Well, the beans suck

I didn't gloss over your post. I read it several times before deciding to respond. I even reread it just now. I will admit to still being a bit sleepy from a nap, so it is totally possible that I missed that one line several times. (Because I just reread it again and saw it :rolleyes:. I'm only human. Sometimes I wish I was Ribbot.)

I would also like to point out that all of the holiday items have technically been redesigned. So technically, they are new. And customizable! The way you get the pirate items is also new in this game and the way you get the mermaid items in this game are new. They even put in the mermaid fence which is brand new. (I think? Was there a mermaid fence for your house in NL? I honestly forget) There are variations of megaphones 📣 now where there was only one before. We have got new reactions and new hairstyles that weren't in any AC game before. This is the first game where we can all get regional items easily (even if they are just something to be ordered from the catalog).

They just might not be totally revamping how each holiday works or making something new in that respect. But to say that they haven't been adding new things in the updates is untrue.
I think the mermaid fence was part of your home decor. So you went to Nook to do customs to your house and mermaid theme was one of them. So you could choose door, fence, roof, ect. I'm still trying to get most of pirate Gulliver's stuff. He's given me most of the clothes for the pirate costume, so I hope he can actually give me the pirate theme stuff now.

Pascal used to give the pirate stuff and the mermaid stuff was part of Club Toritmers mini-game rewards. It took a lot of medals to buy the sets. So even though Pascal can be a pain in the butt of giving you pearls instead of diy, it's not as time consuming. Or it may be the same amount depending on how lucky you get. Because you still do need to catch the pearls to craft.

I remember spending a full day doing medals and then jumping club islands to buy the full set for one of my friend's birthdays. They kind of stopped being my friend soon after lol, so I should had kept it for myself.

Also that was my fault. I wrote content and I meant updates. That is on me, I am an idiot lol.
I was using the beans today and noticed they do make a small crunching noise when your villager puts their hand in it, and they do cause reactions from the water and flowers. it's obviously a little quieter than the ones in NL, but I think it's a cute addition nonetheless.
and if I remember correctly all the villagers did when you threw beans at them in NL was widen their eyes, it wasn't anything game changing...
I like that we're actually able to obtain them easily in NH and that there's a small description of their significance.
The OP never said it broke the game for them. Just that they loved how they worked in NL and was disappointed in how they were introduced in NH. But Animal Crossing is also about the simple little things. Birds coming to eat the beans you tossed, seeing the beans bounce across the ground and rustling a cluster of flowers. It's just those little simple things that they enjoyed and I did as well.

Even if the beans bounced on the ground and rustled flowers, you don't think people would still complain? (Reminder that the beans splatter water, including liquid floors, and I'm pretty sure they also interact with flowers although I haven't tested it myself).

I just feel like some of the complaints in this thread are a little on the unreasonable side of things.

I won't say the game is broken and I will never touch it because they made the beans less alluring in NH, but I am still disappointed that they didn't really add to it, took away from it, and also most of the content is from the old games. The only new content that they added were the pumpkins. Everything else was around since PG-NL. So it's kind of a shame that they cut the corners on the old content and also haven't added anything actually new.

Come on....you have to give New Horizons more credit than that. Outdoor decorating, terraforming, aren't anything new?
Even if the beans bounced on the ground and rustled flowers, you don't think people would still complain? (Reminder that the beans splatter water, including liquid floors, and I'm pretty sure they also interact with flowers although I haven't tested it myself).

I just feel like these complaints are a little on the unreasonable side of things.

Come on....you have to give New Horizons more credit than that. Outdoor decorating, terraforming, aren't anything new?
That was my bad, I meant the updates. Not the stuff that it came with, which are very new. They took from the other games NL (pwp) and PC (crafting) and made them better.
so i know i said i wasn't too interested in the beans but now i've had them for a few days, i'm starting to really like them

they've become my 2nd favourite held item after the wand 💕
So I got them today after reading this thread and wow. Did not expect them to be this bad.

I had asked before if they bounced off of object models properly like they did in NL but not unless if you're in front of water few beans just... disappear mid-air into the void. Not anywhere near as satisfying as they used to be, I remember how much time I used to spend just running around throwing them at things 😅
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No, this is terrible. I paid $59.99 + tax to receive free beans that, when hitting the floor, do not make a sound matching the note of F#, prompting a triple rainbow, doves to fly across my island, jump right out of my television, and swiftly zoom around my room as angels resembling Timmy and Tommy Nook sing a holy tune in acapella.

Currently figuring out how I'm going to refund a game that's a year old, that I've put 1,000+ hours into, and still play daily but with an angry face on. So frustrating. :mad:
With all due respect and, I mean this in the nicest way possible. But didn't you just say in another thread that people who enjoy the game should not be mocked or shaded? You are basically doing that just right now towards the people who didn't enjoy a part of the game and mocking them for being disappointed about little details. I think people who enjoy the game versus those who don't should stop engaging in threads that don't go their way. I get it's frustrating I really do, but I don't think we get much out of provoking each other at the slightest chance. (This goes both ways, as there is both a rant thread and a positivity thread)
So I got them today after reading this thread and wow. Did not expect them to be this bad.

