What AC fruit is the best?

Cherries, apples and peaches were and are still my favorites. I would also add lemons as a honorable mention here, too bad they are not available in NH so far.
Peaches are the best because they sell for the most when not on a native island. Aesthetic-wise, I think all of them look good when used good.
I like the peaches the most, fortunately they happened to be my native fruit! They're probably my favorite in real life as well.

I'm also very partial to the lemons but they're not in NH- those are my favorite overall!
personally, i think the cherries and apples look best! the oranges are not far behind :)

i've never seen why people hated the pears so much, i've always liked them. i think peaches are quite nice too, but they've always been my main fruit in every single game's first town of mine, i'd like to switch it up! plus they look like butts in the trees especially in new horizons LOL
I love the color of the peachs, and the cherries as well! Tbh, I'm not a big fan of the other fruits you can have for now.
I hope the old fruits from NL will be back someday! Maybe for summer?
Bring back persimmons and lychees and durians!!! and bananas!!!

as far as vanilla fruits go, cherries and peaches are usually my hope when starting.
i like oranges the most! they're my favourite real-life fruit, and in a bizarre stroke of luck they've been the native fruit i've had in every ac game i've played. i also really like the apples because they look really tasty in ac.......
Apples are the best imo, they just look so good and ig I just really like the red with the green trees, ik cherries are red as well but I just like how the apples look better...
I like apples, peaches, and pears. I'm less fond of cherries but have them on one island. I don't like oranges because they come from a different more-tropical climate and most of my islands have been temperate deciduous forest type islands.
For my island since its tropical themed I have only oranges! But my overall favorite AC fruit would probably be peaches, especially since I really like how perfect peaches look.
i don't really have a preference. strawberries are my favorite fruit irl, but they tragically don't exist in AC. if i had to pick though, i'd say the pear just because the NH sprite looks like it has a little happy face on it.


see? baby.
They're all kinda useless after a certain point. Especially with lack of "perfect" fruits.

Favorite is probably cherry, just because they look nice on the tree...especially during sakura season.
I like peaches but I miss the banana and grapes from the other games.
Does anyone think they'll come back?