problem (big or small) with this game has something in common - its lacking something.
theyve made so many steps forward but have taken so much back too. maybe im not "supposed" to compare it with previous titles but a lot of what we have has been watered down. this wont affect everyone but for me that makes it way less enjoyable.
I fully agree with you. This game has improved so many things that I liked, bu that removed some others for no apparent reason? Some features which were really enjoyable and that I miss every time I play the game.