I had asked before if they bounced off of object models properly like they did in NL but not unless if you're in front of what a few beans just... disappear mid-air into the void. Not anywhere near as satisfying as they used to be, I remember how much time I used to spend just running around throwing them at things 😅
yeah basically, instead of them bouncing around for a few seconds they literally just disappear right before they even hit the ground lol

man we all so choked up over beans, the AC community is so wild 😂😂
i agree that they're not as good as the beans from nl, but i don't really use any of the handheld items anyway so i'm not bothered by it or anything. i do miss ice cream and heart-shaped balloons, though...
With all due respect and, I mean this in the nicest way possible. But didn't you just say in another thread that people who enjoy the game should not be mocked or shaded? You are basically doing that just right now towards the people who didn't enjoy a part of the game and mocking them for being disappointed about little details. I think people who enjoy the game versus those who don't should stop engaging in threads that don't go their way. I get it's frustrating I really do, but I don't think we get much out of provoking each other at the slightest chance. (This goes both ways, as there is both a rant thread and a positivity thread)
No, I specifically said the shady and unkind name calling was unwarranted. There’s a clear and distinct difference between popping into every single thread with non-constructive negativity while also calling people “Nintendo-complacent”, fanboys, etc. versus my tongue in cheek comment over beans, which was humor intended for everyone, whether they like or dislike the game.

As for your last point, there is no point in having a forum if people can’t politely discuss and debate and things. That’s where great ideas and good discussion come from. But one shouldn’t be able to go from thread to thread with aggressive comments and negativity without someone else giving their own input on a feature that, maybe, they like. Personally, I feel the rant/positivity thread are a different matter, and should be kept true to their topic, but that’s just me.
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I liked how they attracted the birds in NL! Not only that, but if you had someone over and you tossed beans at them, they would do: O_O

But they don’t do that in NH and it was kinda meh, I didn’t play with them very long before I got bored with it.
Off to go buy them because I thought they were just decor and did not get one, so anything else will be a bonus
The one item I loved in NL and was so excited to get in NH is ruined. I was so disappointed with them. 😔🙄😐
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Though on the flip side I will say I'm happy I got them ! I didn't think they'd ever return so as much I was disappointed I'm still happy we got them at all ! I still love them and use them and enjoy them. It's a cute item and I won't be too hard on Nintendo for something so small since it was a surprise to me anyways. It's kind of my fault for expecting something to be exactly the same. I need to not be so stuck in the past ! 🌱✨
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I liked how they attracted the birds in NL! Not only that, but if you had someone over and you tossed beans at them, they would do: O_O
omg I totally forgot they did that, that was like one of the best things about the beans in NL 😂

also kinda off topic but I also miss the toy hammer a lot.
I'm deceased 💀
^^This is my favorite post of this whole thread lmao. 😂

I just downloaded the update yesterday. I haven't played in a month (which my. villagers had no problem reminding me of) and my character came out DUSTING HER HAIR OFF. Looking forward to checking out all the things in the update!
omg I totally forgot they did that, that was like one of the best things about the beans in NL 😂

also kinda off topic but I also miss the toy hammer a lot.
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No, this is terrible. I paid $59.99 + tax to receive free beans that, when hitting the floor, do not make a sound matching the note of F#, prompting a triple rainbow, doves to fly across my island, jump right out of my television, and swiftly zoom around my room as angels resembling Timmy and Tommy Nook sing a holy tune in acapella.

Currently figuring out how I'm going to refund a game that's a year old, that I've put 1,000+ hours into, and still play daily but with an angry face on. So frustrating. :mad:
Bruh I'm dead as hell 💀
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Ooh, still, they could change it so that you have to type the villager's name instead of actually saying it
Then what's the point of the megaphone is you can't tell out to the villager? Seems pointless. That item hardly worked for me in NL so I never used it 🤷‍♀️
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yeah basically, instead of them bouncing around for a few seconds they literally just disappear right before they even hit the ground lol

man we all so choked up over beans, the AC community is so wild 😂😂
Right? I know it's petty but I loved those beans 😂 I think too considering how hard they were to get at first made them feel more special
I do wanna say tho, that I’m sad I can’t harass my villagers by throwing beans at them lol. I was hoping they’d give a reaction to the throwing but oh well. 😂
I was really disappointed in the beans as well!

I have them in New Leaf and I love them. I love the little sound they make, how they bounce on the ground and over flowers, throwing them in the water, throwing them at my friends when they come to visit, etc etc.

I was so excited for them to come to New Horizons as well but as soon as I threw them I was just like... oh :(

It’s such a little thing but I don’t see why it needed to be change? Upgrade the graphics but keep the mechanics the same.