This whole "Hillary is as bad as Trump" thing needs to stop. I can't wrap my head around the level of ignorance that would make someone think they're on the same level.
Ok Hillary is:
in support of a Syrian no fly zone, which means if Russia violated that no fly zone it would cause war between the U.S. and Russia
Corrupt as hell, her cohesion with the DNC, which was supposed to be a neutral organization in support of all Democrats, rigged the election and after the chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz stepped down Hillary appointed her as honorary chairwoman of her campaign, no joke
Gives political favors to her donors, including tax breaks to massive corporations
In support of the Patriot act which allows government surveillance on whomever, she also doesn't want to pardon whistleblowers like Edward Snowden
Supports hydraulic fracking, which poisons water
Supports the death penalty
Has a history of supporting awful free trade deals which let companies outsource jobs (like Trump's clothing lines lolol)
Made comments targeted at blacks on a proposed law calling them "supercriminals"
Believes in taking political positions to get votes, having a quote: "public and private position", so we can't even believe half the **** she says she's gonna do
In leaked emails again, she met with her biggest donors, and said they were of higher priority, among her donors there's pharmaceutical companies, oil companies, the parent companies of CNN and ABC networks, Wall Street banks, and other figures that want influence politics to their advantage, and know Hillary she'll hand it to them in a heartbeat
She supports arming rebels in Syria, and the rebels are mixed in with Jihadists since Assad released them from prisons, and not to mention most of the less extreme rebels have fled by now
Emails lol
She's barely liberal, and damn close to being on par with Trump if you actually read between the lines. Anyway I'd vote Jill Stein.