What are Collectables?


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2015
User Title Color Change
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
Voodoo Doll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Almost every time I'm here, I see people selling "collectables" for like 800TBT! What are they? How do I get them? Do they do anything? Do I have any?
I'm no professional but i think it may be something like cake or chocolates or mystery bags or something like that. I hope this has helped!! Please come and consider entering my competition at I think its " another competition " don't click on competition time. Please consider entering...
Collectables you can buy in the "shop" next to "rules" and "what's new". They don't do anything but are nice to collect. Some of them are unavailable right now so they go for a lot of money.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(As you can see, I have the HHD one)
Majestic thing that live under a users avatar. Some are rare, others not so much. but very fun to collect. Some collectibles are unique so anything unique can't be sold to other users. Hope I helped, even if others answered before me. :)
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Yep, as everyone else said, they're just mystical little things that you...collect! You can buy them in the shop for TBT, although most of them are out of stock right now. Some collectibles, like oranges and pears, are common because you can always buy them in the shop. Others, like popsicles, were sold/given out a long time ago and the only way you can get them now is to buy them from other members. These are worth a lot! Whenever there is an event at TBT (like Halloween is coming up) there are special collectibles, so keep an eye out!

You can see your collectibles whenever you post, under your avatar and join date. You have a pear. c: