What AC fruit is the best?

I’m basically okay with either apples, cherries, or peaches. I have cherries as native fruit on my island, but honestly I miss the look of perfect fruits so much. The apples were delectable in their perfect from in NL; the peaches looked so juicy and the cherries look so pretty with their gradient colors! Also miss the lychees from NL.
Before the tropical fruits were introduced, I've always liked apples and oranges. But now I just want the mangoes and lemons.
My favorite is peaches since they are one of my favorites irl. after that oranges, apples and then pears. I don’t like cherries.

Fruit I’d like to see are strawberries or raspberries, guava, pineapples, nectarines (my favorite).
I've always liked the look of cherries and I never got them as my official fruit. That being said, it's not hard to fake your official fruit. I would say peaches especially the perfect peaches because of the obvious butt motif. Golden butts? yes please.

In ACNL, I liked the persimmons and bananas a lot.
I don't care too too much, though I guess cherries would be my favorite if I had to pick one (like the design + red). I guess my preference would probably go in order of how I care about them in real life anyways (cherries > peaches > apples > oranges > pears), lol.
I have had a love for oranges for years since I had a dream as a small child about a spaceship that looked like a giant orange. In NL and CF, I had peaches as native fruit. In New Horizons, I was looking primarily for a green airport. Imagine my joy when I not only got a green airport, but oranges also.
all of the fruits are great imo but my personal favourites are apples and peaches! i’ve always liked the appearance of them + their respective furniture is pretty nice, too! the peach chair is so good,,
I love the cherries, peaches and apples. I have cherries on my island now which I'm so happy with, but if I'd gotten either of the other two I'd have been happy as well.
My favorite is cherries, followed by apples. I thought I would have to reset for cherries, but got them on my first try—with apples as my secondary fruit!
apples look the nicest imo, not a huge fan of the pears since they look kinda weird with the tree leaves

if i had to rank them then like... apples > cherries > oranges > peaches > pears
My favourite is the persimmon. It also happens to be my favourite IRL fruit as well. I liked how it had a different unlocking method compared to the other fruits.
I like cherries the best, because I like the look of the perfect cherries in New Leaf. That was my town fruit. In New Horizons, my native fruit is peaches and they're ok.
Personally, I like apples. Not just in the game but in general- I like the colors, the appearance, the taste (both plain and baked in things), and basically the whole aesthetic. They're my favorite fruit! And I just think something about apple trees says "cute cozy town" and they fit on basically every animal crossing island/in any town. I wanted them as my native fruit, but I ended up with peaches, which are my second favorite. Again, in both real life and in-game, lol.

That being said, there aren't any fruits I really dislike (I guess if I had to pick a least favorite it'd be pears, only because green fruit and green trees looks a tad boring to me) unless you're talking about to eat, in which case I don't like cherries. Ironically, I love cherry flavored anything, but I dislike the texture of actual cherries. They're somehow both firm and squishy... and there's something unsettling about that. But they are cute and I love cherry print stuff!

...And there you have my ramblings on fruit 😝