Take a deep breath, and re-read what you just said. As said in another thread, for many people AC (and life) is about the little things. These little things add up.
Was the thread complaining about the absence of the New Leaf campsite? No.
Was the thread complaining about the absence of Public Works Projects? No.
Was the thread complaining about the lack of Club LOL? No.
Was the thread complaining about the absence of that streetpass place with Digby? Absolutely not.
Was the thread complaining about the 3DS/Wii U items being missing? Nope.
So other than showcasing your disdain for those of us who appreciate the little things in Animal Crossing, what intelligent thought were you trying to portray with that statement?
"New Leaf did this, New Leaf did that."
The beans are just one item. They just function in an objectively lesser way than they did in the PREVIOUS ITERATION of the game that existed on weaker hardware. It's not psychopathic to expect at least the same level of quality on something like that.
This isn't doing different things. This isn't "change". This is a cookie cutter example of laziness.
Again - you're dismissing the people who enjoy the little things in life. This isn't "you hate someone so much, everything they do is annoying."
I don't see why "negative threads" also known as "anything that vaguely criticizes New Horizons" should be relegated to a single thread.
I don't think it's hate. I think people play the game having subpar expectations, and somehow the game disappoints on that too! You know, you (and many others) seem to be heavily annoyed by the "hate" you read on here about this game. You could say that random internet users negative opinions on a game you like is insignificant. You could say it's small and trivial - but yet here you (and many others) are complaining about it. Have you ever thought that the same feeling you have about seeing these threads, is a similar feeling others like myself get when we boot up ACNH? When the game turns on, and these things you claim are "small and trivial" appear and just dampers our enjoyment of the game?
I get that this was probably for the laughs - and it was kinda funny, but it also makes a mockery of those who enjoy little things. Am I personally offended? No. But I've made less condescending statements before and am pinned with words such as "aggressive", "rude", etc.
And no, the beans (like the updates, ha!) aren't "free". Nintendo hasn't given us any "free" updates despite being marketed as such. Almost everything in these updates (other than select few things that mostly happened early on) are staples of the series.